home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2007-07-25 | 316.7 KB | 8,498 lines |
- /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Extension Manager.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ben Goodger.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Ben Goodger <ben@mozilla.org> (Google Inc.)
- * Benjamin Smedberg <benjamin@smedbergs.us>
- * Jens Bannmann <jens.b@web.de>
- * Robert Strong <robert.bugzilla@gmail.com>
- * Dave Townsend <dave.townsend@blueprintit.co.uk>
- * Daniel Veditz <dveditz@mozilla.com>
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- //
- // TODO:
- // - better logging
- //
- const nsIExtensionManager = Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager;
- const nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener = Components.interfaces.nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener;
- const nsIUpdateItem = Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem;
- const nsILocalFile = Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile;
- const nsILineInputStream = Components.interfaces.nsILineInputStream;
- const nsIInstallLocation = Components.interfaces.nsIInstallLocation;
- const nsIURL = Components.interfaces.nsIURL
- // XXXrstrong calling hasMoreElements on a nsIDirectoryEnumerator after
- // it has been removed will cause a crash on Mac OS X - bug 292823
- const nsIDirectoryEnumerator = Components.interfaces.nsIDirectoryEnumerator;
- const PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY = "extensions.checkCompatibility";
- const PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION = "extensions.lastAppVersion";
- const PREF_UPDATE_COUNT = "extensions.update.count";
- const PREF_UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL = "extensions.update.url";
- const PREF_EM_IGNOREMTIMECHANGES = "extensions.ignoreMTimeChanges";
- const PREF_EM_DISABLEDOBSOLETE = "extensions.disabledObsolete";
- const PREF_EM_LAST_SELECTED_SKIN = "extensions.lastSelectedSkin";
- const PREF_EM_EXTENSION_FORMAT = "extensions.%UUID%.";
- const PREF_EM_ITEM_UPDATE_ENABLED = "extensions.%UUID%.update.enabled";
- const PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED = "extensions.update.enabled";
- const PREF_EM_ITEM_UPDATE_URL = "extensions.%UUID%.update.url";
- const PREF_EM_DSS_ENABLED = "extensions.dss.enabled";
- const PREF_DSS_SWITCHPENDING = "extensions.dss.switchPending";
- const PREF_DSS_SKIN_TO_SELECT = "extensions.lastSelectedSkin";
- const PREF_GENERAL_SKINS_SELECTEDSKIN = "general.skins.selectedSkin";
- const PREF_EM_LOGGING_ENABLED = "extensions.logging.enabled";
- const PREF_EM_UPDATE_INTERVAL = "extensions.update.interval";
- const PREF_BLOCKLIST_URL = "extensions.blocklist.url";
- const PREF_BLOCKLIST_DETAILS_URL = "extensions.blocklist.detailsURL";
- const PREF_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED = "extensions.blocklist.enabled";
- const PREF_BLOCKLIST_INTERVAL = "extensions.blocklist.interval";
- const PREF_UPDATE_NOTIFYUSER = "extensions.update.notifyUser";
- const DIR_EXTENSIONS = "extensions";
- const DIR_CHROME = "chrome";
- const DIR_STAGE = "staged-xpis";
- const FILE_EXTENSIONS = "extensions.rdf";
- const FILE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST = "extensions.ini";
- const FILE_EXTENSIONS_STARTUP_CACHE = "extensions.cache";
- const FILE_AUTOREG = ".autoreg";
- const FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST = "install.rdf";
- const FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST = "contents.rdf";
- const FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST = "chrome.manifest";
- const FILE_BLOCKLIST = "blocklist.xml";
- const UNKNOWN_XPCOM_ABI = "unknownABI";
- const FILE_LOGFILE = "extensionmanager.log";
- const FILE_DEFAULT_THEME_JAR = "classic.jar";
- const TOOLKIT_ID = "toolkit@mozilla.org"
- const KEY_PROFILEDIR = "ProfD";
- const KEY_PROFILEDS = "ProfDS";
- const KEY_APPDIR = "XCurProcD";
- const KEY_TEMPDIR = "TmpD";
- const EM_ACTION_REQUESTED_TOPIC = "em-action-requested";
- const EM_ITEM_INSTALLED = "item-installed";
- const EM_ITEM_UPGRADED = "item-upgraded";
- const EM_ITEM_UNINSTALLED = "item-uninstalled";
- const EM_ITEM_ENABLED = "item-enabled";
- const EM_ITEM_DISABLED = "item-disabled";
- const EM_ITEM_CANCEL = "item-cancel-action";
- const OP_NONE = "";
- const OP_NEEDS_INSTALL = "needs-install";
- const OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE = "needs-upgrade";
- const OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL = "needs-uninstall";
- const OP_NEEDS_ENABLE = "needs-enable";
- const OP_NEEDS_DISABLE = "needs-disable";
- const KEY_APP_PROFILE = "app-profile";
- const KEY_APP_GLOBAL = "app-global";
- const CATEGORY_INSTALL_LOCATIONS = "extension-install-locations";
- const PREFIX_NS_EM = "http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#";
- const PREFIX_NS_CHROME = "http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#";
- const PREFIX_ITEM_URI = "urn:mozilla:item:";
- const PREFIX_EXTENSION = "urn:mozilla:extension:";
- const PREFIX_THEME = "urn:mozilla:theme:";
- const RDFURI_INSTALL_MANIFEST_ROOT = "urn:mozilla:install-manifest";
- const RDFURI_ITEM_ROOT = "urn:mozilla:item:root"
- const RDFURI_DEFAULT_THEME = "urn:mozilla:item:{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}";
- const XMLURI_PARSE_ERROR = "http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml"
- const XMLURI_BLOCKLIST = "http://www.mozilla.org/2006/addons-blocklist";
- const URI_GENERIC_ICON_XPINSTALL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/xpinstall/xpinstallItemGeneric.png";
- const URI_GENERIC_ICON_THEME = "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/themeGeneric.png";
- const URI_XPINSTALL_CONFIRM_DIALOG = "chrome://mozapps/content/xpinstall/xpinstallConfirm.xul";
- const URI_FINALIZE_DIALOG = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/finalize.xul";
- const URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES = "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties";
- const URI_BRAND_PROPERTIES = "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties";
- const URI_DOWNLOADS_PROPERTIES = "chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/downloads.properties";
- const URI_EXTENSION_UPDATE_DIALOG = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/update.xul";
- const URI_EXTENSION_LIST_DIALOG = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/list.xul";
- const MODE_RDONLY = 0x01;
- const MODE_WRONLY = 0x02;
- const MODE_CREATE = 0x08;
- const MODE_APPEND = 0x10;
- const MODE_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
- const PERMS_FILE = 0644;
- const PERMS_DIRECTORY = 0755;
- var gApp = null;
- var gPref = null;
- var gRDF = null;
- var gOS = null;
- var gXPCOMABI = null;
- var gOSTarget = null;
- var gConsole = null;
- var gInstallManifestRoot = null;
- var gVersionChecker = null;
- var gLoggingEnabled = null;
- var gCheckCompatibility = true;
- /**
- * Valid GUIDs fit this pattern.
- */
- var gIDTest = /^(\{[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\}|[a-z0-9-\._]*\@[a-z0-9-\._]+)$/i;
- // shared code for suppressing bad cert dialogs
- //@line 40 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/../../shared/src/badCertHandler.js"
- /**
- * Only allow built-in certs for HTTPS connections. See bug 340198.
- */
- function checkCert(channel) {
- if (!channel.originalURI.schemeIs("https")) // bypass
- return;
- const Ci = Components.interfaces;
- var cert =
- channel.securityInfo.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatusProvider).
- SSLStatus.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatus).serverCert;
- var issuer = cert.issuer;
- while (issuer && !cert.equals(issuer)) {
- cert = issuer;
- issuer = cert.issuer;
- }
- if (!issuer || issuer.tokenName != "Builtin Object Token")
- throw "cert issuer is not built-in";
- }
- /**
- * This class implements nsIBadCertListener. It's job is to prevent "bad cert"
- * security dialogs from being shown to the user. It is better to simply fail
- * if the certificate is bad. See bug 304286.
- */
- function BadCertHandler() {
- }
- BadCertHandler.prototype = {
- // nsIBadCertListener
- confirmUnknownIssuer: function(socketInfo, cert, certAddType) {
- LOG("EM BadCertHandler: Unknown issuer");
- return false;
- },
- confirmMismatchDomain: function(socketInfo, targetURL, cert) {
- LOG("EM BadCertHandler: Mismatched domain");
- return false;
- },
- confirmCertExpired: function(socketInfo, cert) {
- LOG("EM BadCertHandler: Expired certificate");
- return false;
- },
- notifyCrlNextupdate: function(socketInfo, targetURL, cert) {
- },
- // nsIChannelEventSink
- onChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags) {
- // make sure the certificate of the old channel checks out before we follow
- // a redirect from it. See bug 340198.
- checkCert(oldChannel);
- },
- // nsIInterfaceRequestor
- getInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIBadCertListener) ||
- iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIChannelEventSink))
- return this;
- Components.returnCode = Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return null;
- },
- // nsISupports
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIBadCertListener) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIChannelEventSink) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- //@line 183 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- /**
- * Creates a Version Checker object.
- * @returns A handle to the global Version Checker service.
- */
- function getVersionChecker() {
- if (!gVersionChecker) {
- gVersionChecker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xpcom/version-comparator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIVersionComparator);
- }
- return gVersionChecker;
- }
- var BundleManager = {
- /**
- * Creates and returns a String Bundle at the specified URI
- * @param bundleURI
- * The URI of the bundle to load
- * @returns A nsIStringBundle which was retrieved.
- */
- getBundle: function(bundleURI) {
- var sbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService);
- return sbs.createBundle(bundleURI);
- },
- _appName: "",
- /**
- * The Application's display name.
- */
- get appName() {
- if (!this._appName) {
- var brandBundle = this.getBundle(URI_BRAND_PROPERTIES)
- this._appName = brandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandShortName");
- }
- return this._appName;
- }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Utility Functions
- //
- function EM_NS(property) {
- return PREFIX_NS_EM + property;
- }
- function CHROME_NS(property) {
- return PREFIX_NS_CHROME + property;
- }
- function EM_R(property) {
- return gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS(property));
- }
- function EM_L(literal) {
- return gRDF.GetLiteral(literal);
- }
- function EM_I(integer) {
- return gRDF.GetIntLiteral(integer);
- }
- function EM_D(integer) {
- return gRDF.GetDateLiteral(integer);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a preference value, handling the case where there is no default.
- * @param func
- * The name of the preference function to call, on nsIPrefBranch
- * @param preference
- * The name of the preference
- * @param defaultValue
- * The default value to return in the event the preference has
- * no setting
- * @returns The value of the preference, or undefined if there was no
- * user or default value.
- */
- function getPref(func, preference, defaultValue) {
- try {
- return gPref[func](preference);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- return defaultValue;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes a RDF Container at a URI in a datasource.
- * @param datasource
- * The datasource the container is in
- * @param root
- * The RDF Resource which is the root of the container.
- * @returns The nsIRDFContainer, initialized at the root.
- */
- function getContainer(datasource, root) {
- var ctr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
- ctr.Init(datasource, root);
- return ctr;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a RDF Resource for item with the given ID
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to construct a RDF resource to the
- * active item for
- * @returns The RDF Resource to the Active item.
- */
- function getResourceForID(id) {
- return gRDF.GetResource(PREFIX_ITEM_URI + id);
- }
- /**
- * Construct a nsIUpdateItem with the supplied metadata
- * ...
- */
- function makeItem(id, version, locationKey, minVersion, maxVersion, name,
- updateURL, updateHash, iconURL, updateRDF, type) {
- var item = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/updates/item;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
- item.init(id, version, locationKey, minVersion, maxVersion, name,
- updateURL, updateHash, iconURL, updateRDF, type);
- return item;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the specified directory at the speciifed hierarchy under a
- * Directory Service key.
- * @param key
- * The Directory Service Key to start from
- * @param pathArray
- * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory
- * specified by |key|
- * @return nsIFile object for the location specified. If the directory
- * requested does not exist, it is created, along with any
- * parent directories that need to be created.
- */
- function getDir(key, pathArray) {
- return getDirInternal(key, pathArray, true);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the specified directory at the speciifed hierarchy under a
- * Directory Service key.
- * @param key
- * The Directory Service Key to start from
- * @param pathArray
- * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory
- * specified by |key|
- * @return nsIFile object for the location specified. If the directory
- * requested does not exist, it is NOT created.
- */
- function getDirNoCreate(key, pathArray) {
- return getDirInternal(key, pathArray, false);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the specified directory at the speciifed hierarchy under a
- * Directory Service key.
- * @param key
- * The Directory Service Key to start from
- * @param pathArray
- * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory
- * specified by |key|
- * @param shouldCreate
- * true if the directory hierarchy specified in |pathArray|
- * should be created if it does not exist,
- * false otherwise.
- * @return nsIFile object for the location specified.
- */
- function getDirInternal(key, pathArray, shouldCreate) {
- var fileLocator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
- var dir = fileLocator.get(key, nsILocalFile);
- for (var i = 0; i < pathArray.length; ++i) {
- dir.append(pathArray[i]);
- if (shouldCreate && !dir.exists())
- }
- dir.followLinks = false;
- return dir;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the file at the speciifed hierarchy under a Directory Service key.
- * @param key
- * The Directory Service Key to start from
- * @param pathArray
- * An array of path components to locate beneath the directory
- * specified by |key|. The last item in this array must be the
- * leaf name of a file.
- * @return nsIFile object for the file specified. The file is NOT created
- * if it does not exist, however all required directories along
- * the way are.
- */
- function getFile(key, pathArray) {
- var file = getDir(key, pathArray.slice(0, -1));
- file.append(pathArray[pathArray.length - 1]);
- return file;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the descriptor of a directory as a relative path to common base
- * directories (profile, user home, app install dir, etc).
- *
- * @param itemLocation
- * The nsILocalFile representing the item's directory.
- * @param installLocation the nsIInstallLocation for this item
- */
- function getDescriptorFromFile(itemLocation, installLocation) {
- var baseDir = installLocation.location;
- if (baseDir && baseDir.contains(itemLocation, true)) {
- return "rel%" + itemLocation.getRelativeDescriptor(baseDir);
- }
- return "abs%" + itemLocation.persistentDescriptor;
- }
- function getAbsoluteDescriptor(itemLocation) {
- return itemLocation.persistentDescriptor;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes a Local File object based on a descriptor
- * provided by "getDescriptorFromFile".
- *
- * @param descriptor
- * The descriptor that locates the directory
- * @param installLocation
- * The nsIInstallLocation object for this item.
- * @returns The nsILocalFile object representing the location of the item
- */
- function getFileFromDescriptor(descriptor, installLocation) {
- var location = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
- .createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- var m = descriptor.match(/^(abs|rel)\%(.*)$/);
- if (!m)
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
- if (m[1] == "rel") {
- location.setRelativeDescriptor(installLocation.location, m[2]);
- }
- else {
- location.persistentDescriptor = m[2];
- }
- return location;
- }
- /**
- * Determines if a file is an item package - either a XPI or a JAR file.
- * @param file
- * The file to check
- * @returns true if the file is an item package, false otherwise.
- */
- function fileIsItemPackage(file) {
- var fileURL = getURIFromFile(file);
- if (fileURL instanceof nsIURL)
- var extension = fileURL.fileExtension.toLowerCase();
- return extension == "xpi" || extension == "jar";
- }
- /**
- * Return the leaf name used by the extension system for staging an item.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of the item
- * @returns The leaf name of the staged file.
- */
- function getStagedLeafName(id, type) {
- if (type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- return id + ".jar";
- return id + ".xpi";
- }
- /**
- * Opens a safe file output stream for writing.
- * @param file
- * The file to write to.
- * @param modeFlags
- * (optional) File open flags. Can be undefined.
- * @returns nsIFileOutputStream to write to.
- */
- function openSafeFileOutputStream(file, modeFlags) {
- var fos = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/safe-file-output-stream;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
- if (modeFlags === undefined)
- if (!file.exists())
- file.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- fos.init(file, modeFlags, PERMS_FILE, 0);
- return fos;
- }
- /**
- * Closes a safe file output stream.
- * @param stream
- * The stream to close.
- */
- function closeSafeFileOutputStream(stream) {
- if (stream instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISafeOutputStream)
- stream.finish();
- else
- stream.close();
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a directory and its children. First it tries nsIFile::Remove(true).
- * If that fails it will fall back to recursing, setting the appropriate
- * permissions, and deleting the current entry. This is needed for when we have
- * rights to delete a directory but there are entries that have a read-only
- * attribute (e.g. a copy restore from a read-only CD, etc.)
- * @param dir
- * A nsIFile for the directory to be deleted
- */
- function removeDirRecursive(dir) {
- try {
- dir.remove(true);
- return;
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- var dirEntries = dir.directoryEntries;
- while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
- var entry = dirEntries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
- if (entry.isDirectory()) {
- removeDirRecursive(entry);
- }
- else {
- entry.permissions = PERMS_FILE;
- entry.remove(false);
- }
- }
- dir.permissions = PERMS_DIRECTORY;
- dir.remove(true);
- }
- /**
- * Logs a string to the error console.
- * @param string
- * The string to write to the error console..
- */
- function LOG(string) {
- if (gLoggingEnabled) {
- dump("*** " + string + "\n");
- gConsole.logStringMessage(string);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Randomize the specified file name. Used to force RDF to bypass the cache
- * when loading certain types of files.
- * @param fileName
- * A file name to randomize, e.g. install.rdf
- * @returns A randomized file name, e.g. install-xyz.rdf
- */
- function getRandomFileName(fileName) {
- var extensionDelimiter = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
- var prefix = fileName.substr(0, extensionDelimiter);
- var suffix = fileName.substr(extensionDelimiter);
- var characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
- var nameString = prefix + "-";
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- var index = Math.round((Math.random()) * characters.length);
- nameString += characters.charAt(index);
- }
- return nameString + "." + suffix;
- }
- /**
- * Get the RDF URI prefix of a nsIUpdateItem type. This function should be used
- * ONLY to support Firefox 1.0 Update RDF files! Item URIs in the datasource
- * are NOT prefixed.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type to find a RDF URI prefix for
- * @returns The RDF URI prefix.
- */
- function getItemPrefix(type) {
- if (type & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION)
- else if (type & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- return PREFIX_THEME;
- }
- /**
- * Trims a prefix from a string.
- * @param string
- * The source string
- * @param prefix
- * The prefix to remove.
- * @returns The suffix (string - prefix)
- */
- function stripPrefix(string, prefix) {
- return string.substr(prefix.length);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a File URL spec for a nsIFile
- * @param file
- * The file to get a file URL spec to
- * @returns The file URL spec to the file
- */
- function getURLSpecFromFile(file) {
- var ioServ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var fph = ioServ.getProtocolHandler("file")
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
- return fph.getURLSpecFromFile(file);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a URI to a spec.
- * @param spec
- * The spec to construct a URI to
- * @returns The nsIURI constructed.
- */
- function newURI(spec) {
- var ioServ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- return ioServ.newURI(spec, null, null);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a File URI to a nsIFile
- * @param file
- * The file to construct a File URI to
- * @returns The file URI to the file
- */
- function getURIFromFile(file) {
- var ioServ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- return ioServ.newFileURI(file);
- }
- /**
- * @returns Whether or not we are currently running in safe mode.
- */
- function inSafeMode() {
- return gApp.inSafeMode;
- }
- /**
- * Extract the string value from a RDF Literal or Resource
- * @param literalOrResource
- * RDF String Literal or Resource
- * @returns String value of the literal or resource, or undefined if the object
- * supplied is not a RDF string literal or resource.
- */
- function stringData(literalOrResource) {
- if (literalOrResource instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral)
- return literalOrResource.Value;
- if (literalOrResource instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource)
- return literalOrResource.Value;
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Extract the integer value of a RDF Literal
- * @param literal
- * nsIRDFInt literal
- * @return integer value of the literal
- */
- function intData(literal) {
- if (literal instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFInt)
- return literal.Value;
- return undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a property from an install manifest.
- * @param installManifest
- * An Install Manifest datasource to read from
- * @param property
- * The name of a proprety to read (sans EM_NS)
- * @returns The literal value of the property, or undefined if the property has
- * no value.
- */
- function getManifestProperty(installManifest, property) {
- var target = installManifest.GetTarget(gInstallManifestRoot,
- gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS(property)), true);
- var val = stringData(target);
- return val === undefined ? intData(target) : val;
- }
- /**
- * Given an Install Manifest Datasource, retrieves the type of item the manifest
- * describes.
- * @param installManifest
- * The Install Manifest Datasource.
- * @return The nsIUpdateItem type of the item described by the manifest
- * returns TYPE_EXTENSION if attempts to determine the type fail.
- */
- function getAddonTypeFromInstallManifest(installManifest) {
- var target = installManifest.GetTarget(gInstallManifestRoot,
- gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS("type")), true);
- if (target) {
- var type = stringData(target);
- return type === undefined ? intData(target) : parseInt(type);
- }
- // Firefox 1.0 and earlier did not support addon-type annotation on the
- // Install Manifest, so we fall back to a theme-only property to
- // differentiate.
- if (getManifestProperty(installManifest, "internalName") !== undefined)
- return nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME;
- // If no type is provided, default to "Extension"
- return nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION;
- }
- /**
- * Shows a message about an incompatible Extension/Theme.
- * @param installData
- * An Install Data object from |getInstallData|
- */
- function showIncompatibleError(installData) {
- var extensionStrings = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- var params = [extensionStrings.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)];
- var title = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleTitle",
- params, params.length);
- var message;
- var targetAppData = installData.currentApp;
- if (!targetAppData) {
- params = [installData.name, installData.version, BundleManager.appName];
- message = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleMessageNoApp",
- params, params.length);
- }
- else if (targetAppData.minVersion == targetAppData.maxVersion) {
- // If the min target app version and the max target app version are the same, don't show
- // a message like, "Foo is only compatible with Firefox versions 0.7 to 0.7", rather just
- // show, "Foo is only compatible with Firefox 0.7"
- params = [installData.name, installData.version, BundleManager.appName, gApp.version,
- installData.name, installData.version, BundleManager.appName,
- targetAppData.minVersion];
- message = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleMsgSingleAppVersion",
- params, params.length);
- }
- else {
- params = [installData.name, installData.version, BundleManager.appName, gApp.version,
- installData.name, installData.version, BundleManager.appName,
- targetAppData.minVersion, targetAppData.maxVersion];
- message = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleMsg", params, params.length);
- }
- var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- ps.alert(null, title, message);
- }
- /**
- * Shows a message.
- * @param titleKey
- * String key of the title string in the Extensions localization file.
- * @param messageKey
- * String key of the message string in the Extensions localization file.
- * @param messageParams
- * Array of strings to be substituted into |messageKey|. Can be null.
- */
- function showMessage(titleKey, titleParams, messageKey, messageParams) {
- var extensionStrings = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- if (titleParams && titleParams.length > 0) {
- var title = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName(titleKey, titleParams,
- titleParams.length);
- }
- else
- title = extensionStrings.GetStringFromName(titleKey);
- if (messageParams && messageParams.length > 0) {
- var message = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName(messageKey, messageParams,
- messageParams.length);
- }
- else
- message = extensionStrings.GetStringFromName(messageKey);
- var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- ps.alert(null, title, message);
- }
- /**
- * Shows a dialog for blocklisted items.
- * @param items
- * An array of nsIUpdateItems.
- * @param fromInstall
- * Whether this is called from an install or from the blocklist
- * background check.
- */
- function showBlocklistMessage(items, fromInstall) {
- var win = null;
- var params = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock);
- params.SetInt(0, (fromInstall ? 1 : 0));
- params.SetInt(1, items.length);
- params.SetNumberStrings(items.length * 2);
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
- params.SetString(i, items[i].name + " " + items[i].version);
- // if this was initiated from an install try to find the appropriate manager
- if (fromInstall) {
- var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- win = wm.getMostRecentWindow(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME ? "Extension:Manager-themes" :
- "Extension:Manager-extensions");
- }
- var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- ww.openWindow(win, URI_EXTENSION_LIST_DIALOG, "",
- "chrome,centerscreen,modal,dialog,titlebar", params);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a zip reader for the file specified.
- * @param zipFile
- * A ZIP archive to open with a nsIZipReader.
- * @return A nsIZipReader for the file specified.
- */
- function getZipReaderForFile(zipFile) {
- try {
- var zipReader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIZipReader);
- zipReader.init(zipFile);
- zipReader.open();
- }
- catch (e) {
- zipReader.close();
- throw e;
- }
- return zipReader;
- }
- /**
- * Extract a RDF file from a ZIP archive to a random location in the system
- * temp directory.
- * @param zipFile
- * A ZIP archive to read from
- * @param fileName
- * The name of the file to read from the zip.
- * @param suppressErrors
- * Whether or not to report errors.
- * @return The file created in the temp directory.
- */
- function extractRDFFileToTempDir(zipFile, fileName, suppressErrors) {
- var file = getFile(KEY_TEMPDIR, [getRandomFileName(fileName)]);
- try {
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(zipFile);
- zipReader.getEntry(fileName);
- zipReader.extract(fileName, file);
- zipReader.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (!suppressErrors) {
- showMessage("missingFileTitle", [], "missingFileMessage",
- [BundleManager.appName, fileName]);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- return file;
- }
- /**
- * Show a message to the user informing them they are installing an old non-EM
- * style Theme, and that these are not supported.
- * @param installManifest
- * The Old-Style Contents Manifest datasource representing the theme.
- */
- function showOldThemeError(contentsManifest) {
- var extensionStrings = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- var params = [extensionStrings.GetStringFromName("theme")];
- var title = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleTitle",
- params, params.length);
- var appVersion = extensionStrings.GetStringFromName("incompatibleOlder");
- try {
- var ctr = getContainer(contentsManifest,
- gRDF.GetResource("urn:mozilla:skin:root"));
- var elts = ctr.GetElements();
- var nameArc = gRDF.GetResource(CHROME_NS("displayName"));
- while (elts.hasMoreElements()) {
- var elt = elts.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- themeName = stringData(contentsManifest.GetTarget(elt, nameArc, true));
- if (themeName)
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- themeName = extensionStrings.GetStringFromName("incompatibleThemeName");
- }
- params = [themeName, "", BundleManager.appName, gApp.version, themeName, "",
- BundleManager.appName, appVersion];
- var message = extensionStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleMsgSingleAppVersion",
- params, params.length);
- var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- ps.alert(null, title, message);
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Install Manifest datasource from a file.
- * @param file
- * The nsIFile that contains the Install Manifest RDF
- * @returns The Install Manifest datasource
- */
- function getInstallManifest(file) {
- var fileURL = getURLSpecFromFile(file);
- var ds = gRDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(fileURL);
- var arcs = ds.ArcLabelsOut(gInstallManifestRoot);
- if (!arcs.hasMoreElements()) {
- ds = null;
- var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService)
- .newFileURI(file);
- var url = uri.QueryInterface(nsIURL);
- showMessage("malformedTitle", [], "malformedMessage",
- [BundleManager.appName, url.fileName]);
- }
- return ds;
- }
- /**
- * An enumeration of items in a JS array.
- * @constructor
- */
- function ArrayEnumerator(aItems) {
- this._index = 0;
- if (aItems) {
- for (var i = 0; i < aItems.length; ++i) {
- if (!aItems[i])
- aItems.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- this._contents = aItems;
- }
- ArrayEnumerator.prototype = {
- _index: 0,
- _contents: [],
- hasMoreElements: function() {
- return this._index < this._contents.length;
- },
- getNext: function() {
- return this._contents[this._index++];
- }
- };
- /**
- * An enumeration of files in a JS array.
- * @param files
- * The files to enumerate
- * @constructor
- */
- function FileEnumerator(files) {
- this._index = 0;
- if (files) {
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
- if (!files[i])
- files.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- this._contents = files;
- }
- FileEnumerator.prototype = {
- _index: 0,
- _contents: [],
- /**
- * Gets the next file in the sequence.
- */
- get nextFile() {
- if (this._index < this._contents.length)
- return this._contents[this._index++];
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Stop enumerating. Nothing to do here.
- */
- close: function() {
- },
- };
- /**
- * An object which identifies an Install Location for items, where the location
- * relationship is each item living in a directory named with its GUID under
- * the directory used when constructing this object.
- *
- * e.g. <location>\{GUID1}
- * <location>\{GUID2}
- * <location>\{GUID3}
- * ...
- *
- * @param name
- * The string identifier of this Install Location.
- * @param location
- * The directory that contains the items.
- * @constructor
- */
- function DirectoryInstallLocation(name, location, restricted, priority) {
- this._name = name;
- if (location.exists()) {
- if (!location.isDirectory())
- throw new Error("location must be a directoy!");
- }
- else {
- try {
- location.create(nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0775);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("DirectoryInstallLocation: failed to create location " +
- " directory = " + location.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- }
- this._location = location;
- this._locationToIDMap = {};
- this._restricted = restricted;
- this._priority = priority;
- }
- DirectoryInstallLocation.prototype = {
- _name : "",
- _location : null,
- _locationToIDMap: null,
- _restricted : false,
- _priority : 0,
- _canAccess : null,
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get name() {
- return this._name;
- },
- /**
- * Reads a directory linked to in a file.
- * @param file
- * The file containing the directory path
- * @returns A nsILocalFile object representing the linked directory.
- */
- _readDirectoryFromFile: function(file) {
- var fis = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
- fis.init(file, -1, -1, false);
- var line = { value: "" };
- if (fis instanceof nsILineInputStream)
- fis.readLine(line);
- fis.close();
- if (line.value) {
- var linkedDirectory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
- .createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- try {
- linkedDirectory.initWithPath(line.value);
- }
- catch (e) {
- linkedDirectory.setRelativeDescriptor(file.parent, line.value);
- }
- return linkedDirectory;
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get itemLocations() {
- var locations = [];
- if (!this._location.exists())
- return new FileEnumerator(locations);
- try {
- var entries = this._location.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- while (true) {
- var entry = entries.nextFile;
- if (!entry)
- break;
- entry instanceof nsILocalFile;
- if (!entry.isDirectory() && gIDTest.test(entry.leafName)) {
- var linkedDirectory = this._readDirectoryFromFile(entry);
- if (linkedDirectory && linkedDirectory.exists() &&
- linkedDirectory.isDirectory()) {
- locations.push(linkedDirectory);
- this._locationToIDMap[linkedDirectory.persistentDescriptor] = entry.leafName;
- }
- }
- else
- locations.push(entry);
- }
- entries.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- return new FileEnumerator(locations);
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves the GUID for an item at the specified location.
- * @param file
- * The location where an item might live.
- * @returns The ID for an item that might live at the location specified.
- *
- * N.B. This function makes no promises about whether or not this path is
- * actually maintained by this Install Location.
- */
- getIDForLocation: function(file) {
- var section = file.leafName;
- var filePD = file.persistentDescriptor;
- if (filePD in this._locationToIDMap)
- section = this._locationToIDMap[filePD];
- if (gIDTest.test(section))
- return RegExp.$1;
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get location() {
- return this._location.clone();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get restricted() {
- return this._restricted;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get canAccess() {
- if (this._canAccess != null)
- return this._canAccess;
- var testFile = this.location;
- testFile.append("Access Privileges Test");
- try {
- testFile.createUnique(nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY);
- testFile.remove(false);
- this._canAccess = true;
- }
- catch (e) {
- this._canAccess = false;
- }
- return this._canAccess;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get priority() {
- return this._priority;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- getItemLocation: function(id) {
- var itemLocation = this.location;
- itemLocation.append(id);
- if (itemLocation.exists() && !itemLocation.isDirectory())
- return this._readDirectoryFromFile(itemLocation);
- if (!itemLocation.exists() && this.canAccess)
- itemLocation.create(nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY);
- return itemLocation;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- itemIsManagedIndependently: function(id) {
- var itemLocation = this.location;
- itemLocation.append(id);
- return itemLocation.exists() && !itemLocation.isDirectory();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- getItemFile: function(id, filePath) {
- var itemLocation = this.getItemLocation(id).clone();
- var parts = filePath.split("/");
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
- itemLocation.append(parts[i]);
- return itemLocation;
- },
- /**
- * Stages the specified file for later.
- * @param file
- * The file to stage
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item the file represents
- */
- stageFile: function(file, id) {
- var stagedFile = this.location;
- stagedFile.append(DIR_STAGE);
- stagedFile.append(id);
- stagedFile.append(file.leafName);
- // When an incompatible update is successful the file is already staged
- if (stagedFile.equals(file))
- return stagedFile;
- if (stagedFile.exists())
- stagedFile.remove(false);
- file.copyTo(stagedFile.parent, stagedFile.leafName);
- // If the file has incorrect permissions set, correct them now.
- if (!stagedFile.isWritable())
- stagedFile.permissions = PERMS_FILE;
- return stagedFile;
- },
- /**
- * Returns the most recently staged package (e.g. the last XPI or JAR in a
- * directory) for an item and removes items that do not qualify.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the staged package
- * @returns an nsIFile if the package exists otherwise null.
- */
- getStageFile: function(id) {
- var stageFile = null;
- var stageDir = this.location;
- stageDir.append(DIR_STAGE);
- stageDir.append(id);
- if (!stageDir.exists() || !stageDir.isDirectory())
- return null;
- try {
- var entries = stageDir.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- var file = entries.nextFile;
- if (!(file instanceof nsILocalFile))
- continue;
- if (file.isDirectory())
- removeDirRecursive(file);
- else if (fileIsItemPackage(file)) {
- if (stageFile)
- stageFile.remove(false);
- stageFile = file;
- }
- else
- file.remove(false);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- if (entries instanceof nsIDirectoryEnumerator)
- entries.close();
- return stageFile;
- },
- /**
- * Removes a file from the stage. This cleans up the stage if there is nothing
- * else left after the remove operation.
- * @param file
- * The file to remove.
- */
- removeFile: function(file) {
- if (file.exists())
- file.remove(false);
- var parent = file.parent;
- var entries = parent.directoryEntries;
- try {
- // XXXrstrong calling hasMoreElements on a nsIDirectoryEnumerator after
- // it has been removed will cause a crash on Mac OS X - bug 292823
- while (parent && !parent.equals(this.location) &&
- !entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- parent.remove(false);
- parent = parent.parent;
- entries = parent.directoryEntries;
- }
- if (entries instanceof nsIDirectoryEnumerator)
- entries.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("DirectoryInstallLocation::removeFile: failed to remove staged " +
- " directory = " + parent.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- },
- /**
- * See nsISupports.idl
- */
- QueryInterface: function (iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIInstallLocation) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- //@line 1291 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- const nsIWindowsRegKey = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsRegKey;
- /**
- * An object that identifies the location of installed items based on entries
- * in the Windows registry. For each application a subkey is defined that
- * contains a set of values, where the name of each value is a GUID and the
- * contents of the value is a filesystem path identifying a directory
- * containing an installed item.
- *
- * @param name
- * The string identifier of this Install Location.
- * @param rootKey
- * The root key (one of the ROOT_KEY_ values from nsIWindowsRegKey).
- * @param restricted
- * Indicates that the location may be restricted (e.g., this is
- * usually true of a system level install location).
- * @param priority
- * The priority of this install location.
- * @constructor
- */
- function WinRegInstallLocation(name, rootKey, restricted, priority) {
- this._name = name;
- this._rootKey = rootKey;
- this._restricted = restricted;
- this._priority = priority;
- this._IDToDirMap = {};
- this._DirToIDMap = {};
- // Reading the registry may throw an exception, and that's ok. In error
- // cases, we just leave ourselves in the empty state.
- try {
- var path = this._appKeyPath + "\\Extensions";
- var key = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"]
- .createInstance(nsIWindowsRegKey);
- key.open(this._rootKey, path, nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_READ);
- this._readAddons(key);
- } catch (e) {
- if (key)
- key.close();
- }
- }
- WinRegInstallLocation.prototype = {
- _name : "",
- _rootKey : null,
- _restricted : false,
- _priority : 0,
- _IDToDirMap : null, // mapping from ID to directory object
- _DirToIDMap : null, // mapping from directory path to ID
- /**
- * Retrieves the path of this Application's data key in the registry.
- */
- get _appKeyPath() {
- var appVendor = gApp.vendor;
- var appName = gApp.name;
- //@line 1353 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- // XULRunner-based apps may intentionally not specify a vendor:
- if (appVendor != "")
- appVendor += "\\";
- return "SOFTWARE\\" + appVendor + appName;
- },
- /**
- * Read the registry and build a mapping between GUID and directory for each
- * installed item.
- * @param key
- * The key that contains the GUID->path pairs
- */
- _readAddons: function(key) {
- var count = key.valueCount;
- for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- var id = key.getValueName(i);
- var dir = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
- .createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- dir.initWithPath(key.readStringValue(id));
- if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) {
- this._IDToDirMap[id] = dir;
- this._DirToIDMap[dir.path] = id;
- }
- }
- },
- get name() {
- return this._name;
- },
- get itemLocations() {
- var locations = [];
- for (var id in this._IDToDirMap) {
- locations.push(this._IDToDirMap[id]);
- }
- return new FileEnumerator(locations);
- },
- get location() {
- return null;
- },
- get restricted() {
- return this._restricted;
- },
- // you should never be able to write to this location
- get canAccess() {
- return false;
- },
- get priority() {
- return this._priority;
- },
- getItemLocation: function(id) {
- return this._IDToDirMap[id];
- },
- getIDForLocation: function(dir) {
- return this._DirToIDMap[dir.path];
- },
- getItemFile: function(id, filePath) {
- var itemLocation = this.getItemLocation(id).clone();
- var parts = filePath.split("/");
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
- itemLocation.append(parts[i]);
- return itemLocation;
- },
- itemIsManagedIndependently: function(id) {
- return true;
- },
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIInstallLocation) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- //@line 1441 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- /**
- * An object which handles the installation of an Extension.
- * @constructor
- */
- function Installer(ds, id, installLocation, type) {
- this._ds = ds;
- this._id = id;
- this._type = type;
- this._installLocation = installLocation;
- }
- Installer.prototype = {
- // Item metadata
- _id: null,
- _ds: null,
- _installLocation: null,
- _metadataDS: null,
- /**
- * Gets the Install Manifest datasource we are installing from.
- */
- get metadataDS() {
- if (!this._metadataDS) {
- var metadataFile = this._installLocation
- .getItemFile(this._id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- if (!metadataFile.exists())
- return null;
- this._metadataDS = getInstallManifest(metadataFile);
- if (!this._metadataDS) {
- LOG("Installer::install: metadata datasource for extension " +
- this._id + " at " + metadataFile.path + " could not be loaded. " +
- " Installation will not proceed.");
- }
- }
- return this._metadataDS;
- },
- /**
- * Installs the Extension
- * @param file
- * A XPI/JAR file to install from. If this is null or does not exist,
- * the item is assumed to be an expanded directory, located at the GUID
- * key in the supplied Install Location.
- */
- installFromFile: function(file) {
- // Move files from the staging dir into the extension's final home.
- if (file && file.exists()) {
- this._installExtensionFiles(file);
- }
- if (!this.metadataDS)
- return;
- // Upgrade old-style contents.rdf Chrome Manifests if necessary.
- if (this._type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- this.upgradeThemeChrome();
- else
- this.upgradeExtensionChrome();
- // Add metadata for the extension to the global extension metadata set
- this._ds.addItemMetadata(this._id, this.metadataDS, this._installLocation);
- },
- /**
- * Safely extract the Extension's files into the target folder.
- * @param file
- * The XPI/JAR file to install from.
- */
- _installExtensionFiles: function(file) {
- var installer = this;
- /**
- * Callback for |safeInstallOperation| that performs file level installation
- * steps for an Extension.
- * @param extensionID
- * The GUID of the Extension being installed.
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where the Extension is being installed.
- * @param xpiFile
- * The source XPI file that contains the Extension.
- */
- function extractExtensionFiles(extensionID, installLocation, xpiFile) {
- // Create a logger to log install operations for uninstall. This must be
- // created in the |safeInstallOperation| callback, since it creates a file
- // in the target directory. If we do this outside of the callback, we may
- // be clobbering a file we should not be.
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(xpiFile);
- // create directories first
- var entries = zipReader.findEntries("*/");
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- var entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- var target = installLocation.getItemFile(extensionID, entry.name);
- if (!target.exists()) {
- try {
- target.create(nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("extractExtensionsFiles: failed to create target directory for extraction " +
- " file = " + target.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- entries = zipReader.findEntries("*");
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- target = installLocation.getItemFile(extensionID, entry.name);
- if (target.exists())
- continue;
- try {
- target.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("extractExtensionsFiles: failed to create target file for extraction " +
- " file = " + target.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- zipReader.extract(entry.name, target);
- }
- zipReader.close();
- }
- var installer = this;
- /**
- * Callback for |safeInstallOperation| that performs file level installation
- * steps for a Theme.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the Theme being installed.
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where the Theme is being installed.
- * @param jarFile
- * The source JAR file that contains the Theme.
- */
- function extractThemeFiles(id, installLocation, jarFile) {
- var themeDirectory = installLocation.getItemLocation(id);
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(jarFile);
- // The only critical file is the install.rdf and we would not have
- // gotten this far without one.
- "preview.png", "icon.png"];
- for (var i = 0; i < rootFiles.length; ++i) {
- try {
- var entry = zipReader.getEntry(rootFiles[i]);
- var target = installLocation.getItemFile(id, rootFiles[i]);
- zipReader.extract(rootFiles[i], target);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- var manifestFile = installLocation.getItemFile(id, FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST);
- // new theme structure requires a chrome.manifest file
- if (manifestFile.exists()) {
- var entries = zipReader.findEntries(DIR_CHROME + "/*");
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- if (entry.name.substr(entry.name.length - 1, 1) == "/")
- continue;
- target = installLocation.getItemFile(id, entry.name);
- try {
- target.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("extractThemeFiles: failed to create target file for extraction " +
- " file = " + target.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- zipReader.extract(entry.name, target);
- }
- zipReader.close();
- }
- else { // old theme structure requires only an install.rdf
- try {
- var entry = zipReader.getEntry(FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST);
- var contentsManifestFile = installLocation.getItemFile(id, FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST);
- contentsManifestFile.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- zipReader.extract(FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST, contentsManifestFile);
- }
- catch (e) {
- zipReader.close();
- LOG("extractThemeFiles: failed to extract contents.rdf: " + target.path);
- throw e; // let the safe-op clean up
- }
- zipReader.close();
- var chromeDir = installLocation.getItemFile(id, DIR_CHROME);
- try {
- jarFile.copyTo(chromeDir, jarFile.leafName);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("extractThemeFiles: failed to copy theme JAR file to: " + chromeDir.path);
- throw e; // let the safe-op clean up
- }
- if (!installer.metadataDS && installer._type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME) {
- if (contentsManifestFile && contentsManifestFile.exists()) {
- var contentsManifest = gRDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(getURLSpecFromFile(contentsManifestFile));
- showOldThemeError(contentsManifest);
- }
- LOG("Theme JAR file: " + jarFile.leafName + " contains an Old-Style " +
- "Theme that is not compatible with this version of the software.");
- throw new Error("Old Theme"); // let the safe-op clean up
- }
- }
- }
- var callback = extractExtensionFiles;
- if (this._type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- callback = extractThemeFiles;
- safeInstallOperation(this._id, this._installLocation,
- { callback: callback, data: file });
- },
- /**
- * Upgrade contents.rdf Chrome Manifests used by this Theme to the new
- * chrome.manifest format if necessary.
- */
- upgradeThemeChrome: function() {
- // Use the Chrome Registry API to install the theme there
- var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIToolkitChromeRegistry);
- var manifestFile = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST);
- if (manifestFile.exists() ||
- this._id == stripPrefix(RDFURI_DEFAULT_THEME, PREFIX_ITEM_URI))
- return;
- try {
- // creates a chrome manifest for themes
- var manifestURI = getURIFromFile(manifestFile);
- var chromeDir = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, DIR_CHROME);
- // We're relying on the fact that there is only one JAR file
- // in the "chrome" directory. This is a hack, but it works.
- var entries = chromeDir.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- var jarFile = entries.nextFile;
- if (jarFile) {
- var jarFileURI = getURIFromFile(jarFile);
- var contentsURI = newURI("jar:" + jarFileURI.spec + "!/");
- var contentsFile = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST);
- var contentsFileURI = getURIFromFile(contentsFile.parent);
- cr.processContentsManifest(contentsFileURI, manifestURI, contentsURI, false, true);
- }
- entries.close();
- contentsFile.remove(false);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // Failed to register chrome, for any number of reasons - non-existent
- // contents.rdf file at the location specified, malformed contents.rdf,
- // etc. Set the pending op to be OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL so that the
- // extension is uninstalled properly during the subsequent uninstall
- // pass in |ExtensionManager::_finalizeOperations|
- LOG("upgradeThemeChrome: failed for theme " + this._id + " - why " +
- "not convert to the new chrome.manifest format while you're at it? " +
- "Failure exception: " + e);
- showMessage("malformedRegistrationTitle", [], "malformedRegistrationMessage",
- [BundleManager.appName]);
- var stageFile = this._installLocation.getStageFile(this._id);
- if (stageFile)
- this._installLocation.removeFile(stageFile);
- StartupCache.put(this._installLocation, this._id, OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL, true);
- StartupCache.write();
- }
- },
- /**
- * Upgrade contents.rdf Chrome Manifests used by this Extension to the new
- * chrome.manifest format if necessary.
- */
- upgradeExtensionChrome: function() {
- // If the extension is aware of the new flat chrome manifests and has
- // included one, just use it instead of generating one from the
- // install.rdf/contents.rdf data.
- var manifestFile = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST);
- if (manifestFile.exists())
- return;
- try {
- // Enumerate the metadata datasource files collection and register chrome
- // for each file, calling _registerChrome for each.
- var chromeDir = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, DIR_CHROME);
- if (!manifestFile.parent.exists())
- return;
- // Even if an extension doesn't have any chrome, we generate an empty
- // manifest file so that we don't try to upgrade from the "old-style"
- // chrome manifests at every startup.
- manifestFile.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- var manifestURI = getURIFromFile(manifestFile);
- var files = this.metadataDS.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, EM_R("file"), true);
- while (files.hasMoreElements()) {
- var file = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var chromeFile = chromeDir.clone();
- var fileName = file.Value.substr("urn:mozilla:extension:file:".length, file.Value.length);
- chromeFile.append(fileName);
- var fileURLSpec = getURLSpecFromFile(chromeFile);
- if (!chromeFile.isDirectory()) {
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(chromeFile);
- fileURLSpec = "jar:" + fileURLSpec + "!/";
- var contentsFile = this._installLocation.getItemFile(this._id, FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST);
- contentsFile.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- }
- var providers = [EM_R("package"), EM_R("skin"), EM_R("locale")];
- for (var i = 0; i < providers.length; ++i) {
- var items = this.metadataDS.GetTargets(file, providers[i], true);
- while (items.hasMoreElements()) {
- var item = items.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- var fileURI = newURI(fileURLSpec + item.Value);
- // Extract the contents.rdf files instead of opening them inside of
- // the jar. This prevents the jar from being cached by the zip
- // reader which will keep the jar in use and prevent deletion.
- if (zipReader) {
- zipReader.extract(item.Value + FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST, contentsFile);
- var contentsFileURI = getURIFromFile(contentsFile.parent);
- }
- else
- contentsFileURI = fileURI;
- var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIToolkitChromeRegistry);
- cr.processContentsManifest(contentsFileURI, manifestURI, fileURI, true, false);
- }
- }
- if (zipReader) {
- zipReader.close();
- zipReader = null;
- contentsFile.remove(false);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- // Failed to register chrome, for any number of reasons - non-existent
- // contents.rdf file at the location specified, malformed contents.rdf,
- // etc. Set the pending op to be OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL so that the
- // extension is uninstalled properly during the subsequent uninstall
- // pass in |ExtensionManager::_finalizeOperations|
- LOG("upgradeExtensionChrome: failed for extension " + this._id + " - why " +
- "not convert to the new chrome.manifest format while you're at it? " +
- "Failure exception: " + e);
- showMessage("malformedRegistrationTitle", [], "malformedRegistrationMessage",
- [BundleManager.appName]);
- var stageFile = this._installLocation.getStageFile(this._id);
- if (stageFile)
- this._installLocation.removeFile(stageFile);
- StartupCache.put(this._installLocation, this._id, OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL, true);
- StartupCache.write();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Safely attempt to perform a caller-defined install operation for a given
- * item ID. Using aggressive success-safety checks, this function will attempt
- * to move an existing location for an item aside and then allow installation
- * into the appropriate folder. If any operation fails the installation will
- * abort and roll back from the moved-aside old version.
- * @param itemID
- * The GUID of the item to perform the operation on.
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where the item is installed.
- * @param installCallback
- * A caller supplied JS object with the following properties:
- * "data" A data parameter to be passed to the callback.
- * "callback" A function to perform the install operation. This
- * function is passed three parameters:
- * 1. The GUID of the item being operated on.
- * 2. The Install Location where the item is installed.
- * 3. The "data" parameter on the installCallback object.
- */
- function safeInstallOperation(itemID, installLocation, installCallback) {
- var movedFiles = [];
- /**
- * Reverts a deep move by moving backed up files back to their original
- * location.
- */
- function rollbackMove()
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < movedFiles.length; ++i) {
- var oldFile = movedFiles[i].oldFile;
- var newFile = movedFiles[i].newFile;
- try {
- newFile.moveTo(oldFile.parent, newFile.leafName);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: failed to roll back files after an install " +
- "operation failed. Failed to roll back: " + newFile.path + " to: " +
- oldFile.path + " ... aborting installation.");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Moves a file to a new folder.
- * @param file
- * The file to move
- * @param destination
- * The target folder
- */
- function moveFile(file, destination) {
- try {
- var oldFile = file.clone();
- file.moveTo(destination, file.leafName);
- movedFiles.push({ oldFile: oldFile, newFile: file });
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: failed to back up file: " + file.path + " to: " +
- destination.path + " ... rolling back file moves and aborting " +
- "installation.");
- rollbackMove();
- throw e;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Moves a directory to a new location. If any part of the move fails,
- * files already moved will be rolled back.
- * @param sourceDir
- * The directory to move
- * @param targetDir
- * The destination directory
- * @param currentDir
- * The current directory (a subdirectory of |sourceDir| or
- * |sourceDir| itself) we are moving files from.
- */
- function moveDirectory(sourceDir, targetDir, currentDir) {
- var entries = currentDir.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- while (true) {
- var entry = entries.nextFile;
- if (!entry)
- break;
- if (entry.isDirectory())
- moveDirectory(sourceDir, targetDir, entry);
- else if (entry instanceof nsILocalFile) {
- var rd = entry.getRelativeDescriptor(sourceDir);
- var destination = targetDir.clone().QueryInterface(nsILocalFile);
- destination.setRelativeDescriptor(targetDir, rd);
- moveFile(entry, destination.parent);
- }
- }
- entries.close();
- }
- /**
- * Removes the temporary backup directory where we stored files.
- * @param directory
- * The backup directory to remove
- */
- function cleanUpTrash(directory) {
- try {
- // Us-generated. Safe.
- if (directory && directory.exists())
- removeDirRecursive(directory);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: failed to clean up the temporary backup of the " +
- "older version: " + itemLocationTrash.path);
- // This is a non-fatal error. Annoying, but non-fatal.
- }
- }
- if (!installLocation.itemIsManagedIndependently(itemID)) {
- var itemLocation = installLocation.getItemLocation(itemID);
- if (itemLocation.exists()) {
- var trashDirName = itemID + "-trash";
- var itemLocationTrash = itemLocation.parent.clone();
- itemLocationTrash.append(trashDirName);
- if (itemLocationTrash.exists()) {
- // We can remove recursively here since this is a folder we created, not
- // one the user specified. If this fails, it'll throw, and the caller
- // should stop installation.
- try {
- removeDirRecursive(itemLocationTrash);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeFileOperation: failed to remove existing trash directory " +
- itemLocationTrash.path + " ... aborting installation.");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- // Move the directory that contains the existing version of the item aside,
- // into {GUID}-trash. This will throw if there's a failure and the install
- // will abort.
- moveDirectory(itemLocation, itemLocationTrash, itemLocation);
- // Clean up the original location, if necessary. Again, this is a path we
- // generated, so it is safe to recursively delete.
- try {
- removeDirRecursive(itemLocation);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: failed to clean up item location after its contents " +
- "were properly backed up. Failed to clean up: " + itemLocation.path +
- " ... rolling back file moves and aborting installation.");
- rollbackMove();
- cleanUpTrash(itemLocationTrash);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (installLocation.name == KEY_APP_PROFILE ||
- installLocation.name == KEY_APP_GLOBAL) {
- // Check for a pointer file and move it aside if it exists
- var pointerFile = installLocation.location.clone();
- pointerFile.append(itemID);
- if (pointerFile.exists() && !pointerFile.isDirectory()) {
- var trashFileName = itemID + "-trash";
- var itemLocationTrash = installLocation.location.clone();
- itemLocationTrash.append(trashFileName);
- if (itemLocationTrash.exists()) {
- // We can remove recursively here since this is a folder we created, not
- // one the user specified. If this fails, it'll throw, and the caller
- // should stop installation.
- try {
- removeDirRecursive(itemLocationTrash);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeFileOperation: failed to remove existing trash directory " +
- itemLocationTrash.path + " ... aborting installation.");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- itemLocationTrash.create(nsILocalFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, PERMS_DIRECTORY);
- // Move the pointer file to the trash.
- moveFile(pointerFile, itemLocationTrash);
- }
- }
- // Now tell the client to do their stuff.
- try {
- installCallback.callback(itemID, installLocation, installCallback.data);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // This means the install operation failed. Remove everything and roll back.
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: install operation (caller-supplied callback) failed, " +
- "rolling back file moves and aborting installation.");
- try {
- // Us-generated. Safe.
- removeDirRecursive(itemLocation);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("safeInstallOperation: failed to remove the folder we failed to install " +
- "an item into: " + itemLocation.path + " -- There is not much to suggest " +
- "here... maybe restart and try again?");
- cleanUpTrash(itemLocationTrash);
- throw e;
- }
- rollbackMove();
- cleanUpTrash(itemLocationTrash);
- throw e;
- }
- // Now, and only now - after everything else has succeeded (against all odds!)
- // remove the {GUID}-trash directory where we stashed the old version of the
- // item.
- cleanUpTrash(itemLocationTrash);
- }
- /**
- * Manages the list of pending operations.
- */
- var PendingOperations = {
- _ops: { },
- /**
- * Adds an entry to the Pending Operations List
- * @param opType
- * The type of Operation to be performed
- * @param entry
- * A JS Object representing the item to be operated on:
- * "locationKey" The name of the Install Location where the item
- * is installed.
- * "id" The GUID of the item.
- */
- addItem: function(opType, entry) {
- if (opType == OP_NONE)
- this.clearOpsForItem(entry.id);
- else {
- if (!(opType in this._ops))
- this._ops[opType] = { };
- this._ops[opType][entry.id] = entry.locationKey;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Removes a Pending Operation from the list
- * @param opType
- * The type of Operation being removed
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to remove the entry for
- */
- clearItem: function(opType, id) {
- if (opType in this._ops && id in this._ops[opType])
- delete this._ops[opType][id];
- },
- /**
- * Removes all Pending Operation for an item
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to remove the entries for
- */
- clearOpsForItem: function(id) {
- for (var opType in this._ops) {
- if (id in this._ops[opType])
- delete this._ops[opType][id];
- }
- },
- /**
- * Remove all Pending Operations of a certain type
- * @param opType
- * The type of Operation to remove all entries for
- */
- clearItems: function(opType) {
- if (opType in this._ops)
- delete this._ops[opType];
- },
- /**
- * Get an array of operations of a certain type
- * @param opType
- * The type of Operation to return a list of
- */
- getOperations: function(opType) {
- if (!(opType in this._ops))
- return [];
- var ops = [];
- for (var id in this._ops[opType])
- ops.push( {id: id, locationKey: this._ops[opType][id] } );
- return ops;
- },
- /**
- * The total number of Pending Operations, for all types.
- */
- get size() {
- var size = 0;
- for (var opType in this._ops) {
- for (var id in this._ops[opType])
- ++size;
- }
- return size;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Manages registered Install Locations
- */
- var InstallLocations = {
- _locations: { },
- /**
- * A nsISimpleEnumerator of all available Install Locations.
- */
- get enumeration() {
- var installLocations = [];
- for (var key in this._locations)
- installLocations.push(InstallLocations.get(key));
- return new ArrayEnumerator(installLocations);
- },
- /**
- * Gets a named Install Location
- * @param name
- * The name of the Install Location to get
- */
- get: function(name) {
- return name in this._locations ? this._locations[name] : null;
- },
- /**
- * Registers an Install Location
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location to register
- */
- put: function(installLocation) {
- this._locations[installLocation.name] = installLocation;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Manages the Startup Cache. The Startup Cache is a representation
- * of the contents of extensions.cache, a list of all
- * items the Extension System knows about, whether or not they
- * are active or visible.
- */
- var StartupCache = {
- /**
- * Location Name -> GUID hash of entries from the Startup Cache file
- * Each entry has the following properties:
- * "descriptor" The location on disk of the item
- * "mtime" The time the location was last modified
- * "op" Any pending operations on this item.
- * "location" The Install Location name where the item is installed.
- */
- entries: { },
- /**
- * Puts an entry into the Startup Cache
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where the item is installed
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param op
- * The name of the operation to be performed
- * @param shouldCreate
- * Whether or not we should create a new entry for this item
- * in the cache if one does not already exist.
- */
- put: function(installLocation, id, op, shouldCreate) {
- var itemLocation = installLocation.getItemLocation(id);
- var descriptor = null;
- var mtime = null;
- if (itemLocation) {
- itemLocation.QueryInterface(nsILocalFile);
- descriptor = getDescriptorFromFile(itemLocation, installLocation);
- if (itemLocation.exists() && itemLocation.isDirectory())
- mtime = Math.floor(itemLocation.lastModifiedTime / 1000);
- }
- this._putRaw(installLocation.name, id, descriptor, mtime, op, shouldCreate);
- },
- /**
- * Private helper function for putting an entry into the Startup Cache
- * without relying on the presence of its associated nsIInstallLocation
- * instance.
- *
- * @param key
- * The install location name.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item.
- * @param descriptor
- * Value returned from absoluteDescriptor. May be null, in which
- * case the descriptor field is not updated.
- * @param mtime
- * The last modified time of the item. May be null, in which case the
- * descriptor field is not updated.
- * @param op
- * The OP code to store with the entry.
- * @param shouldCreate
- * Boolean value indicating whether to create or delete the entry.
- */
- _putRaw: function(key, id, descriptor, mtime, op, shouldCreate) {
- if (!(key in this.entries))
- this.entries[key] = { };
- if (!(id in this.entries[key]))
- this.entries[key][id] = { };
- if (shouldCreate) {
- if (!this.entries[key][id])
- this.entries[key][id] = { };
- var entry = this.entries[key][id];
- if (descriptor)
- entry.descriptor = descriptor;
- if (mtime)
- entry.mtime = mtime;
- entry.op = op;
- entry.location = key;
- }
- else
- this.entries[key][id] = null;
- },
- /**
- * Clears an entry from the Startup Cache
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where item is installed
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item.
- */
- clearEntry: function(installLocation, id) {
- var key = installLocation.name;
- if (key in this.entries && id in this.entries[key])
- this.entries[key][id] = null;
- },
- /**
- * Get all the startup cache entries for a particular ID.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to locate.
- * @returns An array of Startup Cache entries for the specified ID.
- */
- findEntries: function(id) {
- var entries = [];
- for (var key in this.entries) {
- if (id in this.entries[key])
- entries.push(this.entries[key][id]);
- }
- return entries;
- },
- /**
- * Call a function on each entry. The callback function takes a single
- * parameter, which is an entry object.
- */
- forEachEntry: function(callback) {
- for (var key in this.entries) {
- for (id in this.entries[key])
- callback(this.entries[key][id]);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Read the Item-Change manifest file into a hash of properties.
- * The Item-Change manifest currently holds a list of paths, with the last
- * mtime for each path, and the GUID of the item at that path.
- */
- read: function() {
- var itemChangeManifest = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSIONS_STARTUP_CACHE]);
- if (!itemChangeManifest.exists()) {
- // There is no change manifest for some reason, either we're in an initial
- // state or something went wrong with one of the other files and the
- // change manifest was removed. Return an empty dataset and rebuild.
- return;
- }
- var fis = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
- fis.init(itemChangeManifest, -1, -1, false);
- if (fis instanceof nsILineInputStream) {
- var line = { value: "" };
- var more = false;
- do {
- more = fis.readLine(line);
- if (line.value) {
- // The Item-Change manifest is formatted like so:
- // (pd = descriptor)
- // location-key\tguid-of-item\tpd-to-extension1\tmtime-of-pd\tpending-op
- // location-key\tguid-of-item\tpd-to-extension2\tmtime-of-pd\tpending-op
- // ...
- // We hash on location-key first, because we don't want to have to
- // spin up the main extensions datasource on every start to determine
- // the Install Location for an item.
- // We hash on guid second, because we want a way to quickly determine
- // item GUID during a check loop that runs on every startup.
- var parts = line.value.split("\t");
- var op = parts[4];
- this._putRaw(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], op, true);
- if (op)
- PendingOperations.addItem(op, { locationKey: parts[0], id: parts[1] });
- }
- }
- while (more);
- }
- fis.close();
- },
- /**
- * Writes the Startup Cache to disk
- */
- write: function() {
- var extensionsCacheFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSIONS_STARTUP_CACHE]);
- var fos = openSafeFileOutputStream(extensionsCacheFile);
- for (var locationKey in this.entries) {
- for (var id in this.entries[locationKey]) {
- var entry = this.entries[locationKey][id];
- if (entry) {
- try {
- var itemLocation = getFileFromDescriptor(entry.descriptor, InstallLocations.get(locationKey));
- // Update our knowledge of this item's last-modified-time.
- // XXXdarin: this may cause us to miss changes in some cases.
- var itemMTime = 0;
- if (itemLocation.exists() && itemLocation.isDirectory())
- itemMTime = Math.floor(itemLocation.lastModifiedTime / 1000);
- // Each line in the startup cache manifest is in this form:
- // location-key\tid-of-item\tpd-to-extension1\tmtime-of-pd\tpending-op
- var line = locationKey + "\t" + id + "\t" + entry.descriptor + "\t" +
- itemMTime + "\t" + entry.op + "\r\n";
- fos.write(line, line.length);
- }
- catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- }
- closeSafeFileOutputStream(fos);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Manages the Blocklist. The Blocklist is a representation of the contents of
- * blocklist.xml and allows us to remotely disable / re-enable blocklisted
- * items managed by the Extension Manager with an item's appDisabled property.
- */
- var Blocklist = {
- /**
- * Extension ID -> array of Version Ranges
- * Each value in the version range array is a JS Object that has the
- * following properties:
- * "minVersion" The minimum version in a version range (default = 0)
- * "maxVersion" The maximum version in a version range (default = *)
- * "targetApps" Application ID -> array of Version Ranges
- * (default = current application ID)
- * Each value in the version range array is a JS Object that
- * has the following properties:
- * "minVersion" The minimum version in a version range
- * (default = 0)
- * "maxVersion" The maximum version in a version range
- * (default = *)
- */
- entries: null,
- notify: function() {
- if (getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, true) == false)
- return;
- try {
- var dsURI = gPref.getCharPref(PREF_BLOCKLIST_URL);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("Blocklist::notify: The " + PREF_BLOCKLIST_URL + " preference" +
- " is missing!");
- return;
- }
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_ID%/g, gApp.ID);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_VERSION%/g, gApp.version);
- // Verify that the URI is valid
- try {
- var uri = newURI(dsURI);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("Blocklist::notify: There was an error creating the blocklist URI\r\n" +
- "for: " + dsURI + ", error: " + e);
- return;
- }
- var request = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
- request.open("GET", uri.spec, true);
- request.channel.notificationCallbacks = new BadCertHandler();
- request.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
- request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
- var self = this;
- request.onerror = function(event) { self.onXMLError(event); };
- request.onload = function(event) { self.onXMLLoad(event); };
- request.send(null);
- },
- onXMLLoad: function(aEvent) {
- var request = aEvent.target;
- try {
- checkCert(request.channel);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("Blocklist::onXMLLoad: " + e);
- return;
- }
- var responseXML = request.responseXML;
- if (!responseXML || responseXML.documentElement.namespaceURI == XMLURI_PARSE_ERROR ||
- (request.status != 200 && request.status != 0)) {
- LOG("Blocklist::onXMLLoad: there was an error during load");
- return;
- }
- var blocklistFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_BLOCKLIST]);
- if (blocklistFile.exists())
- blocklistFile.remove(false);
- var fos = openSafeFileOutputStream(blocklistFile);
- fos.write(request.responseText, request.responseText.length);
- closeSafeFileOutputStream(fos);
- this.entries = this._loadBlocklistFromFile(getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR,
- var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager)
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager_MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH);
- em.checkForBlocklistChanges();
- },
- onXMLError: function(aEvent) {
- try {
- var request = aEvent.target;
- // the following may throw (e.g. a local file or timeout)
- var status = request.status;
- }
- catch (e) {
- request = aEvent.target.channel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest);
- status = request.status;
- }
- var statusText = request.statusText;
- // When status is 0 we don't have a valid channel.
- if (status == 0)
- statusText = "nsIXMLHttpRequest channel unavailable";
- LOG("Blocklist:onError: There was an error loading the blocklist file\r\n" +
- statusText);
- },
- /**
- * The blocklist XML file looks something like this:
- *
- * <blocklist xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/addons-blocklist">
- * <emItems>
- * <emItem id="item_1@domain">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.0" maxVersion="2.0.*">
- * <targetApplication id="{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.5" maxVersion="1.5.*"/>
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.7" maxVersion="1.7.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * <targetApplication id="toolkit@mozilla.org">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.8" maxVersion="1.8.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * </versionRange>
- * <versionRange minVersion="3.0" maxVersion="3.0.*">
- * <targetApplication id="{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.5" maxVersion="1.5.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * <targetApplication id="toolkit@mozilla.org">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.8" maxVersion="1.8.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * </versionRange>
- * </emItem>
- * <emItem id="item_2@domain">
- * <versionRange minVersion="3.1" maxVersion="4.*"/>
- * </emItem>
- * <emItem id="item_3@domain">
- * <versionRange>
- * <targetApplication id="{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}">
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.5" maxVersion="1.5.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * </versionRange>
- * </emItem>
- * <emItem id="item_4@domain">
- * <versionRange>
- * <targetApplication>
- * <versionRange minVersion="1.5" maxVersion="1.5.*"/>
- * </targetApplication>
- * </versionRange>
- * <emItem id="item_5@domain"/>
- * </emItems>
- * </blocklist>
- */
- _loadBlocklistFromFile: function(file) {
- if (getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, true) == false) {
- LOG("Blocklist::_loadBlocklistFromFile: blocklist is disabled");
- return { };
- }
- if (!file.exists()) {
- LOG("Blocklist::_loadBlocklistFromFile: XML File does not exist");
- return { };
- }
- var result = { };
- var fileStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
- fileStream.init(file, MODE_RDONLY, PERMS_FILE, 0);
- try {
- var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMParser);
- var doc = parser.parseFromStream(fileStream, "UTF-8", file.fileSize, "text/xml");
- if (doc.documentElement.namespaceURI != XMLURI_BLOCKLIST) {
- LOG("Blocklist::_loadBlocklistFromFile: aborting due to incorrect " +
- "XML Namespace.\r\nExpected: " + XMLURI_BLOCKLIST + "\r\n" +
- "Received: " + doc.documentElement.namespaceURI);
- return { };
- }
- const kELEMENT_NODE = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE;
- var itemNodes = this._getItemNodes(doc.documentElement.childNodes);
- for (var i = 0; i < itemNodes.length; ++i) {
- var blocklistElement = itemNodes[i];
- if (blocklistElement.nodeType != kELEMENT_NODE ||
- blocklistElement.localName != "emItem")
- continue;
- blocklistElement.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement);
- var versionNodes = blocklistElement.childNodes;
- var id = blocklistElement.getAttribute("id");
- result[id] = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < versionNodes.length; ++x) {
- var versionRangeElement = versionNodes[x];
- if (versionRangeElement.nodeType != kELEMENT_NODE ||
- versionRangeElement.localName != "versionRange")
- continue;
- result[id].push(new BlocklistItemData(versionRangeElement));
- }
- // if only the extension ID is specified block all versions of the
- // extension for the current application.
- if (result[id].length == 0)
- result[id].push(new BlocklistItemData(null));
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("Blocklist::_loadBlocklistFromFile: Error constructing blocklist " + e);
- return { };
- }
- fileStream.close();
- return result;
- },
- _getItemNodes: function(deChildNodes) {
- const kELEMENT_NODE = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE;
- for (var i = 0; i < deChildNodes.length; ++i) {
- var emItemsElement = deChildNodes[i];
- if (emItemsElement.nodeType == kELEMENT_NODE &&
- emItemsElement.localName == "emItems")
- return emItemsElement.childNodes;
- }
- return [ ];
- },
- _ensureBlocklist: function() {
- if (!this.entries)
- this.entries = this._loadBlocklistFromFile(getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR,
- }
- };
- /**
- * Helper for constructing a blocklist.
- */
- function BlocklistItemData(versionRangeElement) {
- var versionRange = this.getBlocklistVersionRange(versionRangeElement);
- this.minVersion = versionRange.minVersion;
- this.maxVersion = versionRange.maxVersion;
- this.targetApps = { };
- var found = false;
- if (versionRangeElement) {
- for (var i = 0; i < versionRangeElement.childNodes.length; ++i) {
- var targetAppElement = versionRangeElement.childNodes[i];
- if (targetAppElement.nodeType != Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE ||
- targetAppElement.localName != "targetApplication")
- continue;
- found = true;
- // default to the current application if id is not provided.
- var appID = targetAppElement.hasAttribute("id") ? targetAppElement.getAttribute("id") : gApp.ID;
- this.targetApps[appID] = this.getBlocklistAppVersions(targetAppElement);
- }
- }
- // Default to all versions of the extension and the current application when
- // versionRange is not defined.
- if (!found)
- this.targetApps[gApp.ID] = this.getBlocklistAppVersions(null);
- }
- BlocklistItemData.prototype = {
- /**
- * Retrieves a version range (e.g. minVersion and maxVersion) for a
- * blocklist item's targetApplication element.
- * @param targetAppElement
- * A targetApplication blocklist element.
- * @returns An array of JS objects with the following properties:
- * "minVersion" The minimum version in a version range (default = 0).
- * "maxVersion" The maximum version in a version range (default = *).
- */
- getBlocklistAppVersions: function(targetAppElement) {
- var appVersions = [ ];
- var found = false;
- if (targetAppElement) {
- for (var i = 0; i < targetAppElement.childNodes.length; ++i) {
- var versionRangeElement = targetAppElement.childNodes[i];
- if (versionRangeElement.nodeType != Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE ||
- versionRangeElement.localName != "versionRange")
- continue;
- found = true;
- appVersions.push(this.getBlocklistVersionRange(versionRangeElement));
- }
- }
- // return minVersion = 0 and maxVersion = * if not available
- if (!found)
- return [ this.getBlocklistVersionRange(null) ];
- return appVersions;
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a version range (e.g. minVersion and maxVersion) for a blocklist
- * versionRange element.
- * @param versionRangeElement
- * The versionRange blocklist element.
- * @returns A JS object with the following properties:
- * "minVersion" The minimum version in a version range (default = 0).
- * "maxVersion" The maximum version in a version range (default = *).
- */
- getBlocklistVersionRange: function(versionRangeElement) {
- var minVersion = "0";
- var maxVersion = "*";
- if (!versionRangeElement)
- return { minVersion: minVersion, maxVersion: maxVersion };
- if (versionRangeElement.hasAttribute("minVersion"))
- minVersion = versionRangeElement.getAttribute("minVersion");
- if (versionRangeElement.hasAttribute("maxVersion"))
- maxVersion = versionRangeElement.getAttribute("maxVersion");
- return { minVersion: minVersion, maxVersion: maxVersion };
- }
- };
- /**
- * Installs, manages and tracks compatibility for Extensions and Themes
- * @constructor
- */
- function ExtensionManager() {
- gApp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo)
- .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime);
- gOSTarget = gApp.OS;
- try {
- } catch (ex) {
- // Provide a default for gXPCOMABI. It won't be compared to an
- // item's metadata (i.e. install.rdf can't specify e.g. WINNT_unknownABI
- // as targetPlatform), but it will be displayed in error messages and
- // transmitted to update URLs.
- }
- gPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
- gOS = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
- gOS.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
- gConsole = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
- gRDF = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- gInstallManifestRoot = gRDF.GetResource(RDFURI_INSTALL_MANIFEST_ROOT);
- // Register Global Install Location
- var appGlobalExtensions = getDirNoCreate(KEY_APPDIR, [DIR_EXTENSIONS]);
- var priority = nsIInstallLocation.PRIORITY_APP_SYSTEM_GLOBAL;
- var globalLocation = new DirectoryInstallLocation(KEY_APP_GLOBAL,
- appGlobalExtensions, true,
- priority);
- InstallLocations.put(globalLocation);
- // Register App-Profile Install Location
- var appProfileExtensions = getDirNoCreate(KEY_PROFILEDS, [DIR_EXTENSIONS]);
- var priority = nsIInstallLocation.PRIORITY_APP_PROFILE;
- var profileLocation = new DirectoryInstallLocation(KEY_APP_PROFILE,
- appProfileExtensions, false,
- priority);
- InstallLocations.put(profileLocation);
- //@line 2692 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- // Register HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Install Location
- InstallLocations.put(
- new WinRegInstallLocation("winreg-app-global",
- true,
- nsIInstallLocation.PRIORITY_APP_SYSTEM_GLOBAL + 10));
- // Register HKEY_CURRENT_USER Install Location
- InstallLocations.put(
- new WinRegInstallLocation("winreg-app-user",
- false,
- nsIInstallLocation.PRIORITY_APP_SYSTEM_USER + 10));
- //@line 2706 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- // Register Additional Install Locations
- var categoryManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager);
- var locations = categoryManager.enumerateCategory(CATEGORY_INSTALL_LOCATIONS);
- while (locations.hasMoreElements()) {
- var entry = locations.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsCString).data;
- var contractID = categoryManager.getCategoryEntry(CATEGORY_INSTALL_LOCATIONS, entry);
- var location = Components.classes[contractID].getService(nsIInstallLocation);
- InstallLocations.put(location);
- }
- }
- ExtensionManager.prototype = {
- /**
- * See nsIObserver.idl
- */
- observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
- switch (topic) {
- case "app-startup":
- gOS.addObserver(this, "profile-after-change", false);
- break;
- case "profile-after-change":
- this._profileSelected();
- break;
- case "quit-application-requested":
- this._confirmCancelDownloadsOnQuit(subject);
- break;
- case "offline-requested":
- this._confirmCancelDownloadsOnOffline(subject);
- break;
- case "xpcom-shutdown":
- this._shutdown();
- break;
- case "nsPref:changed":
- this._loggingToggled();
- this._checkCompatToggled();
- break;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Refresh the logging enabled global from preferences when the user changes
- * the preference settting.
- */
- _loggingToggled: function() {
- gLoggingEnabled = getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_LOGGING_ENABLED, false);
- },
- /**
- * Enables or disables extensions that are incompatible depending upon the pref
- * setting for compatibility checking.
- */
- _checkCompatToggled: function() {
- gCheckCompatibility = getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, true);
- var ds = this.datasource;
- // Enumerate all items
- var ctr = getContainer(ds, ds._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var itemResource = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- // App disable or enable items as necessary
- // _appEnableItem and _appDisableItem will do nothing if the item is already
- // in the right state.
- id = stripPrefix(itemResource.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (this._isUsableItem(id))
- this._appEnableItem(id);
- else
- this._appDisableItem(id);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Initialize the system after a profile has been selected.
- */
- _profileSelected: function() {
- // Tell the Chrome Registry which Skin to select
- try {
- if (gPref.getBoolPref(PREF_DSS_SWITCHPENDING)) {
- var toSelect = gPref.getCharPref(PREF_DSS_SKIN_TO_SELECT);
- gPref.clearUserPref(PREF_DSS_SWITCHPENDING);
- gPref.clearUserPref(PREF_DSS_SKIN_TO_SELECT);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- gLoggingEnabled = getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_LOGGING_ENABLED, false);
- gCheckCompatibility = getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, true);
- gPref.addObserver("extensions.", this, false);
- },
- /**
- * Notify user that there are new addons updates
- */
- _showUpdatesWindow: function() {
- if (!getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_UPDATE_NOTIFYUSER, false))
- return;
- const EMURL = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul";
- const EMFEATURES = "chrome,centerscreen,extra-chrome,dialog,resizable,modal";
- var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- var param = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-array;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsArray);
- var arg = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
- arg.data = "updates-only";
- param.AppendElement(arg);
- ww.openWindow(null, EMURL, null, EMFEATURES, param);
- },
- /**
- * Clean up on application shutdown to avoid leaks.
- */
- _shutdown: function() {
- gOS.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
- // Release strongly held services.
- gOS = null;
- if (this._ds && gRDF)
- gRDF.UnregisterDataSource(this._ds)
- gRDF = null;
- if (gPref)
- gPref.removeObserver("extensions.", this);
- gPref = null;
- gConsole = null;
- gVersionChecker = null;
- gInstallManifestRoot = null;
- gApp = null;
- },
- /**
- * Check for presence of critical Extension system files. If any is missing,
- * delete the others and signal that the system needs to rebuild them all
- * from scratch.
- * @returns true if any critical file is missing and the system needs to
- * be rebuilt, false otherwise.
- */
- _ensureDatasetIntegrity: function () {
- var extensionsDS = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSIONS]);
- var dsExists = extensionsDS.exists();
- var iniExists = extensionsINI.exists();
- var cacheExists = extensionsCache.exists();
- if (dsExists && iniExists && cacheExists)
- return false;
- // If any of the files are missing, remove the .ini file
- if (iniExists)
- extensionsINI.remove(false);
- // If the extensions datasource is missing remove the .cache file if it exists
- if (!dsExists && cacheExists)
- extensionsCache.remove(false);
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- start: function(commandLine) {
- var isDirty = false;
- var forceAutoReg = false;
- this._showUpdatesWindow();
- // Somehow the component list went away, and for that reason the new one
- // generated by this function is going to result in a different compreg.
- // We must force a restart.
- var componentList = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST]);
- if (!componentList.exists())
- forceAutoReg = true;
- // Check for missing manifests - e.g. missing extensions.ini, missing
- // extensions.cache, extensions.rdf etc. If any of these files
- // is missing then we are in some kind of weird or initial state and need
- // to force a regeneration.
- if (this._ensureDatasetIntegrity())
- isDirty = true;
- // Configure any items that are being installed, uninstalled or upgraded
- // by being added, removed or modified by another process. We must do this
- // on every startup since there is no way we can tell if this has happened
- // or not!
- if (this._checkForFileChanges())
- isDirty = true;
- if (PendingOperations.size != 0)
- isDirty = true;
- // Extension Changes
- if (isDirty) {
- var needsRestart = this._finishOperations();
- if (forceAutoReg) {
- this._extensionListChanged = true;
- needsRestart = true;
- }
- return needsRestart;
- }
- this._startTimers();
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Begins all background update check timers
- */
- _startTimers: function() {
- // Register a background update check timer
- var tm =
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateTimerManager);
- var interval = getPref("getIntPref", PREF_EM_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 86400);
- tm.registerTimer("addon-background-update-timer", this, interval);
- interval = getPref("getIntPref", PREF_BLOCKLIST_INTERVAL, 86400);
- tm.registerTimer("blocklist-background-update-timer", Blocklist, interval);
- },
- /**
- * Notified when a timer fires
- * @param timer
- * The timer that fired
- */
- notify: function(timer) {
- if (!getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED, true))
- return;
- var items = this.getItemList(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ADDON, { });
- var updater = new ExtensionItemUpdater(gApp.ID, gApp.version, this);
- updater._background = true;
- updater.checkForUpdates(items, items.length, false, null);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- handleCommandLineArgs: function(commandLine) {
- try {
- var globalExtension = commandLine.handleFlagWithParam("install-global-extension", false);
- if (globalExtension) {
- var file = commandLine.resolveFile(globalExtension);
- this._installGlobalItem(file);
- }
- var globalTheme = commandLine.handleFlagWithParam("install-global-theme", false);
- if (globalTheme) {
- file = commandLine.resolveFile(globalTheme);
- this._installGlobalItem(file);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("ExtensionManager:handleCommandLineArgs - failure, catching exception - lineno: " +
- e.lineNumber + " - file: " + e.fileName + " - " + e);
- }
- commandLine.preventDefault = true;
- },
- /**
- * Installs an XPI/JAR file into the KEY_APP_GLOBAL install location.
- * @param file
- * The XPI/JAR file to extract
- */
- _installGlobalItem: function(file) {
- if (!file || !file.exists())
- throw new Error("Unable to find the file specified on the command line!");
- var installManifestFile = extractRDFFileToTempDir(file, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, true);
- if (!installManifestFile.exists())
- throw new Error("The package is missing an install manifest!");
- var installManifest = getInstallManifest(installManifestFile);
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- var installData = this._getInstallData(installManifest);
- var installer = new Installer(installManifest, installData.id,
- InstallLocations.get(KEY_APP_GLOBAL),
- installData.type);
- installer._installExtensionFiles(file);
- if (installData.type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- installer.upgradeThemeChrome();
- else
- installer.upgradeExtensionChrome();
- },
- /**
- * Check to see if a file is a XPI/JAR file that the user dropped into this
- * Install Location. (i.e. a XPI that is not a staged XPI from an install
- * transaction that is currently in operation).
- * @param file
- * The XPI/JAR file to configure
- * @param location
- * The Install Location where this file was found.
- * @returns A nsIUpdateItem representing the dropped XPI if this file was a
- * XPI/JAR that needs installation, null otherwise.
- */
- _getItemForDroppedFile: function(file, location) {
- if (fileIsItemPackage(file)) {
- // We know nothing about this item, it is not something we've
- // staged in preparation for finalization, so assume it's something
- // the user dropped in.
- LOG("A Item Package appeared at: " + file.path + " that we know " +
- "nothing about, assuming it was dropped in by the user and " +
- "configuring for installation now. Location Key: " + location.name);
- var installManifestFile = extractRDFFileToTempDir(file, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, true);
- if (!installManifestFile.exists())
- return null;
- var installManifest = getInstallManifest(installManifestFile);
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var installData = this._getInstallData(installManifest);
- var targetAppInfo = ds.getTargetApplicationInfo(installData.id, installManifest);
- return makeItem(installData.id,
- installData.version,
- location.name,
- targetAppInfo ? targetAppInfo.minVersion : "",
- targetAppInfo ? targetAppInfo.maxVersion : "",
- getManifestProperty(installManifest, "name"),
- "", /* XPI Update URL */
- "", /* XPI Update Hash */
- getManifestProperty(installManifest, "iconURL"),
- getManifestProperty(installManifest, "updateURL"),
- installData.type);
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Check for changes to items that were made independently of the Extension
- * Manager, e.g. items were added or removed from a Install Location or items
- * in an Install Location changed.
- */
- _checkForFileChanges: function() {
- var em = this;
- /**
- * Configure an item that was installed or upgraded by another process
- * so that |_finishOperations| can properly complete processing and
- * registration.
- * As this is the only point at which we can reliably know the Install
- * Location of this item, we use this as an opportunity to:
- * 1. Check that this item is compatible with this Firefox version.
- * 2. If it is, configure the item by using the supplied callback.
- * We do not do any special handling in the case that the item is
- * not compatible with this version other than to simply not register
- * it and log that fact - there is no "phone home" check for updates.
- * It may or may not make sense to do this, but for now we'll just
- * not register.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to validate and configure.
- * @param location
- * The Install Location where this item is installed.
- * @param callback
- * The callback that configures the item for installation upon
- * successful validation.
- */
- function installItem(id, location, callback) {
- // As this is the only pint at which we reliably know the installation
- var installRDF = location.getItemFile(id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- if (installRDF.exists()) {
- LOG("Item Installed/Upgraded at Install Location: " + location.name +
- " Item ID: " + id + ", attempting to register...");
- var installManifest = getInstallManifest(installRDF);
- var installData = em._getInstallData(installManifest);
- if (installData.error == INSTALLERROR_SUCCESS) {
- LOG("... success, item is compatible");
- callback(installManifest, installData.id, location, installData.type);
- }
- else if (installData.error == INSTALLERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION) {
- LOG("... success, item installed but is not compatible");
- callback(installManifest, installData.id, location, installData.type);
- em._appDisableItem(id);
- }
- else if (installData.error == INSTALLERROR_BLOCKLISTED) {
- LOG("... success, item installed but is blocklisted");
- callback(installManifest, installData.id, location, installData.type);
- em._appDisableItem(id);
- }
- else {
- /**
- * Turns an error code into a message for logging
- * @param error
- * an Install Error code
- * @returns A string message to be logged.
- */
- function translateErrorMessage(error) {
- switch (error) {
- return "Invalid GUID";
- return "Invalid Version";
- return "Incompatible Version";
- return "Incompatible Platform";
- }
- }
- LOG("... failure, item is not compatible, error: " +
- translateErrorMessage(installData.error));
- // Add the item to the Startup Cache anyway, so we don't re-detect it
- // every time the app starts.
- StartupCache.put(location, id, OP_NONE, true);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines if an item can be used based on whether or not the install
- * location of the "item" has an equal or higher priority than the install
- * location where another version may live.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item being installed.
- * @param location
- * The location where an item is to be installed.
- * @returns true if the item can be installed at that location, false
- * otherwise.
- */
- function canUse(id, location) {
- for (var locationKey in StartupCache.entries) {
- if (locationKey != location.name &&
- id in StartupCache.entries[locationKey]) {
- if (StartupCache.entries[locationKey][id]) {
- var oldInstallLocation = InstallLocations.get(locationKey);
- if (oldInstallLocation.priority <= location.priority)
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a Dialog Param Block loaded with a set of strings to initialize the
- * XPInstall Confirmation Dialog.
- * @param strings
- * An array of strings
- * @returns A nsIDialogParamBlock loaded with the strings and dialog state.
- */
- function getParamBlock(strings) {
- var dpb = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock);
- // OK and Cancel Buttons
- dpb.SetInt(0, 2);
- // Number of Strings
- dpb.SetInt(1, strings.length);
- dpb.SetNumberStrings(strings.length);
- // Add Strings
- for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i)
- dpb.SetString(i, strings[i]);
- var supportsString = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- supportsString.data = bundle.GetStringFromName("droppedInWarning");
- var objs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/array;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIMutableArray);
- objs.appendElement(supportsString, false);
- dpb.objects = objs;
- return dpb;
- }
- /**
- * Installs a set of files which were dropped into an install location by
- * the user, only after user confirmation.
- * @param droppedInFiles
- * An array of JS objects with the following properties:
- * "file" The nsILocalFile where the XPI lives
- * "location" The Install Location where the XPI was found.
- * @param xpinstallStrings
- * An array of strings used to initialize the XPInstall Confirm
- * dialog.
- */
- function installDroppedInFiles(droppedInFiles, xpinstallStrings) {
- if (droppedInFiles.length == 0)
- return;
- var dpb = getParamBlock(xpinstallStrings);
- var ifptr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-interface-pointer;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsInterfacePointer);
- ifptr.data = dpb;
- ifptr.dataIID = Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock;
- var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- "", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,dialog,titlebar", ifptr);
- if (!dpb.GetInt(0)) {
- // User said OK - install items
- for (var i = 0; i < droppedInFiles.length; ++i) {
- em.installItemFromFile(droppedInFiles[i].file,
- droppedInFiles[i].location.name);
- // We are responsible for cleaning up this file
- droppedInFiles[i].file.remove(false);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < droppedInFiles.length; ++i) {
- // We are responsible for cleaning up this file
- droppedInFiles[i].file.remove(false);
- }
- }
- }
- var isDirty = false;
- var ignoreMTimeChanges = getPref("getBoolPref", PREF_EM_IGNOREMTIMECHANGES,
- false);
- StartupCache.read();
- // Array of objects with 'location' and 'id' properties to maybe install.
- var newItems = [];
- var droppedInFiles = [];
- var xpinstallStrings = [];
- // Enumerate over the install locations from low to high priority. The
- // enumeration returned is pre-sorted.
- var installLocations = this.installLocations;
- while (installLocations.hasMoreElements()) {
- var location = installLocations.getNext().QueryInterface(nsIInstallLocation);
- // Hash the set of items actually held by the Install Location.
- var actualItems = { };
- var entries = location.itemLocations;
- while (true) {
- var entry = entries.nextFile;
- if (!entry)
- break;
- // Is this location a valid item? It must be a directory, and contain
- // an install.rdf manifest:
- if (entry.isDirectory()) {
- var installRDF = entry.clone();
- var id = location.getIDForLocation(entry);
- if (!id || (!installRDF.exists() &&
- !location.itemIsManagedIndependently(id)))
- continue;
- actualItems[id] = entry;
- }
- else {
- // Check to see if this file is a XPI/JAR dropped into this dir
- // by the user, installing it if necessary. We do this here rather
- // than separately in |_finishOperations| because I don't want to
- // walk these lists multiple times on every startup.
- var item = this._getItemForDroppedFile(entry, location);
- if (item) {
- droppedInFiles.push({ file: entry, location: location });
- var zipReader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIZipReader);
- zipReader.init(entry);
- var prettyName = "";
- try {
- var jar = zipReader.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIJAR);
- var principal = { };
- var certPrincipal = zipReader.getCertificatePrincipal(null, principal);
- // XXXbz This string could be empty. This needs better
- // UI to present principal.value.certificate's subject.
- prettyName = principal.value.prettyName;
- }
- catch (e) { }
- xpinstallStrings = xpinstallStrings.concat([item.name,
- getURLSpecFromFile(entry),
- item.iconURL,
- prettyName]);
- isDirty = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (location.name in StartupCache.entries) {
- // Look for items that have been uninstalled by removing their directory.
- for (var id in StartupCache.entries[location.name]) {
- if (!StartupCache.entries[location.name] ||
- !StartupCache.entries[location.name][id])
- continue;
- // Force _finishOperations to run if we have enabled or disabled items.
- // XXXdarin this should be unnecessary now that we check
- // PendingOperations.size in start()
- if (StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].op == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE ||
- StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].op == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- isDirty = true;
- if (!(id in actualItems) &&
- StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].op != OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL &&
- StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].op != OP_NEEDS_INSTALL &&
- StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].op != OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE) {
- // We have an entry for this id in the Extensions database, for this
- // install location, but it no longer exists in the Install Location.
- // We can infer from this that the item has been removed, so uninstall
- // it properly.
- if (canUse(id, location)) {
- LOG("Item Uninstalled via file removal from: " + StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].descriptor +
- " Item ID: " + id + " Location Key: " + location.name + ", uninstalling item.");
- // Load the Extensions Datasource and force this item into the visible
- // items list if it is not already. This allows us to handle the case
- // where there is an entry for an item in the Startup Cache but not
- // in the extensions.rdf file - in that case the item will not be in
- // the visible list and calls to |getInstallLocation| will mysteriously
- // fail.
- this.datasource.updateVisibleList(id, location.name, false);
- this.uninstallItem(id);
- isDirty = true;
- }
- }
- else if (!ignoreMTimeChanges) {
- // Look for items whose mtime has changed, and as such we can assume
- // they have been "upgraded".
- var lf = { path: StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].descriptor };
- try {
- lf = getFileFromDescriptor(StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].descriptor, location);
- }
- catch (e) { }
- if (lf.exists && lf.exists()) {
- var actualMTime = Math.floor(lf.lastModifiedTime / 1000);
- if (actualMTime != StartupCache.entries[location.name][id].mtime) {
- LOG("Item Location path changed: " + lf.path + " Item ID: " +
- id + " Location Key: " + location.name + ", attempting to upgrade item...");
- if (canUse(id, location)) {
- installItem(id, location,
- function(installManifest, id, location, type) {
- em._upgradeItem(installManifest, id, location,
- type);
- });
- isDirty = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- isDirty = true;
- LOG("Install Location returned a missing or malformed item path! " +
- "Item Path: " + lf.path + ", Location Key: " + location.name +
- " Item ID: " + id);
- if (canUse(id, location)) {
- // Load the Extensions Datasource and force this item into the visible
- // items list if it is not already. This allows us to handle the case
- // where there is an entry for an item in the Startup Cache but not
- // in the extensions.rdf file - in that case the item will not be in
- // the visible list and calls to |getInstallLocation| will mysteriously
- // fail.
- this.datasource.updateVisibleList(id, location.name, false);
- this.uninstallItem(id);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Look for items that have been installed by appearing in the location.
- for (var id in actualItems) {
- if (!(location.name in StartupCache.entries) ||
- !(id in StartupCache.entries[location.name]) ||
- !StartupCache.entries[location.name][id]) {
- // Remember that we've seen this item
- StartupCache.put(location, id, OP_NONE, true);
- // Push it on the stack of items to maybe install later
- newItems.push({location: location, id: id});
- }
- }
- }
- // Process any newly discovered items. We do this here instead of in the
- // previous loop so that we can be sure that we have a fully populated
- // StartupCache.
- for (var i = 0; i < newItems.length; ++i) {
- var id = newItems[i].id;
- var location = newItems[i].location;
- if (canUse(id, location)) {
- LOG("Item Installed via directory addition to Install Location: " +
- location.name + " Item ID: " + id + ", attempting to register...");
- installItem(id, location,
- function(installManifest, id, location, type) {
- em._configureForthcomingItem(installManifest, id, location,
- type);
- });
- // Disable add-ons on install when the InstallDisabled file exists.
- // This is so Talkback will be disabled on a subset of installs.
- var installDisabled = location.getItemFile(id, "InstallDisabled");
- if (installDisabled.exists())
- em.disableItem(id);
- isDirty = true;
- }
- }
- // Ask the user if they want to install the dropped items, for security
- // purposes.
- installDroppedInFiles(droppedInFiles, xpinstallStrings);
- return isDirty;
- },
- /**
- * Upgrades contents.rdf files to chrome.manifest files for any existing
- * Extensions and Themes.
- * @returns true if actions were performed that require a restart, false
- * otherwise.
- */
- _upgradeChrome: function() {
- if (inSafeMode())
- return false;
- var checkForNewChrome = false;
- var ds = this.datasource;
- // If we have extensions that were installed before the new flat chrome
- // manifests, and are still valid, we need to manually create the flat
- // manifest files.
- var extensions = this._getActiveItems(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION +
- nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_LOCALE +
- nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_PLUGIN);
- for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; ++i) {
- var e = extensions[i];
- var itemLocation = e.location.getItemLocation(e.id);
- var manifest = itemLocation.clone();
- manifest.append(FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST);
- if (!manifest.exists()) {
- var installRDF = itemLocation.clone();
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(e.id);
- if (installLocation && installRDF.exists()) {
- var itemLocation = installLocation.getItemLocation(e.id);
- if (itemLocation.exists() && itemLocation.isDirectory()) {
- var installer = new Installer(ds, e.id, installLocation,
- nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION);
- installer.upgradeExtensionChrome();
- }
- }
- else {
- ds.removeItemMetadata(e.id);
- ds.removeItemFromContainer(e.id);
- }
- checkForNewChrome = true;
- }
- }
- var themes = this._getActiveItems(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME);
- // If we have themes that were installed before the new flat chrome
- // manifests, and are still valid, we need to manually create the flat
- // manifest files.
- for (i = 0; i < themes.length; ++i) {
- var item = themes[i];
- var itemLocation = item.location.getItemLocation(item.id);
- var manifest = itemLocation.clone();
- manifest.append(FILE_CHROME_MANIFEST);
- if (manifest.exists() ||
- item.id == stripPrefix(RDFURI_DEFAULT_THEME, PREFIX_ITEM_URI))
- continue;
- var entries;
- try {
- var manifestURI = getURIFromFile(manifest);
- var chromeDir = itemLocation.clone();
- chromeDir.append(DIR_CHROME);
- if (!chromeDir.exists() || !chromeDir.isDirectory()) {
- ds.removeItemMetadata(item.id);
- ds.removeItemFromContainer(item.id);
- continue;
- }
- // We're relying on the fact that there is only one JAR file
- // in the "chrome" directory. This is a hack, but it works.
- entries = chromeDir.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- var jarFile = entries.nextFile;
- if (jarFile) {
- var jarFileURI = getURIFromFile(jarFile);
- var contentsURI = newURI("jar:" + jarFileURI.spec + "!/");
- // Use the Chrome Registry API to install the theme there
- var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIToolkitChromeRegistry);
- cr.processContentsManifest(contentsURI, manifestURI, contentsURI, false, true);
- }
- entries.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("_upgradeChrome: failed to upgrade contents manifest for " +
- "theme: " + item.id + ", exception: " + e + "... The theme will be " +
- "disabled.");
- this._appDisableItem(item.id);
- }
- finally {
- try {
- entries.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- checkForNewChrome = true;
- }
- return checkForNewChrome;
- },
- _checkForUncoveredItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var oldLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- var newLocations = [];
- for (var locationKey in StartupCache.entries) {
- var location = InstallLocations.get(locationKey);
- if (id in StartupCache.entries[locationKey] &&
- location.priority > oldLocation.priority)
- newLocations.push(location);
- }
- newLocations.sort(function(a, b) { return b.priority - a.priority; });
- if (newLocations.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < newLocations.length; ++i) {
- // Check to see that the item at the location exists
- var installRDF = newLocations[i].getItemFile(id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- if (installRDF.exists()) {
- // Update the visible item cache so that |_finalizeUpgrade| is properly
- // called from |_finishOperations|
- var name = newLocations[i].name;
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, name, true);
- PendingOperations.addItem(OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE,
- { locationKey: name, id: id });
- PendingOperations.addItem(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL,
- { locationKey: name, id: id });
- break;
- }
- else {
- // If no item exists at the location specified, remove this item
- // from the visible items list and check again.
- StartupCache.clearEntry(newLocations[i], id);
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, null, true);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, null, true);
- },
- /**
- * Finish up pending operations - perform upgrades, installs, enables/disables,
- * uninstalls etc.
- * @returns true if actions were performed that require a restart, false
- * otherwise.
- */
- _finishOperations: function() {
- try {
- // Stuff has changed, load the Extensions datasource in all its RDFey
- // glory.
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var updatedTargetAppInfos = [];
- var needsRestart = false;
- do {
- // Enable and disable during startup so items that are changed in the
- // ui can be reset to a no-op.
- // Look for extensions that need to be enabled.
- var items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_ENABLE);
- for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var id = items[i].id;
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- StartupCache.put(installLocation, id, OP_NONE, true);
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_ENABLE, id);
- needsRestart = true;
- }
- PendingOperations.clearItems(OP_NEEDS_ENABLE);
- // Look for extensions that need to be disabled.
- items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_DISABLE);
- for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- id = items[i].id;
- installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- StartupCache.put(installLocation, id, OP_NONE, true);
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_DISABLE, id);
- needsRestart = true;
- }
- PendingOperations.clearItems(OP_NEEDS_DISABLE);
- // Look for extensions that need to be upgraded. The process here is to
- // uninstall the old version of the extension first, then install the
- // new version in its place.
- items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE);
- for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- id = items[i].id;
- var oldLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- var newLocation = InstallLocations.get(items[i].locationKey);
- if (newLocation.priority <= oldLocation.priority) {
- // check if there is updated app compatibility info
- var newTargetAppInfo = ds.getUpdatedTargetAppInfo(id);
- if (newTargetAppInfo)
- updatedTargetAppInfos.push(newTargetAppInfo);
- this._finalizeUpgrade(id);
- }
- }
- PendingOperations.clearItems(OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE);
- // Install items
- items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL);
- for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- needsRestart = true;
- id = items[i].id;
- // check if there is updated app compatibility info
- newTargetAppInfo = ds.getUpdatedTargetAppInfo(id);
- if (newTargetAppInfo)
- updatedTargetAppInfos.push(newTargetAppInfo);
- this._finalizeInstall(id, null);
- }
- PendingOperations.clearItems(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL);
- // Look for extensions that need to be removed. This MUST be done after
- // the install operations since extensions to be installed may have to be
- // uninstalled if there are errors during the installation process!
- items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL);
- for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- id = items[i].id;
- this._finalizeUninstall(id);
- this._checkForUncoveredItem(id);
- needsRestart = true;
- }
- PendingOperations.clearItems(OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL);
- // When there have been operations and all operations have completed.
- if (PendingOperations.size == 0) {
- // If there is updated app compatibility info update the data sources.
- for (i = 0; i < updatedTargetAppInfos.length; ++i)
- ds.updateTargetAppInfo(updatedTargetAppInfos[i].id,
- updatedTargetAppInfos[i].minVersion,
- updatedTargetAppInfos[i].maxVersion);
- // Enumerate all items
- var ctr = getContainer(ds, ds._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var itemResource = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- // Ensure appDisabled is in the correct state.
- id = stripPrefix(itemResource.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (this._isUsableItem(id))
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), null);
- else
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- // userDisabled is set based on its value being OP_NEEDS_ENABLE or
- // OP_NEEDS_DISABLE. This allows us to have an item to be enabled
- // by the app and disabled by the user during a single restart.
- var value = stringData(ds.GetTarget(itemResource, EM_R("userDisabled"), true));
- if (value == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), null);
- else if (value == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- }
- }
- }
- while (PendingOperations.size > 0);
- // Upgrade contents.rdf files to the new chrome.manifest format for
- // existing Extensions and Themes
- if (this._upgradeChrome()) {
- var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIChromeRegistry);
- cr.checkForNewChrome();
- }
- // If no additional restart is required, it implies that there are
- // no new components that need registering so we can inform the app
- // not to do any extra startup checking next time round.
- this._updateManifests(needsRestart);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("ExtensionManager:_finishOperations - failure, catching exception - lineno: " +
- e.lineNumber + " - file: " + e.fileName + " - " + e);
- }
- return needsRestart;
- },
- /**
- * Checks to see if there are items that are incompatible with this version
- * of the application, disables them to prevent incompatibility problems and
- * invokes the Update Wizard to look for newer versions.
- * @returns true if there were incompatible items installed and disabled, and
- * the application must now be restarted to reinitialize XPCOM,
- * false otherwise.
- */
- checkForMismatches: function() {
- // Check to see if the version of the application that is being started
- // now is the same one that was started last time.
- var currAppVersion = gApp.version;
- var lastAppVersion = getPref("getCharPref", PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION, "");
- if (currAppVersion == lastAppVersion)
- return false;
- // With a new profile lastAppVersion doesn't exist yet.
- if (!lastAppVersion) {
- gPref.setCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION, currAppVersion);
- return false;
- }
- // Version mismatch, we have to load the extensions datasource and do
- // version checking. Time hit here doesn't matter since this doesn't happen
- // all that often.
- this._upgradeFromV10();
- // Make the extensions datasource consistent if it isn't already.
- var isDirty = false;
- if (this._ensureDatasetIntegrity())
- isDirty = true;
- if (this._checkForFileChanges())
- isDirty = true;
- if (PendingOperations.size != 0)
- isDirty = true;
- if (isDirty)
- this._finishOperations();
- var ds = this.datasource;
- // During app upgrade cleanup invalid entries in the extensions datasource.
- ds.beginUpdateBatch();
- var allResources = ds.GetAllResources();
- while (allResources.hasMoreElements()) {
- var res = allResources.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- if (ds.GetTarget(res, EM_R("downloadURL"), true) ||
- (!ds.GetTarget(res, EM_R("installLocation"), true) &&
- stringData(ds.GetTarget(res, EM_R("appDisabled"), true)) == "true"))
- ds.removeDownload(res.Value);
- }
- ds.endUpdateBatch();
- var allAppManaged = true;
- var ctr = getContainer(ds, ds._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var itemResource = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stripPrefix(itemResource.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (ds.getItemProperty(id, "appManaged") == "true") {
- // Force an update of the metadata for appManaged extensions since the
- // last modified time is not updated for directories on FAT / FAT32
- // filesystems when software update applies a new version of the app.
- var location = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- if (location.name == KEY_APP_GLOBAL) {
- var installRDF = location.getItemFile(id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- if (installRDF.exists()) {
- var metadataDS = getInstallManifest(installRDF);
- ds.addItemMetadata(id, metadataDS, location);
- ds.updateProperty(id, "compatible");
- }
- }
- }
- else if (allAppManaged)
- allAppManaged = false;
- // appDisabled is determined by an item being compatible,
- // satisfying its dependencies, and not being blocklisted
- if (this._isUsableItem(id)) {
- if (ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled"))
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), null);
- }
- else if (!ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled"))
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("availableUpdateURL"), null);
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("availableUpdateVersion"), null);
- }
- // Update the manifests to reflect the items that were disabled / enabled.
- this._updateManifests(true);
- // Always check for compatibility updates when upgrading if we have add-ons
- // that aren't managed by the application.
- if (!allAppManaged)
- this._showMismatchWindow();
- // Finish any pending upgrades from the compatibility update to avoid an
- // additional restart.
- if (PendingOperations.size != 0)
- this._finishOperations();
- // Update the last app version so we don't do this again with this version.
- gPref.setCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION, currAppVersion);
- // Prevent extension update dialog from showing
- gPref.setBoolPref(PREF_UPDATE_NOTIFYUSER, false);
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Shows the "Compatibility Updates" UI
- */
- _showMismatchWindow: function(items) {
- var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var wizard = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Update:Wizard");
- if (wizard)
- wizard.focus();
- else {
- var features = "chrome,centerscreen,dialog,titlebar,modal";
- // This *must* be modal so as not to break startup! This code is invoked before
- // the main event loop is initiated (via checkForMismatches).
- var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
- ww.openWindow(null, URI_EXTENSION_UPDATE_DIALOG, "", features, null);
- }
- },
- /*
- * Catch all for facilitating a version 1.0 profile upgrade.
- * 1) removes the abandoned default theme directory from the profile.
- * 2) prepares themes installed with version 1.0 for installation.
- * 3) initiates an install to populate the new extensions datasource.
- * 4) migrates the disabled attribute from the old datasource.
- * 5) migrates the app compatibility info from the old datasource.
- */
- _upgradeFromV10: function() {
- var extensionsDS = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSIONS]);
- var dsExists = extensionsDS.exists();
- // Toolkiit 1.7 profiles (Firefox 1.0, Thunderbird 1.0, etc.) have a default
- // theme directory in the profile's extensions directory that will be
- // disabled due to having a maxVersion that is incompatible with the
- // toolkit 1.8 release of the app.
- var profileDefaultTheme = getDirNoCreate(KEY_PROFILEDS, [DIR_EXTENSIONS,
- if (profileDefaultTheme && profileDefaultTheme.exists()) {
- removeDirRecursive(profileDefaultTheme);
- // Sunbird 0.3a1 didn't move the default theme into the app's extensions
- // directory and we can't install it while uninstalling the one in the
- // profile directory. If we have a toolkit 1.8 extensions datasource and
- // a profile default theme deleting the toolkit 1.8 extensions datasource
- // will fix this problem when the datasource is re-created.
- if (dsExists)
- extensionsDS.remove(false);
- }
- // return early if the toolkit 1.7 extensions datasource file doesn't exist.
- var oldExtensionsFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [DIR_EXTENSIONS, "Extensions.rdf"]);
- if (!oldExtensionsFile.exists())
- return;
- // Sunbird 0.2 used a different GUID for the default theme
- profileDefaultTheme = getDirNoCreate(KEY_PROFILEDS, [DIR_EXTENSIONS,
- "{8af2d0a7-e394-4de2-ae55-2dae532a7a9b}"]);
- if (profileDefaultTheme && profileDefaultTheme.exists())
- removeDirRecursive(profileDefaultTheme);
- // Firefox 0.9 profiles may have DOMi 1.0 with just an install.rdf
- var profileDOMi = getDirNoCreate(KEY_PROFILEDS, [DIR_EXTENSIONS,
- "{641d8d09-7dda-4850-8228-ac0ab65e2ac9}"]);
- if (profileDOMi && profileDOMi.exists())
- removeDirRecursive(profileDOMi);
- // return early to avoid migrating data twice if we already have a
- // toolkit 1.8 extension datasource.
- if (dsExists)
- return;
- // Prepare themes for installation
- // Only enumerate directories in the app-profile and app-global locations.
- var locations = [KEY_APP_PROFILE, KEY_APP_GLOBAL];
- for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; ++i) {
- var location = InstallLocations.get(locations[i]);
- if (!location.canAccess)
- continue;
- var entries = location.itemLocations;
- var entry;
- while ((entry = entries.nextFile)) {
- var installRDF = entry.clone();
- var chromeDir = entry.clone();
- chromeDir.append(DIR_CHROME);
- // It must be a directory without an install.rdf and it must contain
- // a chrome directory
- if (!entry.isDirectory() || installRDF.exists() || !chromeDir.exists())
- continue;
- var chromeEntries = chromeDir.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(nsIDirectoryEnumerator);
- if (!chromeEntries.hasMoreElements())
- continue;
- // We're relying on the fact that there is only one JAR file
- // in the "chrome" directory. This is a hack, but it works.
- var jarFile = chromeEntries.nextFile;
- if (jarFile.isDirectory())
- continue;
- var id = location.getIDForLocation(entry);
- try {
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(jarFile);
- zipReader.extract(FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, installRDF);
- var contentsManifestFile = location.getItemFile(id, FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST);
- zipReader.extract(FILE_CONTENTS_MANIFEST, contentsManifestFile);
- var rootFiles = ["preview.png", "icon.png"];
- for (var i = 0; i < rootFiles.length; ++i) {
- try {
- var target = location.getItemFile(id, rootFiles[i]);
- zipReader.extract(rootFiles[i], target);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- zipReader.close();
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("ExtensionManager:_upgradeFromV10 - failed to extract theme files\r\n" +
- "Exception: " + e);
- }
- }
- }
- // When upgrading from a version 1.0 profile we need to populate the
- // extensions datasource with all items before checking for incompatible
- // items since the datasource hasn't been created yet.
- var itemsToCheck = [];
- if (this._checkForFileChanges()) {
- // Create a list of all items that are to be installed so we can migrate
- // these items's settings to the new datasource.
- var items = PendingOperations.getOperations(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL);
- for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (items[i].locationKey == KEY_APP_PROFILE ||
- items[i].locationKey == KEY_APP_GLOBAL)
- itemsToCheck.push(items[i].id);
- }
- this._finishOperations();
- }
- // If there are no items to migrate settings for return early.
- if (itemsToCheck.length == 0)
- return;
- var fileURL = getURLSpecFromFile(oldExtensionsFile);
- var oldExtensionsDS = gRDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(fileURL);
- var versionChecker = getVersionChecker();
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var currAppVersion = gApp.version;
- var currAppID = gApp.ID;
- for (var i = 0; i < itemsToCheck.length; ++i) {
- var item = ds.getItemForID(itemsToCheck[i]);
- var oldPrefix = (item.type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION) ? PREFIX_EXTENSION : PREFIX_THEME;
- var oldRes = gRDF.GetResource(oldPrefix + item.id);
- // Disable the item if it was disabled in the version 1.0 extensions
- // datasource.
- if (oldExtensionsDS.GetTarget(oldRes, EM_R("disabled"), true))
- ds.setItemProperty(item.id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- // app enable all items. If it is incompatible it will be app disabled
- // later on.
- ds.setItemProperty(item.id, EM_R("appDisabled"), null);
- // if the item is already compatible don't attempt to migrate the
- // item's compatibility info
- var newRes = getResourceForID(itemsToCheck[i]);
- if (ds.isCompatible(ds, newRes))
- continue;
- var updatedMinVersion = null;
- var updatedMaxVersion = null;
- var targetApps = oldExtensionsDS.GetTargets(oldRes, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- try {
- var foundAppID = stringData(oldExtensionsDS.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("id"), true));
- if (foundAppID != currAppID) // Different target application
- continue;
- updatedMinVersion = stringData(oldExtensionsDS.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("minVersion"), true));
- updatedMaxVersion = stringData(oldExtensionsDS.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("maxVersion"), true));
- // Only set the target app info if the extension's target app info
- // in the version 1.0 extensions datasource makes it compatible
- if (versionChecker.compare(currAppVersion, updatedMinVersion) >= 0 &&
- versionChecker.compare(currAppVersion, updatedMaxVersion) <= 0)
- ds.updateTargetAppInfo(item.id, updatedMinVersion, updatedMaxVersion);
- break;
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Write the Extensions List and the Startup Cache
- * @param needsRestart
- * true if the application needs to restart again, false otherwise.
- */
- _updateManifests: function(needsRestart) {
- // Write the Startup Cache (All Items, visible or not)
- StartupCache.write();
- // Write the Extensions Locations Manifest (Visible, enabled items)
- this._updateExtensionsManifest(needsRestart);
- },
- /**
- * Get a list of items that are currently "active" (turned on) of a specific
- * type
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type to return a list of items of
- * @returns An array of active items of the specified type.
- */
- _getActiveItems: function(type) {
- var allItems = this.getItemList(type, { });
- var activeItems = [];
- var ds = this.datasource;
- for (var i = 0; i < allItems.length; ++i) {
- var item = allItems[i];
- // An item entry is valid only if it is not disabled, not about to
- // be disabled, and not about to be uninstalled.
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(item.id);
- if (installLocation.name in StartupCache.entries &&
- item.id in StartupCache.entries[installLocation.name] &&
- StartupCache.entries[installLocation.name][item.id]) {
- var op = StartupCache.entries[installLocation.name][item.id].op;
- if (op == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL || op == OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE ||
- continue;
- }
- // Suppress items that have been disabled by the user or the app.
- if (ds.getItemProperty(item.id, "isDisabled") != "true")
- activeItems.push({ id: item.id, location: installLocation });
- }
- return activeItems;
- },
- /**
- * Write the Extensions List
- * @param needsRestart
- * true if the application needs to restart again, false otherwise.
- */
- _updateExtensionsManifest: function(needsRestart) {
- // When an operation is performed that requires a component re-registration
- // (extension enabled/disabled, installed, uninstalled), we must write the
- // set of paths where extensions live so that the startup system can determine
- // where additional components, preferences, chrome manifests etc live.
- //
- // To do this we obtain a list of active extensions and themes and write
- // these to the extensions.ini file in the profile directory.
- var validExtensions = this._getActiveItems(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION +
- nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_LOCALE +
- nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_PLUGIN);
- var validThemes = this._getActiveItems(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME);
- var extensionsLocationsFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST]);
- var fos = openSafeFileOutputStream(extensionsLocationsFile);
- var extensionSectionHeader = "[ExtensionDirs]\r\n";
- fos.write(extensionSectionHeader, extensionSectionHeader.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < validExtensions.length; ++i) {
- var e = validExtensions[i];
- var itemLocation = e.location.getItemLocation(e.id).QueryInterface(nsILocalFile);
- var descriptor = getAbsoluteDescriptor(itemLocation);
- var line = "Extension" + i + "=" + descriptor + "\r\n";
- fos.write(line, line.length);
- }
- var themeSectionHeader = "[ThemeDirs]\r\n";
- fos.write(themeSectionHeader, themeSectionHeader.length);
- for (i = 0; i < validThemes.length; ++i) {
- var e = validThemes[i];
- var itemLocation = e.location.getItemLocation(e.id).QueryInterface(nsILocalFile);
- var descriptor = getAbsoluteDescriptor(itemLocation);
- var line = "Extension" + i + "=" + descriptor + "\r\n";
- fos.write(line, line.length);
- }
- closeSafeFileOutputStream(fos);
- // Now refresh the compatibility manifest.
- this._extensionListChanged = needsRestart;
- },
- /**
- * Say whether or not the Extension List has changed (and thus whether or not
- * the system will have to restart the next time it is started).
- * @param val
- * true if the Extension List has changed, false otherwise.
- * @returns |val|
- */
- set _extensionListChanged(val) {
- // When an extension has an operation perform on it (e.g. install, upgrade,
- // disable, etc.) we are responsible for creating the .autoreg file and
- // nsAppRunner is responsible for removing it on restart. At some point it
- // may make sense to be able to cancel a registration but for now we only
- // create the file.
- try {
- var autoregFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_AUTOREG]);
- if (val && !autoregFile.exists())
- autoregFile.create(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- return val;
- },
- /**
- * Gathers data about an item specified by the supplied Install Manifest
- * and determines whether or not it can be installed as-is. It makes this
- * determination by validating the item's GUID, Version, and determining
- * if it is compatible with this application.
- * @param installManifest
- * A nsIRDFDataSource representing the Install Manifest of the
- * item to be installed.
- * @return A JS Object with the following properties:
- * "id" The GUID of the Item being installed.
- * "version" The Version string of the Item being installed.
- * "name" The Name of the Item being installed.
- * "type" The nsIUpdateItem type of the Item being installed.
- * "targetApps" An array of TargetApplication Info Objects
- * with "id", "minVersion" and "maxVersion" properties,
- * representing applications targeted by this item.
- * "error" The result code:
- * no error, item can be installed
- * error, GUID is not well-formed
- * error, Version is not well-formed
- * error, item is not compatible with this version
- * of the application.
- * error, item is not compatible with the operating
- * system or ABI the application was built for.
- * error, item is blocklisted
- */
- _getInstallData: function(installManifest) {
- var installData = { id : "",
- version : "",
- name : "",
- type : 0,
- targetApps : [],
- currentApp : null };
- // Fetch properties from the Install Manifest
- installData.id = getManifestProperty(installManifest, "id");
- installData.version = getManifestProperty(installManifest, "version");
- installData.name = getManifestProperty(installManifest, "name");
- installData.type = getAddonTypeFromInstallManifest(installManifest);
- installData.updateURL= getManifestProperty(installManifest, "updateURL");
- /**
- * Reads a property off a Target Application resource
- * @param resource
- * The RDF Resource for a Target Application
- * @param property
- * The property (less EM_NS) to read
- * @returns The string literal value of the property.
- */
- function readTAProperty(resource, property) {
- return stringData(installManifest.GetTarget(resource, EM_R(property), true));
- }
- var targetApps = installManifest.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot,
- EM_R("targetApplication"),
- true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- try {
- var data = { id : readTAProperty(targetApp, "id"),
- minVersion: readTAProperty(targetApp, "minVersion"),
- maxVersion: readTAProperty(targetApp, "maxVersion") };
- installData.targetApps.push(data);
- if (data.id == gApp.ID)
- installData.currentApp = data;
- }
- catch (e) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- // If the item specifies one or more target platforms, make sure our OS/ABI
- // combination is in the list - otherwise, refuse to install the item.
- var targetPlatforms = null;
- try {
- targetPlatforms = installManifest.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot,
- EM_R("targetPlatform"),
- true);
- } catch(e) {
- // No targetPlatform nodes, continue.
- }
- if (targetPlatforms != null && targetPlatforms.hasMoreElements()) {
- var foundMatchingOS = false;
- var foundMatchingOSAndABI = false;
- var requireABICompatibility = false;
- while (targetPlatforms.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetPlatform = stringData(targetPlatforms.getNext());
- var os = targetPlatform.split("_")[0];
- var index = targetPlatform.indexOf("_");
- var abi = index != -1 ? targetPlatform.substr(index + 1) : null;
- if (os == gOSTarget) {
- foundMatchingOS = true;
- // The presence of any ABI part after our OS means ABI is important.
- if (abi != null) {
- requireABICompatibility = true;
- // If we don't know our ABI, we can't be compatible
- if (abi == gXPCOMABI && abi != UNKNOWN_XPCOM_ABI) {
- foundMatchingOSAndABI = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!foundMatchingOS || (requireABICompatibility && !foundMatchingOSAndABI)) {
- return installData;
- }
- }
- // Validate the Item ID
- if (!gIDTest.test(installData.id)) {
- installData.error = INSTALLERROR_INVALID_GUID;
- return installData;
- }
- // Check the target application range specified by the extension metadata.
- if (gCheckCompatibility &&
- !this.datasource.isCompatible(installManifest, gInstallManifestRoot, undefined))
- // Check if the item is blocklisted.
- if (this.datasource.isBlocklisted(installData.id, installData.version,
- undefined, undefined))
- return installData;
- },
- /**
- * Installs an item from a XPI/JAR file.
- * This is the main entry point into the Install system from outside code
- * (e.g. XPInstall).
- * @param aXPIFile
- * The file to install from.
- * @param aInstallLocationKey
- * The name of the Install Location where this item should be
- * installed.
- */
- installItemFromFile: function(xpiFile, installLocationKey) {
- this.installItemFromFileInternal(xpiFile, installLocationKey, null);
- },
- /**
- * Installs an item from a XPI/JAR file.
- * @param aXPIFile
- * The file to install from.
- * @param aInstallLocationKey
- * The name of the Install Location where this item should be
- * installed.
- * @param aInstallManifest
- * An updated Install Manifest from the Version Update check.
- * Can be null when invoked from callers other than the Version
- * Update check.
- */
- installItemFromFileInternal: function(aXPIFile, aInstallLocationKey, aInstallManifest) {
- var em = this;
- /**
- * Gets the Install Location for an Item.
- * @param itemID
- * The GUID of the item to find an Install Location for.
- * @return An object implementing nsIInstallLocation which represents the
- * location where the specified item should be installed.
- * This can be:
- * 1. an object that corresponds to the location key supplied to
- * |installItemFromFileInternal|,
- * 2. the default install location (the App Profile Extensions Folder)
- * if no location key was supplied, or the location key supplied
- * was not in the set of registered locations
- * 3. null, if the location selected by 1 or 2 above does not support
- * installs from XPI/JAR files, or that location is not writable
- * with the current access privileges.
- */
- function getInstallLocation(itemID) {
- // Here I use "upgrade" to mean "install a different version of an item".
- var installLocation = em.getInstallLocation(itemID);
- if (!installLocation) {
- // This is not an "upgrade", since we don't have any location data for the
- // extension ID specified - that is, it's not in our database.
- // Caller supplied a key to a registered location, use that location
- // for the installation
- installLocation = InstallLocations.get(aInstallLocationKey);
- if (installLocation) {
- // If the specified location does not have a common metadata location
- // (e.g. extensions have no common root, or other location specified
- // by the location implementation) - e.g. for a Registry Key enumeration
- // location - we cannot install or upgrade using a XPI file, probably
- // because these application types will be handling upgrading themselves.
- // Just bail.
- if (!installLocation.location) {
- LOG("Install Location \"" + installLocation.name + "\" does not support " +
- "installation of items from XPI/JAR files. You must manage " +
- "installation and update of these items yourself.");
- installLocation = null;
- }
- }
- else {
- // In the absence of a preferred install location, just default to
- // the App-Profile
- installLocation = InstallLocations.get(KEY_APP_PROFILE);
- }
- }
- else {
- // This is an "upgrade", but not through the Update System, because the
- // Update code will not let an extension with an incompatible target
- // app version range through to this point. This is an "upgrade" in the
- // sense that the user found a different version of an installed extension
- // and installed it through the web interface, so we have metadata.
- // If the location is different, return the preferred location rather than
- // the location of the currently installed version, because we may be in
- // the situation where an item is being installed into the global app
- // dir when there's a version in the profile dir.
- if (installLocation.name != aInstallLocationKey)
- installLocation = InstallLocations.get(aInstallLocationKey);
- }
- if (!installLocation.canAccess) {
- LOG("Install Location\"" + installLocation.name + "\" cannot be written " +
- "to with your access privileges. Installation will not proceed.");
- installLocation = null;
- }
- return installLocation;
- }
- /**
- * Stages a XPI file in the default item location specified by other
- * applications when they registered with XulRunner if the item's
- * install manifest specified compatibility with them.
- */
- function stageXPIForOtherApps(xpiFile, installData) {
- for (var i = 0; i < installData.targetApps.length; ++i) {
- var targetApp = installData.targetApps[i];
- if (targetApp.id != gApp.ID) {
- /* XXXben uncomment when this works!
- var settingsThingy = Components.classes[]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRunnerSettingsThingy);
- try {
- var appPrefix = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\XULRunner\\Applications\\";
- var branch = settingsThingy.getBranch(appPrefix + targetApp.id);
- var path = branch.getProperty("ExtensionsLocation");
- var destination = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"]
- .createInstance(nsILocalFile);
- destination.initWithPath(path);
- xpiFile.copyTo(file, xpiFile.leafName);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- */
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts and then starts the install for extensions / themes contained
- * within a xpi.
- */
- function installMultiXPI(xpiFile, installData) {
- var fileURL = getURIFromFile(xpiFile).QueryInterface(nsIURL);
- if (fileURL.fileExtension.toLowerCase() != "xpi") {
- LOG("Invalid File Extension: Item: \"" + fileURL.fileName + "\" has an " +
- "invalid file extension. Only xpi file extensions are allowed for " +
- "multiple item packages.");
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- showMessage("invalidFileExtTitle", [],
- "invalidFileExtMessage", [installData.name,
- fileURL.fileExtension,
- bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)]);
- return;
- }
- try {
- var zipReader = getZipReaderForFile(xpiFile);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("installMultiXPI: failed to open xpi file: " + xpiFile.path);
- throw e;
- }
- var searchForEntries = ["*.xpi", "*.jar"];
- var files = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < searchForEntries.length; ++i) {
- var entries = zipReader.findEntries(searchForEntries[i]);
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- var entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- var target = getFile(KEY_TEMPDIR, [entry.name]);
- try {
- target.createUnique(nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, PERMS_FILE);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("installMultiXPI: failed to create target file for extraction " +
- " file = " + target.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- }
- zipReader.extract(entry.name, target);
- files.push(target);
- }
- }
- zipReader.close();
- if (files.length == 0) {
- LOG("Multiple Item Package: Item: \"" + fileURL.fileName + "\" does " +
- "not contain a valid package to install.");
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- showMessage("missingPackageFilesTitle",
- [bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)],
- "missingPackageFilesMessage", [installData.name,
- bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)]);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
- em.installItemFromFileInternal(files[i], aInstallLocationKey, null);
- files[i].remove(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * An observer for the Extension Update System.
- * @constructor
- */
- function IncompatibleObserver() {}
- IncompatibleObserver.prototype = {
- _id: null,
- _type: nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ANY,
- _xpi: null,
- _installManifest: null,
- _installRDF: null,
- /**
- * Ask the Extension Update System if there are any version updates for
- * this item that will allow it to be compatible with this version of
- * the Application.
- * @param installManifest
- * The Install Manifest datasource for the item.
- * @param installData
- * The Install Data object for the item.
- * @param xpiFile
- * The staged source XPI file that contains the item. Cleaned
- * up by this process.
- */
- checkForUpdates: function(installManifest, installData, xpiFile, installRDF) {
- this._id = installData.id;
- this._type = installData.type;
- this._xpi = xpiFile;
- this._installManifest = installManifest;
- this._installRDF = installRDF;
- var item = makeItem(installData.id, installData.version,
- aInstallLocationKey,
- installData.currentApp.minVersion,
- installData.currentApp.maxVersion,
- installData.name,
- "", /* XPI Update URL */
- "", /* XPI Update Hash */
- "", /* Icon URL */
- installData.updateURL || "",
- installData.type);
- em.update([item], 1, true, this);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onUpdateStarted: function() {
- LOG("Phone Home Listener: Update Started");
- em.datasource.onUpdateStarted();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onUpdateEnded: function() {
- LOG("Phone Home Listener: Update Ended");
- // We are responsible for cleaning up this file!
- this._installRDF.remove(false);
- em.datasource.onUpdateEnded();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onAddonUpdateStarted: function(addon) {
- LOG("Phone Home Listener: Update For " + addon.id + " started");
- em.datasource.addIncompatibleUpdateItem(addon.name, this._xpi.path,
- addon.type, addon.version);
- em.datasource.onAddonUpdateStarted(addon);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onAddonUpdateEnded: function(addon, status) {
- LOG("Phone Home Listener: Update For " + addon.id + " ended, status = " + status);
- em.datasource.removeDownload(this._xpi.path);
- LOG("Version Check Phone Home Completed");
- // Only compatibility updates (e.g. STATUS_VERSIONINFO) are currently
- // supported
- if (status == nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_VERSIONINFO) {
- em.datasource.setTargetApplicationInfo(addon.id,
- addon.minAppVersion,
- addon.maxAppVersion,
- this._installManifest);
- // Try and install again, but use the updated compatibility DB
- em.installItemFromFileInternal(this._xpi, aInstallLocationKey,
- this._installManifest);
- // Add the updated compatibility info to the datasource if done
- if (StartupCache.entries[aInstallLocationKey][addon.id].op == OP_NONE) {
- em.datasource.updateTargetAppInfo(addon.id, addon.minAppVersion,
- addon.maxAppVersion);
- }
- else { // needs a restart
- // Add updatedMinVersion and updatedMaxVersion so it can be used
- // to update the data sources during the installation or upgrade.
- em.datasource.setUpdatedTargetAppInfo(addon.id, addon.minAppVersion,
- addon.maxAppVersion);
- }
- // Prevent the datasource file from being lazily recreated after
- // it is deleted by calling Flush.
- this._installManifest.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
- this._installManifest.Flush();
- }
- else {
- em.datasource.removeDownload(this._xpi.path);
- showIncompatibleError(installData);
- // We are responsible for cleaning up this file!
- InstallLocations.get(aInstallLocationKey).removeFile(this._xpi);
- }
- em.datasource.onAddonUpdateEnded(addon, status);
- },
- /**
- * See nsISupports.idl
- */
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- }
- var installManifestFile = extractRDFFileToTempDir(aXPIFile, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, true);
- var shouldPhoneHomeIfNecessary = false;
- if (!aInstallManifest) {
- // If we were not called with an Install Manifest, we were called from
- // some other path than the Phone Home system, so we do want to phone
- // home if the version is incompatible.
- shouldPhoneHomeIfNecessary = true;
- var installManifest = getInstallManifest(installManifestFile);
- if (!installManifest) {
- LOG("The Install Manifest supplied by this item is not well-formed. " +
- "Installation will not proceed.");
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- installManifest = aInstallManifest;
- var installData = this._getInstallData(installManifest);
- switch (installData.error) {
- // Since the caller cleans up |aXPIFile|, and we're not yet sure whether or
- // not we need it (we may need it if a remote version bump that makes it
- // compatible is discovered by the call home) - so we must stage it for
- // later ourselves.
- if (shouldPhoneHomeIfNecessary && installData.currentApp) {
- var installLocation = getInstallLocation(installData.id, aInstallLocationKey);
- if (!installLocation) {
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- return;
- }
- var stagedFile = installLocation.stageFile(aXPIFile, installData.id);
- (new IncompatibleObserver(this)).checkForUpdates(installManifest,
- installData, stagedFile,
- installManifestFile);
- // Return early to prevent deletion of the install manifest file.
- return;
- }
- else {
- // XXXben Look up XULRunnerSettingsThingy to see if there is a registered
- // app that can handle this item, if so just stage and don't show
- // this error!
- showIncompatibleError(installData);
- }
- break;
- // Installation of multiple extensions / themes contained within a single xpi.
- if (installData.type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_MULTI_XPI) {
- installMultiXPI(aXPIFile, installData);
- break;
- }
- // Stage the extension's XPI so it can be extracted at the next restart.
- var installLocation = getInstallLocation(installData.id, aInstallLocationKey);
- if (!installLocation) {
- // No cleanup of any of the staged XPI files should be required here,
- // because this should only ever fail on the first recurse through
- // this function, BEFORE staging takes place... technically speaking
- // a location could become readonly during the phone home process,
- // but that's an edge case I don't care about.
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- return;
- }
- // Stage a copy of the XPI/JAR file for our own evil purposes...
- stagedFile = installLocation.stageFile(aXPIFile, installData.id);
- var restartRequired = this.installRequiresRestart(installData.id,
- installData.type);
- // Determine which configuration function to use based on whether or not
- // there is data about this item in our datasource already - if there is
- // we want to upgrade, otherwise we install fresh.
- var ds = this.datasource;
- if (installData.id in ds.visibleItems && ds.visibleItems[installData.id]) {
- // We enter this function if any data corresponding to an existing GUID
- // is found, regardless of its Install Location. We need to check before
- // "upgrading" an item that Install Location of the new item is of equal
- // or higher priority than the old item, to make sure the datasource only
- // ever tracks metadata for active items.
- var oldInstallLocation = this.getInstallLocation(installData.id);
- if (oldInstallLocation.priority >= installLocation.priority) {
- this._upgradeItem(installManifest, installData.id, installLocation,
- installData.type);
- if (!restartRequired) {
- this._finalizeUpgrade(installData.id);
- this._finalizeInstall(installData.id, stagedFile);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- this._configureForthcomingItem(installManifest, installData.id,
- installLocation, installData.type);
- if (!restartRequired)
- this._finalizeInstall(installData.id, stagedFile);
- }
- this._updateManifests(restartRequired);
- break;
- LOG("Invalid GUID: Item has GUID: \"" + installData.id + "\"" +
- " which is not well-formed.");
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- showMessage("incompatibleTitle",
- [bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)],
- "invalidGUIDMessage", [installData.name, installData.id]);
- break;
- LOG("Invalid Version: Item: \"" + installData.id + "\" has version " +
- installData.version + " which is not well-formed.");
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- showMessage("incompatibleTitle",
- [bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)],
- "invalidVersionMessage", [installData.name, installData.version]);
- break;
- const osABI = gOSTarget + "_" + gXPCOMABI;
- LOG("Incompatible Platform: Item: \"" + installData.id + "\" is not " +
- "compatible with '" + osABI + "'.");
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- showMessage("incompatibleTitle",
- [bundle.GetStringFromName("type-" + installData.type)],
- "incompatiblePlatformMessage",
- [installData.name, BundleManager.appName, osABI]);
- break;
- LOG("Blocklisted Item: Item: \"" + installData.id + "\" version " +
- installData.version + " was not installed.");
- showBlocklistMessage([installData], true);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // Check to see if this item supports other applications and in that case
- // stage the the XPI file in the location specified by those applications.
- stageXPIForOtherApps(aXPIFile, installData);
- installManifestFile.remove(false);
- },
- /**
- * Whether or not this type's installation/uninstallation requires
- * the application to be restarted.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of the item
- * @returns true if installation of an item of this type requires a
- * restart.
- */
- installRequiresRestart: function(id, type) {
- switch (type) {
- case nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME:
- var internalName = this.datasource.getItemProperty(id, "internalName");
- var needsRestart = false;
- if (gPref.prefHasUserValue(PREF_DSS_SKIN_TO_SELECT))
- needsRestart = internalName == gPref.getCharPref(PREF_DSS_SKIN_TO_SELECT);
- if (!needsRestart &&
- needsRestart = internalName == gPref.getCharPref(PREF_GENERAL_SKINS_SELECTEDSKIN);
- return needsRestart;
- }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Perform initial configuration on an item that has just or will be
- * installed. This inserts the item into the appropriate container in the
- * datasource, so that the application UI shows the item even if it will
- * not actually be installed until the next restart.
- * @param installManifest
- * The Install Manifest datasource that describes this item.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of this item.
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where this item is installed.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of this item.
- */
- _configureForthcomingItem: function(installManifest, id, installLocation, type) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, installLocation.name, false);
- var props = { name : EM_L(getManifestProperty(installManifest, "name")),
- version : EM_L(getManifestProperty(installManifest, "version")),
- installLocation : EM_L(installLocation.name),
- type : EM_I(type),
- availableUpdateURL : null,
- availableUpdateHash : null,
- availableUpdateVersion: null };
- for (var p in props)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R(p), props[p]);
- ds.updateProperty(id, "availableUpdateURL");
- this._setOp(id, OP_NEEDS_INSTALL);
- // Insert it into the child list NOW rather than later because:
- // - extensions installed using the command line need to be a member
- // of a container during the install phase for the code to be able
- // to identify profile vs. global
- // - extensions installed through the UI should show some kind of
- // feedback to indicate their presence is forthcoming (i.e. they
- // will be available after a restart).
- ds.insertItemIntoContainer(id);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_INSTALLED);
- },
- /**
- * Perform configuration on an item that has just or will be upgraded.
- * @param installManifest
- * The Install Manifest datasource that describes this item.
- * @param itemID
- * The GUID of this item.
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location where this item is installed.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of this item.
- */
- _upgradeItem: function (installManifest, id, installLocation, type) {
- // Don't change any props that would need to be reset if the install fails.
- // They will be reset as appropriate by the upgrade/install process.
- var ds = this.datasource;
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, installLocation.name, false);
- var props = { installLocation : EM_L(installLocation.name),
- type : EM_I(type),
- availableUpdateURL : null,
- availableUpdateHash : null,
- availableUpdateVersion : null };
- for (var p in props)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R(p), props[p]);
- ds.updateProperty(id, "availableUpdateURL");
- this._setOp(id, OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_UPGRADED);
- },
- /**
- * Completes an Extension's installation.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the Extension to install.
- * @param file
- * The XPI/JAR file to install from. If this is null, we try to
- * determine the stage file location from the ID.
- */
- _finalizeInstall: function(id, file) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var type = ds.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- if (id == 0 || id == -1) {
- ds.removeCorruptItem(id, type);
- return;
- }
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- if (!installLocation) {
- // If the install location is null, that means we've reached the finalize
- // state without the item ever having metadata added for it, which implies
- // bogus data in the Startup Cache. Clear the entries and don't do anything
- // else.
- var entries = StartupCache.findEntries(id);
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
- var location = InstallLocations.get(entries[i].location);
- StartupCache.clearEntry(location, id);
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL, id);
- }
- return;
- }
- var itemLocation = installLocation.getItemLocation(id);
- if (!file && "stageFile" in installLocation)
- file = installLocation.getStageFile(id);
- // If |file| is null or does not exist, the installer assumes the item is
- // a dropped-in directory.
- var installer = new Installer(this.datasource, id, installLocation, type);
- installer.installFromFile(file);
- // If the file was staged, we must clean it up ourselves, otherwise the
- // EM caller is responsible for doing so (e.g. XPInstall)
- if (file)
- installLocation.removeFile(file);
- // Clear the op flag from the Startup Cache and Pending Operations sets
- StartupCache.put(installLocation, id, OP_NONE, true);
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_INSTALL, id);
- },
- /**
- * Removes an item's metadata in preparation for an upgrade-install.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to uninstall.
- */
- _finalizeUpgrade: function(id) {
- // Retrieve the item properties *BEFORE* we clean the resource!
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- var stagedFile = null;
- if ("getStageFile" in installLocation)
- stagedFile = installLocation.getStageFile(id);
- if (stagedFile)
- var installRDF = extractRDFFileToTempDir(stagedFile, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, true);
- else
- installRDF = installLocation.getItemFile(id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- if (installRDF.exists()) {
- var installManifest = getInstallManifest(installRDF);
- if (installManifest) {
- var type = getAddonTypeFromInstallManifest(installManifest);
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled") == "true";
- // Clean the item resource
- ds.removeItemMetadata(id);
- // Now set up the properties on the item to mimic an item in its
- // "initial state" for installation.
- this._configureForthcomingItem(installManifest, id, installLocation,
- type);
- if (userDisabled)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- }
- if (stagedFile)
- installRDF.remove(false);
- }
- // Clear the op flag from the Pending Operations set. Do NOT clear op flag in
- // the startup cache since this may have been reset to OP_NEEDS_INSTALL by
- // |_configureForthcomingItem|.
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE, id);
- },
- /**
- * Completes an item's uninstallation.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to uninstall.
- */
- _finalizeUninstall: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- if (!installLocation.itemIsManagedIndependently(id)) {
- try {
- // Having a callback that does nothing just causes the directory to be
- // removed.
- safeInstallOperation(id, installLocation,
- { data: null, callback: function() { } });
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("_finalizeUninstall: failed to remove directory for item: " + id +
- " at Install Location: " + installLocation.name + ", rolling back uninstall");
- // Removal of the files failed, reset the uninstalled flag and rewrite
- // the install manifests so this item's components are registered.
- // Clear the op flag from the Startup Cache
- StartupCache.put(installLocation, id, OP_NONE, true);
- var restartRequired = this.installRequiresRestart(id, ds.getItemProperty(id, "type"))
- this._updateManifests(restartRequired);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (installLocation.name == KEY_APP_PROFILE ||
- installLocation.name == KEY_APP_GLOBAL) {
- // Check for a pointer file and remove it if it exists
- var pointerFile = installLocation.location.clone();
- pointerFile.append(id);
- if (pointerFile.exists() && !pointerFile.isDirectory())
- pointerFile.remove(false);
- }
- // Clean the item resource
- ds.removeItemMetadata(id);
- // Do this LAST since inferences are made about an item based on
- // what container it's in.
- ds.removeItemFromContainer(id);
- // Clear the op flag from the Startup Cache and the Pending Operations set.
- StartupCache.clearEntry(installLocation, id);
- PendingOperations.clearItem(OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL, id);
- },
- /**
- * Uninstalls an item. If the uninstallation cannot be performed immediately
- * it is scheduled for the next restart.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to uninstall.
- */
- uninstallItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- ds.updateDownloadState(PREFIX_ITEM_URI + id, null);
- if (!ds.isDownloadItem(id)) {
- var opType = ds.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- var installLocation = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- // Removes any staged xpis for this item.
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE || opType == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL) {
- var stageFile = installLocation.getStageFile(id);
- if (stageFile)
- installLocation.removeFile(stageFile);
- }
- // Addons with an opType of OP_NEEDS_INSTALL only have a staged xpi file
- // and are removed immediately since the uninstall can't be canceled.
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL) {
- ds.removeItemMetadata(id);
- ds.removeItemFromContainer(id);
- ds.updateVisibleList(id, null, true);
- StartupCache.clearEntry(installLocation, id);
- this._updateManifests(false);
- }
- else {
- this._setOp(id, OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL);
- var type = ds.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- var restartRequired = this.installRequiresRestart(id, type);
- if (!restartRequired) {
- this._finalizeUninstall(id);
- this._updateManifests(restartRequired);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // Bad download entry - uri is url, e.g. "http://www.foo.com/test.xpi"
- // ... just remove it from the list.
- ds.removeCorruptDLItem(id);
- }
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_UNINSTALLED);
- },
- /**
- * Cancels a pending uninstall of an item
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item.
- */
- cancelUninstallItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var appDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled");
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled");
- if (appDisabled == "true" || appDisabled == OP_NONE && userDisabled == OP_NONE) {
- this._setOp(id, OP_NONE);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_CANCEL);
- }
- else if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE || userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE) {
- this._setOp(id, OP_NEEDS_DISABLE);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_DISABLED);
- }
- else if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE || userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE) {
- this._setOp(id, OP_NEEDS_ENABLE);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_ENABLED);
- }
- else {
- this._setOp(id, OP_NONE);
- this._notifyAction(id, EM_ITEM_CANCEL);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Sets the pending operation for a visible item.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param op
- * The name of the operation to be performed
- */
- _setOp: function(id, op) {
- var location = this.getInstallLocation(id);
- StartupCache.put(location, id, op, true);
- PendingOperations.addItem(op, { locationKey: location.name, id: id });
- var ds = this.datasource;
- ds.updateDownloadState(PREFIX_ITEM_URI + id, "success");
- ds.updateProperty(id, "opType");
- ds.updateProperty(id, "updateable");
- ds.updateProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies");
- var restartRequired = this.installRequiresRestart(id, ds.getItemProperty(id, "type"))
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- this._updateManifests(restartRequired);
- },
- /**
- * Note on appDisabled and userDisabled property arcs.
- * The appDisabled and userDisabled RDF property arcs are used to store
- * the pending operation for app disabling and user disabling for an item as
- * well as the user and app disabled status after the pending operation has
- * been completed upon restart. When the appDisabled value changes the value
- * of userDisabled is reset to prevent the state of widgets and status
- * messages from being in an incorrect state.
- */
- /**
- * Enables an item for the application (e.g. the item satisfies all
- * requirements like app compatibility for it to be enabled). The appDisabled
- * property arc will be removed if the item will be app disabled on next
- * restart to cancel the app disabled operation for the item otherwise the
- * property value will be set to OP_NEEDS_ENABLE. The item's pending
- * operations are then evaluated in order to set the operation to perform
- * and notify the observers if the operation has been changed.
- * See "Note on appDisabled and userDisabled property arcs" above.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to be enabled by the application.
- */
- _appEnableItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var appDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled");
- if (appDisabled == OP_NONE || appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- return;
- var opType = ds.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled");
- // reset user disabled if it has a pending operation to prevent the ui
- // state from getting confused as to an item's current state.
- if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), null);
- else if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), null);
- else if (appDisabled == "true")
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), EM_L(OP_NEEDS_ENABLE));
- // Don't set a new operation when there is a pending uninstall operation.
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL) {
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- return;
- }
- var operation, action;
- // if this item is already enabled or user disabled don't set a pending
- // operation - instead immediately enable it and reset the operation type
- // if needed.
- if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE || appDisabled == OP_NONE ||
- userDisabled == "true") {
- if (opType != OP_NONE) {
- operation = OP_NONE;
- action = EM_ITEM_CANCEL;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (opType != OP_NEEDS_ENABLE) {
- operation = OP_NEEDS_ENABLE;
- action = EM_ITEM_ENABLED;
- }
- }
- if (action) {
- this._setOp(id, operation);
- this._notifyAction(id, action);
- }
- else {
- ds.updateProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies");
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Disables an item for the application (e.g. the item doesn't satisfy all
- * requirements like app compatibility for it to be enabled). The appDisabled
- * property arc will be set to true if the item will be app enabled on next
- * restart to cancel the app enabled operation for the item otherwise the
- * property value will be set to OP_NEEDS_DISABLE. The item's pending
- * operations are then evaluated in order to set the operation to perform
- * and notify the observers if the operation has been changed.
- * See "Note on appDisabled and userDisabled property arcs" above.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to be disabled by the application.
- */
- _appDisableItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var appDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled");
- if (appDisabled == "true" || appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- return;
- var opType = ds.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled");
- // reset user disabled if it has a pending operation to prevent the ui
- // state from getting confused as to an item's current state.
- if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), null);
- else if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE || userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE ||
- ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled") == "true")
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- else if (appDisabled == OP_NONE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("appDisabled"), EM_L(OP_NEEDS_DISABLE));
- // Don't set a new operation when there is a pending uninstall operation.
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL) {
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- return;
- }
- var operation, action;
- // if this item is already disabled don't set a pending operation - instead
- // immediately disable it and reset the operation type if needed.
- if (appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE || appDisabled == "true" ||
- userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE || userDisabled == "true") {
- if (opType != OP_NONE) {
- operation = OP_NONE;
- action = EM_ITEM_CANCEL;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (opType != OP_NEEDS_DISABLE) {
- operation = OP_NEEDS_DISABLE;
- action = EM_ITEM_DISABLED;
- }
- }
- if (action) {
- this._setOp(id, operation);
- this._notifyAction(id, action);
- }
- else {
- ds.updateProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies");
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Sets an item to be enabled by the user. If the item is already enabled this
- * clears the needs-enable operation for the next restart.
- * See "Note on appDisabled and userDisabled property arcs" above.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to be enabled by the user.
- */
- enableItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var opType = ds.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- var appDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled");
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled");
- var operation, action;
- // if this item is already enabled don't set a pending operation - instead
- // immediately enable it and reset the operation type if needed.
- if (appDisabled == OP_NONE &&
- userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE || userDisabled == OP_NONE) {
- if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), null);
- if (opType != OP_NONE) {
- operation = OP_NONE;
- action = EM_ITEM_CANCEL;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (userDisabled == "true")
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L(OP_NEEDS_ENABLE));
- if (opType != OP_NEEDS_ENABLE) {
- operation = OP_NEEDS_ENABLE;
- action = EM_ITEM_ENABLED;
- }
- }
- if (action) {
- this._setOp(id, operation);
- this._notifyAction(id, action);
- }
- else {
- ds.updateProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies");
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Sets an item to be disabled by the user. If the item is already disabled
- * this clears the needs-disable operation for the next restart.
- * See "Note on appDisabled and userDisabled property arcs" above.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to be disabled by the user.
- */
- disableItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var opType = ds.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- var appDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled");
- var userDisabled = ds.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled");
- var operation, action;
- // if this item is already disabled don't set a pending operation - instead
- // immediately disable it and reset the operation type if needed.
- if (userDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE || userDisabled == "true" ||
- appDisabled == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE) {
- if (userDisabled != "true")
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L("true"));
- if (opType != OP_NONE) {
- operation = OP_NONE;
- action = EM_ITEM_CANCEL;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (userDisabled == OP_NONE)
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("userDisabled"), EM_L(OP_NEEDS_DISABLE));
- if (opType != OP_NEEDS_DISABLE) {
- operation = OP_NEEDS_DISABLE;
- action = EM_ITEM_DISABLED;
- }
- }
- if (action) {
- this._setOp(id, operation);
- this._notifyAction(id, action);
- }
- else {
- ds.updateProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies");
- this._updateDependentItemsForID(id);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Determines whether an item should be disabled by the application.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to check
- */
- _isUsableItem: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- return ((!gCheckCompatibility || ds.getItemProperty(id, "compatible") == "true") &&
- ds.getItemProperty(id, "blocklisted") == "false" &&
- ds.getItemProperty(id, "satisfiesDependencies") == "true");
- },
- /**
- * Sets an item's dependent items disabled state for the app based on whether
- * its dependencies are met and the item is compatible.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item whose dependent items will be checked
- */
- _updateDependentItemsForID: function(id) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var dependentItems = this.getDependentItemListForID(id, true, { });
- for (var i = 0; i < dependentItems.length; ++i) {
- var dependentID = dependentItems[i].id;
- ds.updateProperty(dependentID, "satisfiesDependencies");
- if (this._isUsableItem(dependentID))
- this._appEnableItem(dependentID);
- else
- this._appDisableItem(dependentID);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Notify observers of a change to an item that has been requested by the
- * user.
- */
- _notifyAction: function(id, reason) {
- gOS.notifyObservers(this.datasource.getItemForID(id),
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- update: function(items, itemCount, versionUpdateOnly, listener) {
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var appVersion = gApp.version;
- if (items.length == 0)
- items = this.getItemList(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ADDON, { });
- var updater = new ExtensionItemUpdater(appID, appVersion, this);
- updater.checkForUpdates(items, items.length, versionUpdateOnly, listener);
- },
- /**
- * Checks for changes to the blocklist using the local blocklist file,
- * application disables / enables items that have been added / removed from
- * the blocklist, and if there are additions to the blocklist this will
- * inform the user by displaying a list of the items added.
- *
- * XXXrstrong - this method is not terribly useful and was added so we can
- * trigger this check from the additional timer used by blocklisting.
- */
- checkForBlocklistChanges: function() {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var items = this.getItemList(nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ADDON, { });
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
- var id = items[i].id;
- ds.updateProperty(id, "blocklisted");
- if (this._isUsableItem(id))
- this._appEnableItem(id);
- }
- items = ds.getBlocklistedItemList(null, null, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_ADDON,
- false);
- for (i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
- this._appDisableItem(items[i].id);
- // show the blocklist notification window if there are new blocklist items.
- if (items.length > 0)
- showBlocklistMessage(items, false);
- },
- /**
- * @returns An enumeration of all registered Install Locations.
- */
- get installLocations () {
- return InstallLocations.enumeration;
- },
- /**
- * Gets the Install Location where a visible Item is stored.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to locate an Install Location for.
- * @returns The Install Location object where the item is stored.
- */
- getInstallLocation: function(id) {
- var key = this.datasource.visibleItems[id];
- return key ? InstallLocations.get(this.datasource.visibleItems[id]) : null;
- },
- /**
- * Gets a nsIUpdateItem for the item with the specified id.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to construct a nsIUpdateItem for.
- * @returns The nsIUpdateItem representing the item.
- */
- getItemForID: function(id) {
- return this.datasource.getItemForID(id);
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of installed nsIUpdateItems of items that are dependent
- * on another item.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item that other items depend on.
- * @param includeDisabled
- * Whether to include disabled items in the set returned.
- * @param countRef
- * The XPCJS reference to the number of items returned.
- * @returns An array of installed nsIUpdateItems that depend on the item
- * specified by the id parameter.
- */
- getDependentItemListForID: function(id, includeDisabled, countRef) {
- return this.datasource.getDependentItemListForID(id, includeDisabled, countRef);
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of nsIUpdateItems of items matching the specified type.
- * @param type
- * The type of item to return.
- * @param countRef
- * The XPCJS reference to the number of items returned.
- * @returns An array of nsIUpdateItems matching the id/type filter.
- */
- getItemList: function(type, countRef) {
- return this.datasource.getItemList(type, countRef);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- getIncompatibleItemList: function(id, version, type, includeDisabled,
- countRef) {
- var items = this.datasource.getIncompatibleItemList(id, version ? version : undefined,
- type, includeDisabled);
- countRef.value = items.length;
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Move an Item to the index of another item in its container.
- * @param movingID
- * The ID of the item to be moved.
- * @param destinationID
- * The ID of an item to move another item to.
- */
- moveToIndexOf: function(movingID, destinationID) {
- this.datasource.moveToIndexOf(movingID, destinationID);
- },
- /**
- * Sorts addons of the specified type by the specified property starting from
- * the top of their container. If the addons are already sorted then no action
- * is performed.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of the items to sort.
- * @param propertyName
- * The RDF property name used for sorting.
- * @param isAscending
- * true to sort ascending and false to sort descending
- */
- sortTypeByProperty: function(type, propertyName, isAscending) {
- this.datasource.sortTypeByProperty(type, propertyName, isAscending);
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Downloads
- _transactions: [],
- _downloadCount: 0,
- /**
- * Ask the user if they really want to quit the application, since this will
- * cancel one or more Extension/Theme downloads.
- * @param subject
- * A nsISupportsPRBool which this function sets to false if the user
- * wishes to cancel all active downloads and quit the application,
- * false otherwise.
- */
- _confirmCancelDownloadsOnQuit: function(subject) {
- if (this._downloadCount > 0) {
- // The observers will be notified again after this so set the download
- // count to 0 to prevent this dialog from being displayed again.
- this._downloadCount = 0;
- var result;
- //@line 5462 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- result = this._confirmCancelDownloads(this._downloadCount,
- "quitCancelDownloadsAlertTitle",
- "quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple",
- "quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsg",
- "dontQuitButtonWin");
- //@line 5474 "/cygdrive/c/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8-release/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in"
- if (!result)
- this._cancelDownloads();
- if (subject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool)
- subject.data = result;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Ask the user if they really want to go offline, since this will cancel
- * one or more Extension/Theme downloads.
- * @param subject
- * A nsISupportsPRBool which this function sets to false if the user
- * wishes to cancel all active downloads and go offline, false
- * otherwise.
- */
- _confirmCancelDownloadsOnOffline: function(subject) {
- if (this._downloadCount > 0) {
- result = this._confirmCancelDownloads(this._downloadCount,
- "offlineCancelDownloadsAlertTitle",
- "offlineCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple",
- "offlineCancelDownloadsAlertMsg",
- "dontGoOfflineButton");
- if (!result)
- this._cancelDownloads();
- if (subject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool)
- subject.data = result;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Cancels all active downloads and removes them from the applicable UI.
- */
- _cancelDownloads: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._transactions.length; ++i)
- gOS.notifyObservers(this._transactions[i], "xpinstall-progress", "cancel");
- this._removeAllDownloads();
- },
- /**
- * Ask the user whether or not they wish to cancel the Extension/Theme
- * downloads which are currently under way.
- * @param count
- * The number of active downloads.
- * @param title
- * The key of the title for the message box to be displayed
- * @param cancelMessageMultiple
- * The key of the message to be displayed in the message box
- * when there are > 1 active downloads.
- * @param cancelMessageSingle
- * The key of the message to be displayed in the message box
- * when there is just one active download.
- * @param dontCancelButton
- * The key of the label to be displayed on the "Don't Cancel
- * Downloads" button.
- */
- _confirmCancelDownloads: function(count, title, cancelMessageMultiple,
- cancelMessageSingle, dontCancelButton) {
- var bundle = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_DOWNLOADS_PROPERTIES);
- var title = bundle.GetStringFromName(title);
- var message, quitButton;
- if (count > 1) {
- message = bundle.formatStringFromName(cancelMessageMultiple, [count], 1);
- quitButton = bundle.formatStringFromName("cancelDownloadsOKTextMultiple", [count], 1);
- }
- else {
- message = bundle.GetStringFromName(cancelMessageSingle);
- quitButton = bundle.GetStringFromName("cancelDownloadsOKText");
- }
- var dontQuitButton = bundle.GetStringFromName(dontCancelButton);
- var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Extension:Manager");
- const nsIPromptService = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService;
- var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(nsIPromptService);
- var flags = (nsIPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * nsIPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0) +
- (nsIPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * nsIPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1);
- var rv = ps.confirmEx(win, title, message, flags, quitButton, dontQuitButton, null, null, { });
- return rv == 1;
- },
- /**
- * Adds a set of Item Downloads to the Manager and starts the download
- * operation.
- * @param items
- * An array of nsIUpdateItems to begin downlading.
- * @param itemCount
- * The length of |items|
- * @param fromChrome
- * true when called from chrome
- * false when not called from chrome (e.g. web page)
- */
- addDownloads: function(items, itemCount, fromChrome) {
- var ds = this.datasource;
- // Add observers only if they aren't already added for an active download
- if (this._downloadCount == 0) {
- gOS.addObserver(this, "offline-requested", false);
- gOS.addObserver(this, "quit-application-requested", false);
- }
- this._downloadCount += itemCount;
- var urls = [];
- var hashes = [];
- var txn = new ItemDownloadTransaction(this);
- for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
- var currItem = items[i];
- var txnID = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
- txn.addDownload(currItem, txnID);
- this._transactions.push(txn);
- urls.push(currItem.xpiURL);
- hashes.push(currItem.xpiHash ? currItem.xpiHash : null);
- // if this is an update remove the update metadata to prevent it from
- // being updated during an install.
- if (fromChrome) {
- var id = currItem.id
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("availableUpdateURL"), null);
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("availableUpdateHash"), null);
- ds.setItemProperty(id, EM_R("availableUpdateVersion"), null);
- ds.updateProperty(id, "availableUpdateURL");
- ds.updateProperty(id, "updateable");
- }
- var id = fromChrome ? PREFIX_ITEM_URI + currItem.id : currItem.xpiURL;
- ds.updateDownloadState(id, "waiting");
- }
- if (fromChrome) {
- // Initiate an install from chrome
- var xpimgr =
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xpinstall/install-manager;1"].
- createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXPInstallManager);
- xpimgr.initManagerWithHashes(urls, hashes, urls.length, txn);
- }
- else
- gOS.notifyObservers(txn, "xpinstall-progress", "open");
- },
- /**
- * Removes a download of a URL.
- * @param url
- * The URL of the item being downloaded to remove.
- */
- removeDownload: function(url) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._transactions.length; ++i) {
- if (this._transactions[i].containsURL(url)) {
- this._transactions[i].removeDownload(url);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Remove all downloads from all transactions.
- */
- _removeAllDownloads: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._transactions.length; ++i)
- this._transactions[i].removeAllDownloads();
- },
- /**
- * Download Operation State has changed from one to another.
- *
- * The nsIXPIProgressDialog implementation in the download transaction object
- * forwards notifications through these methods which we then pass on to any
- * front end objects implementing nsIExtensionDownloadListener that
- * are listening. We maintain the master state of download operations HERE,
- * not in the front end, because if the user closes the extension or theme
- * managers during the downloads we need to maintain state and not terminate
- * the download/install process.
- *
- * @param transaction
- * The ItemDownloadTransaction object receiving the download
- * notifications from XPInstall.
- * @param addon
- * An object representing nsIUpdateItem for the addon being updated
- * @param state
- * The state we are entering
- * @param value
- * ???
- */
- onStateChange: function(transaction, addon, state, value) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._updateListeners.length; ++i)
- this._updateListeners[i].onStateChange(addon, state, value);
- var ds = this.datasource;
- var id = addon.id != addon.xpiURL ? PREFIX_ITEM_URI + addon.id : addon.xpiURL;
- const nsIXPIProgressDialog = Components.interfaces.nsIXPIProgressDialog;
- switch (state) {
- case nsIXPIProgressDialog.DOWNLOAD_START:
- ds.updateDownloadState(id, "downloading");
- break;
- case nsIXPIProgressDialog.INSTALL_START:
- ds.updateDownloadState(id, "finishing");
- ds.updateDownloadProgress(id, null);
- break;
- case nsIXPIProgressDialog.INSTALL_DONE:
- --this._downloadCount;
- // From nsInstall.h
- // SUCCESS = 0
- // REBOOT_NEEDED = 999
- // USER_CANCELLED = -210
- if (value != 0 && value != 999 && value != -210 && id != addon.xpiURL) {
- ds.updateDownloadState(id, "failure");
- ds.updateDownloadProgress(id, null);
- }
- this.removeDownload(addon.xpiURL);
- break;
- case nsIXPIProgressDialog.DIALOG_CLOSE:
- for (var i = 0; i < this._transactions.length; ++i) {
- if (this._transactions[i].id == transaction.id) {
- this._transactions.splice(i, 1);
- delete transaction;
- // Remove the observers when all transactions have completed.
- if (this._transactions.length == 0) {
- gOS.removeObserver(this, "offline-requested");
- gOS.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-requested");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- onProgress: function(addon, value, maxValue) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._updateListeners.length; ++i)
- this._updateListeners[i].onProgress(addon, value, maxValue);
- var id = addon.id != addon.xpiURL ? PREFIX_ITEM_URI + addon.id : addon.xpiURL;
- var progress = Math.round((value / maxValue) * 100);
- this.datasource.updateDownloadProgress(id, progress);
- },
- _updateListeners: [],
- addUpdateListener: function(listener) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._updateListeners.length; ++i) {
- if (this._updateListeners[i] == listener)
- return i;
- }
- this._updateListeners.push(listener);
- return this._updateListeners.length - 1;
- },
- removeUpdateListenerAt: function(index) {
- this._updateListeners.splice(index, 1);
- },
- /**
- * The Extensions RDF Datasource
- */
- _ds: null,
- /**
- * Loads the Extensions Datasource. This should not be called unless:
- * - a piece of Extensions UI is being shown, or
- * - on startup and there has been a change to an Install Location
- * ... it should NOT be called on every startup!
- */
- _ensureDS: function() {
- if (!this._ds) {
- this._ds = new ExtensionsDataSource(this);
- if (this._ds)
- this._ds.loadExtensions();
- }
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- get datasource() {
- this._ensureDS();
- return this._ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIClassInfo.idl
- */
- getInterfaces: function(count) {
- var interfaces = [Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager,
- Components.interfaces.nsIXPIProgressDialog,
- Components.interfaces.nsIObserver];
- count.value = interfaces.length;
- return interfaces;
- },
- getHelperForLanguage: function(language) {
- return null;
- },
- get contractID() {
- return "@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1";
- },
- get classDescription() {
- return "Extension Manager";
- },
- get classID() {
- return Components.ID("{8A115FAA-7DCB-4e8f-979B-5F53472F51CF}");
- },
- get implementationLanguage() {
- return Components.interfaces.nsIProgrammingLanguage.JAVASCRIPT;
- },
- get flags() {
- return Components.interfaces.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON;
- },
- /**
- * See nsISupports.idl
- */
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager_MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsITimerCallback) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- /**
- * This object implements nsIXPIProgressDialog and represents a collection of
- * XPI/JAR download and install operations. There is one
- * ItemDownloadTransaction per back-end XPInstallManager object. We maintain
- * a collection of separate transaction objects because it's possible to have
- * multiple separate XPInstall download/install operations going on
- * simultaneously, each with its own XPInstallManager instance. For instance
- * you could start downloading two extensions and then download a theme. Each
- * of these operations would open the appropriate FE and have to be able to
- * track each operation independently.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ItemDownloadTransaction(manager) {
- this._manager = manager;
- this._downloads = [];
- }
- ItemDownloadTransaction.prototype = {
- _manager : null,
- _downloads : [],
- id : -1,
- /**
- * Add a download to this transaction
- * @param addon
- * An object implementing nsIUpdateItem for the item to be downloaded
- * @param id
- * The integer identifier of this transaction
- */
- addDownload: function(addon, id) {
- this._downloads.push({ addon: addon, waiting: true });
- this._manager.datasource.addDownload(addon);
- this.id = id;
- },
- /**
- * Removes a download from this transaction
- * @param url
- * The URL to remove
- */
- removeDownload: function(url) {
- this._manager.datasource.removeDownload(url);
- },
- /**
- * Remove all downloads from this transaction
- */
- removeAllDownloads: function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._downloads.length; ++i) {
- var addon = this._downloads[i].addon;
- this.removeDownload(addon.xpiURL);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Determine if this transaction is handling the download of a url.
- * @param url
- * The URL to look for
- * @returns true if this transaction is downloading the supplied url.
- */
- containsURL: function(url) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._downloads.length; ++i) {
- if (this._downloads[i].addon.xpiURL == url)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIXPIProgressDialog.idl
- */
- onStateChange: function(index, state, value) {
- this._manager.onStateChange(this, this._downloads[index].addon,
- state, value);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIXPIProgressDialog.idl
- */
- onProgress: function(index, value, maxValue) {
- this._manager.onProgress(this._downloads[index].addon, value, maxValue);
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // nsISupports
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIXPIProgressDialog) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- /**
- * A listener object to the update check process that routes notifications to
- * the right places and keeps the datasource up to date.
- */
- function AddonUpdateCheckListener(listener, datasource) {
- this._listener = listener;
- this._ds = datasource;
- }
- AddonUpdateCheckListener.prototype = {
- _listener: null,
- _ds: null,
- onUpdateStarted: function() {
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onUpdateStarted();
- this._ds.onUpdateStarted();
- },
- onUpdateEnded: function() {
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onUpdateEnded();
- this._ds.onUpdateEnded();
- },
- onAddonUpdateStarted: function(addon) {
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onAddonUpdateStarted(addon);
- this._ds.onAddonUpdateStarted(addon);
- },
- onAddonUpdateEnded: function(addon, status) {
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onAddonUpdateEnded(addon, status);
- this._ds.onAddonUpdateEnded(addon, status);
- }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ExtensionItemUpdater
- //
- function ExtensionItemUpdater(aTargetAppID, aTargetAppVersion, aEM)
- {
- this._appID = aTargetAppID;
- this._appVersion = aTargetAppVersion;
- this._emDS = aEM._ds;
- this._em = aEM;
- getVersionChecker();
- }
- ExtensionItemUpdater.prototype = {
- _appID : "",
- _appVersion : "",
- _emDS : null,
- _em : null,
- _versionUpdateOnly : 0,
- _items : [],
- _listener : null,
- _background : false,
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ExtensionItemUpdater
- //
- // When we check for updates to an item, there are two pieces of information
- // that are returned - 1) info about the newest available version, if any,
- // and 2) info about the currently installed version. The latter is provided
- // primarily to inform the client of changes to the application compatibility
- // metadata for the current item. Depending on the situation, either 2 or
- // 1&2 may be what is required.
- //
- // Callers:
- // 1 - nsUpdateService.js, user event
- // User clicked on the update icon to invoke an update check,
- // user clicked on an Extension/Theme and clicked "Update". In this
- // case we want to update compatibility metadata about the installed
- // version, and look for newer versions to offer.
- // 2 - nsUpdateService.js, background event
- // Timer fired, background update is being performed. In this case
- // we also want to update compatibility metadata and look for newer
- // versions.
- // 3 - Mismatch
- // User upgraded to a newer version of the app, update compatibility
- // metadata and look for newer versions.
- // 4 - Install Phone Home
- // User installed an item that was deemed incompatible based only
- // on the information provided in the item's install.rdf manifest,
- // we look ONLY for compatibility updates in this case to determine
- // whether or not the item can be installed.
- //
- checkForUpdates: function(aItems, aItemCount, aVersionUpdateOnly,
- aListener) {
- this._listener = new AddonUpdateCheckListener(aListener, this._emDS);
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onUpdateStarted();
- this._versionUpdateOnly = aVersionUpdateOnly;
- this._items = aItems;
- this._responseCount = aItemCount;
- // This is the number of extensions/themes/etc that we found updates for.
- this._updateCount = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < aItemCount; ++i) {
- var e = this._items[i];
- if (this._listener)
- this._listener.onAddonUpdateStarted(e);
- (new RDFItemUpdater(this)).checkForUpdates(e, aVersionUpdateOnly);
- }
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ExtensionItemUpdater
- _applyVersionUpdates: function(aLocalItem, aRemoteItem) {
- var targetAppInfo = this._emDS.getTargetApplicationInfo(aLocalItem.id, this._emDS);
- // If targetAppInfo is null this is for a new install. If the local item's
- // maxVersion does not equal the targetAppInfo maxVersion then this is for
- // an upgrade. In both of these cases return true if the remotely specified
- // maxVersion is greater than the local item's maxVersion.
- if (!targetAppInfo ||
- gVersionChecker.compare(aLocalItem.maxAppVersion, targetAppInfo.maxVersion) != 0) {
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(aLocalItem.maxAppVersion, aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion) < 0)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(targetAppInfo.maxVersion, aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion) < 0) {
- // Remotely specified maxVersion is newer than the maxVersion
- // for the installed Extension. Apply that change to the datasources.
- this._emDS.updateTargetAppInfo(aLocalItem.id, aRemoteItem.minAppVersion,
- aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion);
- // If we got here through |checkForMismatches|, this extension has
- // already been disabled, re-enable it.
- var op = StartupCache.entries[aLocalItem.installLocationKey][aLocalItem.id].op;
- if (op == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE ||
- this._emDS.getItemProperty(aLocalItem.id, "appDisabled") == "true")
- this._em._appEnableItem(aLocalItem.id);
- return true;
- }
- else if (this._versionUpdateOnly == 2)
- this._emDS.updateTargetAppInfo(aLocalItem.id, aRemoteItem.minAppVersion,
- aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion);
- return false;
- },
- _isValidUpdate: function(aLocalItem, aRemoteItem) {
- var appExtensionsVersion = gApp.version;
- // Check if the update will only run on a newer version of Firefox.
- if (aRemoteItem.minAppVersion &&
- gVersionChecker.compare(appExtensionsVersion, aRemoteItem.minAppVersion) < 0)
- return false;
- // Check if the update will only run on an older version of Firefox.
- if (aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion &&
- gVersionChecker.compare(appExtensionsVersion, aRemoteItem.maxAppVersion) > 0)
- return false;
- if (this._emDS.isBlocklisted(aRemoteItem.id, aRemoteItem.version,
- undefined, undefined))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- checkForDone: function(item, status) {
- if (this._background &&
- status == nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_UPDATE) {
- var lastupdate = this._emDS.getItemProperty(item.id, "availableUpdateVersion");
- if (lastupdate != item.version)
- gPref.setBoolPref(PREF_UPDATE_NOTIFYUSER, true);
- }
- if (this._listener) {
- try {
- this._listener.onAddonUpdateEnded(item, status);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("ExtensionItemUpdater:checkForDone: Failure in listener's onAddonUpdateEnded: " + e);
- }
- }
- if (--this._responseCount == 0 && this._listener) {
- try {
- this._listener.onUpdateEnded();
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("ExtensionItemUpdater:checkForDone: Failure in listener's onUpdateEnded: " + e);
- }
- }
- },
- };
- function RDFItemUpdater(aUpdater) {
- this._updater = aUpdater;
- }
- RDFItemUpdater.prototype = {
- _updater : null,
- _versionUpdateOnly : 0,
- _item : null,
- checkForUpdates: function(aItem, aVersionUpdateOnly) {
- // A preference setting can disable updating for this item
- try {
- if (!gPref.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_ITEM_UPDATE_ENABLED.replace(/%UUID%/, aItem.id))) {
- var status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_DISABLED;
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, status);
- return;
- }
- }
- catch (e) { }
- // Items managed by the app are not checked for updates.
- var emDS = this._updater._emDS;
- if (emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "appManaged") == "true") {
- var status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_APP_MANAGED;
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, status);
- return;
- }
- // Items that have a pending install, uninstall, or upgrade are not checked
- // for updates.
- var opType = emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "opType");
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL || opType == OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL ||
- opType == OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE) {
- var status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_PENDING_OP;
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, status);
- return;
- }
- var installLocation = InstallLocations.get(emDS.getInstallLocationKey(aItem.id));
- // Don't check items for updates that are installed in a location that is
- // not managed by the app.
- if (installLocation && (installLocation.name == "winreg-app-global" ||
- installLocation.name == "winreg-app-user")) {
- var status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_NOT_MANAGED;
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, status);
- return;
- }
- // Don't check items for updates if the location can't be written to except
- // when performing a version only update.
- if (!aVersionUpdateOnly && (!installLocation || !installLocation.canAccess)) {
- var status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_READ_ONLY;
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, status);
- return;
- }
- this._versionUpdateOnly = aVersionUpdateOnly;
- this._item = aItem;
- var itemStatus;
- if (emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "userDisabled") == "true" ||
- emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "userDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- itemStatus = "userDisabled";
- else
- itemStatus = "userEnabled";
- if (emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "compatible") == "false")
- itemStatus += ",incompatible";
- if (emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "blocklisted") == "true")
- itemStatus += ",blocklisted";
- if (emDS.getItemProperty(aItem.id, "satisfiesDependencies") == "false")
- itemStatus += ",needsDependencies";
- // Look for a custom update URI: 1) supplied by a pref, 2) supplied by the
- // install manifest, 3) the default configuration
- try {
- var dsURI = gPref.getComplexValue(PREF_EM_ITEM_UPDATE_URL.replace(/%UUID%/, aItem.id),
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
- }
- catch (e) { }
- if (!dsURI)
- dsURI = aItem.updateRDF;
- if (!dsURI) {
- dsURI = gPref.getComplexValue(PREF_UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL,
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
- }
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%ITEM_ID%/g, aItem.id);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%ITEM_VERSION%/g, aItem.version);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%ITEM_MAXAPPVERSION%/g, aItem.maxAppVersion);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%ITEM_STATUS%/g, itemStatus);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_ID%/g, this._updater._appID);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_VERSION%/g, this._updater._appVersion);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%REQ_VERSION%/g, 1);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_OS%/g, gOSTarget);
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/%APP_ABI%/g, gXPCOMABI);
- // escape() does not properly encode + symbols in any embedded FVF strings.
- dsURI = dsURI.replace(/\+/g, "%2B");
- // Verify that the URI provided is valid
- try {
- var uri = newURI(dsURI);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:checkForUpdates: There was an error loading the \r\n" +
- " update datasource for: " + dsURI + ", item = " + aItem.id + ", error: " + e);
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem,
- nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_FAILURE);
- return;
- }
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:checkForUpdates sending a request to server for: " +
- uri.spec + ", item = " + aItem.objectSource);
- var request = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
- request.open("GET", uri.spec, true);
- request.channel.notificationCallbacks = new BadCertHandler();
- request.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
- request.channel.loadFlags |= Components.interfaces.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
- var self = this;
- request.onerror = function(event) { self.onXMLError(event, aItem); };
- request.onload = function(event) { self.onXMLLoad(event, aItem); };
- request.send(null);
- },
- onXMLLoad: function(aEvent, aItem) {
- var request = aEvent.target;
- try {
- checkCert(request.channel);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // This may be overly restrictive in two cases: corporate installations
- // with a corporate update server using an in-house CA cert (installed
- // but not "built-in") and lone developers hosting their updates on a
- // site with a self-signed cert (permanently accepted, otherwise the
- // BadCertHandler would prevent getting this far). Update checks will
- // fail in both these scenarios.
- // How else can we protect the vast majority of updates served from AMO
- // from the spoofing attack described in bug 340198 while allowing those
- // other cases? A "hackme" pref? Domain-control certs are cheap, getting
- // one should not be a barrier in either case.
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater::onXMLLoad: " + e);
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem,
- nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_FAILURE);
- return;
- }
- var responseXML = request.responseXML;
- // If the item does not have an update RDF and returns an error it is not
- // treated as a failure since all items without an updateURL are checked
- // for updates on AMO even if they are not hosted there.
- if (!responseXML || responseXML.documentElement.namespaceURI == XMLURI_PARSE_ERROR ||
- (request.status != 200 && request.status != 0)) {
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem, (aItem.updateRDF ? nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_FAILURE :
- nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_NONE));
- return;
- }
- var rdfParser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/xml-parser;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLParser)
- var ds = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=in-memory-datasource"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
- rdfParser.parseString(ds, request.channel.URI, request.responseText);
- this.onDatasourceLoaded(ds, aItem);
- },
- onXMLError: function(aEvent, aItem) {
- try {
- var request = aEvent.target;
- // the following may throw (e.g. a local file or timeout)
- var status = request.status;
- }
- catch (e) {
- request = aEvent.target.channel.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest);
- status = request.status;
- }
- // this can fail when a network connection is not present.
- try {
- var statusText = request.statusText;
- }
- catch (e) {
- status = 0;
- }
- // When status is 0 we don't have a valid channel.
- if (status == 0)
- statusText = "nsIXMLHttpRequest channel unavailable";
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:onError: There was an error loading the \r\n" +
- "the update datasource for item " + aItem.id + ", error: " + statusText);
- this._updater.checkForDone(aItem,
- nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_FAILURE);
- },
- onDatasourceLoaded: function(aDatasource, aLocalItem) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The extension update RDF file looks something like this:
- //
- // <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}">
- // <em:updates>
- // <RDF:Seq>
- // <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}:4.9"/>
- // <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}:5.0"/>
- // </RDF:Seq>
- // </em:updates>
- // <!-- the version of the extension being offered -->
- // <em:version>5.0</em:version>
- // <em:updateLink>http://www.mysite.com/myext-50.xpi</em:updateLink>
- // </RDF:Description>
- //
- // <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}:4.9">
- // <em:version>4.9</em:version>
- // <em:targetApplication>
- // <RDF:Description>
- // <em:id>{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}</em:id>
- // <em:minVersion>0.9</em:minVersion>
- // <em:maxVersion>1.0</em:maxVersion>
- // <em:updateLink>http://www.mysite.com/myext-49.xpi</em:updateLink>
- // </RDF:Description>
- // </em:targetApplication>
- // </RDF:Description>
- //
- // If we get here because the following happened:
- // 1) User was using Firefox 0.9 with ExtensionX 0.5 (minVersion 0.8,
- // maxVersion 0.9 for Firefox)
- // 2) User upgraded Firefox to 1.0
- // 3) |checkForMismatches| deems ExtensionX 0.5 incompatible with this
- // new version of Firefox on the basis of its maxVersion
- // 4) ** We reach this point **
- //
- // If the version of ExtensionX (0.5) matches that provided by the
- // server, then this is a cue that the author updated the rdf file
- // or central repository to say "0.5 is ALSO compatible with Firefox 1.0,
- // no changes are necessary." In this event, the local metadata for
- // installed ExtensionX (0.5) is freshened with the new maxVersion,
- // and we advance to the next item WITHOUT any download/install
- // updates.
- if (!aDatasource.GetAllResources().hasMoreElements()) {
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:onDatasourceLoaded: Datasource empty.\r\n" +
- "If you are an Extension developer and were expecting there to be\r\n" +
- "updates, this could mean any number of things, since the RDF system\r\n" +
- "doesn't give up much in the way of information when the load fails.\r\n" +
- "\r\nTry checking that: \r\n" +
- " 1. Your remote RDF file exists at the location.\r\n" +
- " 2. Your RDF file is valid XML (starts with <?xml version=\"1.0?\">\r\n" +
- " and loads in Firefox displaying pretty printed like other XML documents\r\n" +
- " 3. Your server is sending the data in the correct MIME\r\n" +
- " type (text/xml)");
- }
- // Parse the response RDF
- function UpdateData() {};
- UpdateData.prototype = { version: "0.0", updateLink: null, updateHash: null,
- minVersion: "0.0", maxVersion: "0.0" };
- var versionUpdate = new UpdateData();
- var newestUpdate = new UpdateData();
- var newerItem, sameItem;
- // Firefox 1.0PR+ update.rdf format
- if (!this._versionUpdateOnly) {
- // Look for newer versions of this item, we only do this in "normal"
- // mode... see comment by ExtensionItemUpdater_checkForUpdates
- // about how we do this in all cases but Install Phone Home - which
- // only needs to do a version check.
- this._parseV20UpdateInfo(aDatasource, aLocalItem, newestUpdate, false);
- newerItem = makeItem(aLocalItem.id,
- newestUpdate.version,
- aLocalItem.installLocationKey,
- newestUpdate.minVersion,
- newestUpdate.maxVersion,
- aLocalItem.name,
- newestUpdate.updateLink,
- newestUpdate.updateHash,
- "", /* Icon URL */
- "", /* RDF Update URL */
- aLocalItem.type);
- if (this._updater._isValidUpdate(aLocalItem, newerItem))
- ++this._updater._updateCount;
- else
- newerItem = null;
- }
- // Now look for updated version compatibility metadata for the currently
- // installed version...
- this._parseV20UpdateInfo(aDatasource, aLocalItem, versionUpdate, true);
- var result = gVersionChecker.compare(versionUpdate.version,
- aLocalItem.version);
- if (result == 0) {
- // Local version exactly matches the "Version Update" remote version,
- // Apply changes into local datasource.
- sameItem = makeItem(aLocalItem.id,
- versionUpdate.version,
- aLocalItem.installLocationKey,
- versionUpdate.minVersion,
- versionUpdate.maxVersion,
- aLocalItem.name,
- "", /* XPI Update URL */
- "", /* XPI Update Hash */
- "", /* Icon URL */
- "", /* RDF Update URL */
- aLocalItem.type);
- if (this._updater._isValidUpdate(aLocalItem, sameItem)) {
- // Install-time updates are not written to the DS because there is no
- // entry yet, EM just uses the notifications to ascertain (by hand)
- // whether or not there is a remote maxVersion tweak that makes the
- // item being installed compatible.
- if (!this._updater._applyVersionUpdates(aLocalItem, sameItem))
- sameItem = null;
- }
- else
- sameItem = null;
- }
- if (newerItem) {
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:onDatasourceLoaded: Found a newer version of this item:\r\n" +
- newerItem.objectSource);
- }
- if (sameItem) {
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:onDatasourceLoaded: Found info about the installed\r\n" +
- "version of this item: " + sameItem.objectSource);
- }
- var item = null, status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_NONE;
- if (!this._versionUpdateOnly && newerItem) {
- item = newerItem;
- status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_UPDATE;
- }
- else if (sameItem) {
- item = sameItem;
- status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_VERSIONINFO;
- }
- else {
- item = aLocalItem;
- status = nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_NO_UPDATE;
- }
- // Only one call of this._updater.checkForDone is needed for RDF
- // responses, since there is only one response per item.
- this._updater.checkForDone(item, status);
- },
- // Get a compulsory property from a resource. Reports an error if the
- // property was not present.
- _getPropertyFromResource: function(aDataSource, aSourceResource, aProperty, aLocalItem) {
- var rv;
- try {
- var property = gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS(aProperty));
- rv = stringData(aDataSource.GetTarget(aSourceResource, property, true));
- if (rv === undefined)
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- }
- catch (e) {
- // XXXben show console message "aProperty" not found on aSourceResource.
- return null;
- }
- return rv;
- },
- // Parses Firefox 1.0RC1+ update.rdf format
- _parseV20UpdateInfo: function(aDataSource, aLocalItem, aUpdateData, aVersionUpdatesOnly) {
- var extensionRes = gRDF.GetResource(getItemPrefix(aLocalItem.type) + aLocalItem.id);
- var updatesArc = gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS("updates"));
- var updates = aDataSource.GetTarget(extensionRes, updatesArc, true);
- try {
- updates = updates.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("RDFItemUpdater:_parseV20UpdateInfo: No updates were found for:\r\n" +
- aLocalItem.id + "\r\n" +
- "If you are an Extension developer and were expecting there to be\r\n" +
- "updates, this could mean any number of things, since the RDF system\r\n" +
- "doesn't give up much in the way of information when the load fails.\r\n" +
- "\r\nTry checking that: \r\n" +
- " 1. Your RDF File is correct - e.g. check that there is a top level\r\n" +
- " RDF Resource with a URI urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}, and that\r\n" +
- " the <em:updates> listed all have matching GUIDs.");
- return;
- }
- var cu = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils);
- if (cu.IsContainer(aDataSource, updates)) {
- var ctr = getContainer(aDataSource, updates);
- // In "all update types" mode, we look for newer versions, starting with the
- // current installed version.
- if (!aVersionUpdatesOnly)
- aUpdateData.version = aLocalItem.version;
- var versions = ctr.GetElements();
- while (versions.hasMoreElements()) {
- // There are two different methodologies for collecting version
- // information depending on whether or not we've bene invoked in
- // "version updates only" mode or "version+newest" mode.
- var version = versions.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- this._parseV20Update(aDataSource, version, aLocalItem, aUpdateData, aVersionUpdatesOnly);
- if (aVersionUpdatesOnly && aUpdateData.updateLink)
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _parseV20Update: function(aDataSource, aUpdateResource, aLocalItem, aUpdateData, aVersionUpdatesOnly) {
- var version = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, aUpdateResource,
- "version", aLocalItem);
- var taArc = gRDF.GetResource(EM_NS("targetApplication"));
- var targetApps = aDataSource.GetTargets(aUpdateResource, taArc, true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, targetApp, "id", aLocalItem);
- if (id != this._updater._appID)
- continue;
- var result = gVersionChecker.compare(version, aLocalItem.version);
- if (aVersionUpdatesOnly ? result == 0 : result > 0) {
- aUpdateData.version = version;
- aUpdateData.updateLink = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, targetApp, "updateLink", aLocalItem);
- aUpdateData.updateHash = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, targetApp, "updateHash", aLocalItem);
- aUpdateData.minVersion = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, targetApp, "minVersion", aLocalItem);
- aUpdateData.maxVersion = this._getPropertyFromResource(aDataSource, targetApp, "maxVersion", aLocalItem);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * A Datasource that holds Extensions.
- * - Implements nsIRDFDataSource to drive UI
- * - Uses a RDF/XML datasource for storage (this is undesirable)
- *
- * @constructor
- */
- function ExtensionsDataSource(em) {
- this._em = em;
- this._itemRoot = gRDF.GetResource(RDFURI_ITEM_ROOT);
- this._defaultTheme = gRDF.GetResource(RDFURI_DEFAULT_THEME);
- gRDF.RegisterDataSource(this, true);
- }
- ExtensionsDataSource.prototype = {
- _inner : null,
- _em : null,
- _itemRoot : null,
- _defaultTheme : null,
- /**
- * Determines if an item's dependencies are satisfied. An item's dependencies
- * are satisifed when all items specified in the item's em:requires arc are
- * installed, enabled, and the version is compatible based on the em:requires
- * minVersion and maxVersion.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item
- * @returns true if the item's dependencies are satisfied.
- * false if the item's dependencies are not satisfied.
- */
- satisfiesDependencies: function(id) {
- var ds = this._inner;
- var itemResource = getResourceForID(id);
- var targets = ds.GetTargets(itemResource, EM_R("requires"), true);
- if (!targets.hasMoreElements())
- return true;
- getVersionChecker();
- var idRes = EM_R("id");
- var minVersionRes = EM_R("minVersion");
- var maxVersionRes = EM_R("maxVersion");
- while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
- var target = targets.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var dependencyID = stringData(ds.GetTarget(target, idRes, true));
- var version = null;
- version = this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "version");
- if (version) {
- var opType = this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "opType");
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE || opType == OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL)
- return false;
- if (this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "userDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "appDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "userDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE ||
- this.getItemProperty(dependencyID, "appDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE)
- return false;
- var minVersion = stringData(ds.GetTarget(target, minVersionRes, true));
- var maxVersion = stringData(ds.GetTarget(target, maxVersionRes, true));
- var compatible = (gVersionChecker.compare(version, minVersion) >= 0 &&
- gVersionChecker.compare(version, maxVersion) <= 0);
- if (!compatible)
- return false;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * Determine if an item is compatible
- * @param datasource
- * The datasource to inspect for compatibility - can be the main
- * datasource or an Install Manifest.
- * @param source
- * The RDF Resource of the item to inspect for compatibility.
- * @param version
- * The version of the application we are checking for compatibility
- * against. If this parameter is undefined, the version of the running
- * application is used.
- * @returns true if the item is compatible with this version of the
- * application, false, otherwise.
- */
- isCompatible: function (datasource, source, version) {
- // The Default Theme is always compatible.
- if (source.EqualsNode(this._defaultTheme))
- return true;
- if (version === undefined) {
- version = gApp.version;
- }
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var targets = datasource.GetTargets(source, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- var idRes = EM_R("id");
- var minVersionRes = EM_R("minVersion");
- var maxVersionRes = EM_R("maxVersion");
- while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targets.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, idRes, true));
- var minVersion = stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, minVersionRes, true));
- var maxVersion = stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, maxVersionRes, true));
- if (id == appID) {
- var versionChecker = getVersionChecker();
- return ((versionChecker.compare(version, minVersion) >= 0) &&
- (versionChecker.compare(version, maxVersion) <= 0));
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Determine if an item is blocklisted
- * @param id
- * The id of the item to check.
- * @param extVersion
- * The item's version.
- * @param appVersion
- * The version of the application we are checking in the blocklist.
- * If this parameter is undefined, the version of the running
- * application is used.
- * @param toolkitVersion
- * The version of the toolkit we are checking in the blocklist.
- * If this parameter is undefined, the version of the running
- * toolkit is used.
- * @returns true if the item is compatible with this version of the
- * application, false, otherwise.
- */
- isBlocklisted: function(id, extVersion, appVersion, toolkitVersion) {
- if (appVersion === undefined)
- appVersion = gApp.version;
- if (toolkitVersion === undefined)
- toolkitVersion = gApp.platformVersion;
- var blItem = Blocklist.entries[id];
- if (!blItem)
- return false;
- var versionChecker = getVersionChecker();
- for (var i = 0; i < blItem.length; ++i) {
- if (versionChecker.compare(extVersion, blItem[i].minVersion) < 0 ||
- versionChecker.compare(extVersion, blItem[i].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- var blTargetApp = blItem[i].targetApps[gApp.ID];
- if (blTargetApp) {
- for (var x = 0; x < blTargetApp.length; ++x) {
- if (versionChecker.compare(appVersion, blTargetApp[x].minVersion) < 0 ||
- versionChecker.compare(appVersion, blTargetApp[x].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- return true;
- }
- }
- blTargetApp = blItem[i].targetApps[TOOLKIT_ID];
- if (!blTargetApp)
- return false;
- for (x = 0; x < blTargetApp.length; ++x) {
- if (versionChecker.compare(toolkitVersion, blTargetApp[x].minVersion) < 0 ||
- versionChecker.compare(toolkitVersion, blTargetApp[x].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Gets a list of items that are incompatible with a specific application version.
- * @param appID
- * The ID of the application - XXXben unused?
- * @param appVersion
- * The Version of the application to check for incompatibility against.
- * @param desiredType
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of items to look for
- * @param includeDisabled
- * Whether or not disabled items should be included in the set returned
- * @returns An array of nsIUpdateItems that are incompatible with the application
- * ID/Version supplied.
- */
- getIncompatibleItemList: function(appID, appVersion, desiredType, includeDisabled) {
- var items = [];
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var item = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var type = this.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- // Skip this item if we're not seeking disabled items
- if (!includeDisabled && this.getItemProperty(id, "isDisabled") == "true")
- continue;
- // If the id of this item matches one of the items potentially installed
- // with and maintained by this application AND it is installed in the
- // global install location (i.e. the place installed by the app installer)
- // it is and can be managed by the update file - it's not an item that has
- // been manually installed by the user into their profile dir, and as such
- // it is always compatible with the next release of the application since
- // we will continue to support it.
- var locationKey = this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- var appManaged = this.getItemProperty(id, "appManaged") == "true";
- if (appManaged && locationKey == KEY_APP_GLOBAL)
- continue;
- if (type != -1 && (type & desiredType) &&
- !this.isCompatible(this, item, appVersion))
- items.push(this.getItemForID(id));
- }
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of items that will be blocklisted by the application for
- * a specific application or toolkit version.
- * @param appVersion
- * The Version of the application to check the blocklist against.
- * @param toolkitVersion
- * The Version of the toolkit to check the blocklist against.
- * @param desiredType
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of items to look for
- * @param includeAppDisabled
- * Whether or not items that are or are already set to be disabled
- * by the app on next restart should be included in the set returned
- * @returns An array of nsIUpdateItems that are blocklisted with the application
- * or toolkit version supplied.
- */
- getBlocklistedItemList: function(appVersion, toolkitVersion, desiredType,
- includeAppDisabled) {
- var items = [];
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var item = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var type = this.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- if (!includeAppDisabled &&
- (this.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_DISABLE))
- continue;
- var extVersion = this.getItemProperty(id, "version");
- if (type != -1 && (type & desiredType) &&
- this.isBlocklisted(id, extVersion, appVersion, toolkitVersion))
- items.push(this.getItemForID(id));
- }
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Gets a list of items of a specific type
- * @param desiredType
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of items to return
- * @param countRef
- * The XPCJS reference to the size of the returned array
- * @returns An array of nsIUpdateItems, populated only with an item for |id|
- * if |id| is non-null, otherwise all items matching the specified
- * type.
- */
- getItemList: function(desiredType, countRef) {
- var items = [];
- var ctr = getContainer(this, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var e = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var eID = stripPrefix(e.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var type = this.getItemProperty(eID, "type");
- if (type != -1 && type & desiredType)
- items.push(this.getItemForID(eID));
- }
- countRef.value = items.length;
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of installed nsIUpdateItems of items that are dependent
- * on another item.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item that other items depend on.
- * @param includeDisabled
- * Whether to include disabled items in the set returned.
- * @param countRef
- * The XPCJS reference to the number of items returned.
- * @returns An array of installed nsIUpdateItems that depend on the item
- * specified by the id parameter.
- */
- getDependentItemListForID: function(id, includeDisabled, countRef) {
- var items = [];
- var ds = this._inner;
- var ctr = getContainer(this, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var e = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var dependentID = stripPrefix(e.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var targets = ds.GetTargets(e, EM_R("requires"), true);
- var idRes = EM_R("id");
- while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
- var target = targets.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var dependencyID = stringData(ds.GetTarget(target, idRes, true));
- if (dependencyID == id) {
- if (!includeDisabled && this.getItemProperty(dependentID, "isDisabled") == "true")
- continue;
- items.push(this.getItemForID(dependentID));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- countRef.value = items.length;
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Get a list of Item IDs that have a flag set
- * @param flag
- * The name of an RDF property (less EM_NS) to check for
- * @param desiredType
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of item to look for
- * @returns An array of Item IDs
- *
- * XXXben - this function is a little weird since it returns an array of
- * strings, not an array of nsIUpdateItems...
- */
- getItemsWithFlagUnset: function(flag, desiredType) {
- var items = [];
- var ctr = getContainer(this, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var e = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stripPrefix(e.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var type = this.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- if (type != -1 && type & desiredType) {
- var value = this.GetTarget(e, EM_R(flag), true);
- if (!value)
- items.push(id);
- }
- }
- return items;
- },
- /**
- * Constructs an nsIUpdateItem for the given item ID
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to construct a nsIUpdateItem for
- * @returns The nsIUpdateItem for the id.
- */
- getItemForID: function(id) {
- var r = getResourceForID(id);
- if (!r)
- return null;
- var targetAppInfo = this.getTargetApplicationInfo(id, this);
- var updateHash = this.getItemProperty(id, "availableUpdateHash");
- return makeItem(id,
- this.getItemProperty(id, "version"),
- this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation"),
- targetAppInfo ? targetAppInfo.minVersion : "",
- targetAppInfo ? targetAppInfo.maxVersion : "",
- this.getItemProperty(id, "name"),
- this.getItemProperty(id, "availableUpdateURL"),
- updateHash ? updateHash : "",
- this.getItemProperty(id, "iconURL"),
- this.getItemProperty(id, "updateURL"),
- this.getItemProperty(id, "type"));
- },
- /**
- * Gets the name of the Install Location where an item is installed.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to locate an Install Location for
- * @returns The string name of the Install Location where the item is
- * installed.
- */
- getInstallLocationKey: function(id) {
- return this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- },
- /**
- * Sets an RDF property on an item in a datasource. Does not create
- * multiple assertions
- * @param datasource
- * The target datasource where the property should be set
- * @param source
- * The RDF Resource to set the property on
- * @param property
- * The RDF Resource of the property to set
- * @param newValue
- * The RDF Node containing the new property value
- */
- _setProperty: function(datasource, source, property, newValue) {
- var oldValue = datasource.GetTarget(source, property, true);
- if (oldValue) {
- if (newValue)
- datasource.Change(source, property, oldValue, newValue);
- else
- datasource.Unassert(source, property, oldValue);
- }
- else if (newValue)
- datasource.Assert(source, property, newValue, true);
- },
- /**
- * Sets the target application info for an item in the Extensions
- * datasource and in the item's install manifest if it is installed in a
- * profile's extensions directory, it exists, and we have write access.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to update target application info for
- * @param minVersion
- * The minimum version of the target application that this item can
- * run in
- * @param maxVersion
- * The maximum version of the target application that this item can
- * run in
- */
- updateTargetAppInfo: function(id, minVersion, maxVersion)
- {
- // Update the Extensions datasource
- this.setTargetApplicationInfo(id, minVersion, maxVersion, null);
- var installLocation = InstallLocations.get(this.getInstallLocationKey(id));
- if (installLocation.name != KEY_APP_PROFILE)
- return;
- var installManifestFile = installLocation.getItemFile(id, FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
- // Only update if the item exists and we can write to the location
- if (installManifestFile.exists() && installLocation.canAccess)
- this.setTargetApplicationInfo(id, minVersion, maxVersion,
- getInstallManifest(installManifestFile));
- },
- /**
- * Gets the updated target application info if it exists for an item from
- * the Extensions datasource during an installation or upgrade.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to discover updated target application info for
- * @returns A JS Object with the following properties:
- * "id" The id of the item
- * "minVersion" The updated minimum version of the target
- * application that this item can run in
- * "maxVersion" The updated maximum version of the target
- * application that this item can run in
- */
- getUpdatedTargetAppInfo: function(id) {
- // The default theme is always compatible so there is never update info.
- if (getResourceForID(id).EqualsNode(this._defaultTheme))
- return null;
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var r = getResourceForID(id);
- var targetApps = this._inner.GetTargets(r, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- if (!targetApps.hasMoreElements())
- targetApps = this._inner.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- try {
- var foundAppID = stringData(this._inner.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("id"), true));
- if (foundAppID != appID) // Different target application
- continue;
- var updatedMinVersion = this._inner.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("updatedMinVersion"), true);
- var updatedMaxVersion = this._inner.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("updatedMaxVersion"), true);
- if (updatedMinVersion && updatedMaxVersion)
- return { id : id,
- minVersion: stringData(updatedMinVersion),
- maxVersion: stringData(updatedMaxVersion) };
- else
- return null;
- }
- catch (e) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Sets the updated target application info for an item in the Extensions
- * datasource during an installation or upgrade.
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item to set updated target application info for
- * @param updatedMinVersion
- * The updated minimum version of the target application that this
- * item can run in
- * @param updatedMaxVersion
- * The updated maximum version of the target application that this
- * item can run in
- */
- setUpdatedTargetAppInfo: function(id, updatedMinVersion, updatedMaxVersion) {
- // The default theme is always compatible so it is never updated.
- if (getResourceForID(id).EqualsNode(this._defaultTheme))
- return;
- // Version/Dependency Info
- var updatedMinVersionRes = EM_R("updatedMinVersion");
- var updatedMaxVersionRes = EM_R("updatedMaxVersion");
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var r = getResourceForID(id);
- var targetApps = this._inner.GetTargets(r, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- // add updatedMinVersion and updatedMaxVersion for an install else an upgrade
- if (!targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var idRes = EM_R("id");
- var targetRes = getResourceForID(id);
- var property = EM_R("targetApplication");
- var anon = gRDF.GetAnonymousResource();
- this._inner.Assert(anon, idRes, EM_L(appID), true);
- this._inner.Assert(anon, updatedMinVersionRes, EM_L(updatedMinVersion), true);
- this._inner.Assert(anon, updatedMaxVersionRes, EM_L(updatedMaxVersion), true);
- this._inner.Assert(targetRes, property, anon, true);
- }
- else {
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- var foundAppID = stringData(this._inner.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("id"), true));
- if (foundAppID != appID) // Different target application
- continue;
- this._inner.Assert(targetApp, updatedMinVersionRes, EM_L(updatedMinVersion), true);
- this._inner.Assert(targetApp, updatedMaxVersionRes, EM_L(updatedMaxVersion), true);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Gets the target application info for an item from a datasource.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to discover target application info for
- * @param datasource
- * The datasource to look up target application info in
- * @returns A JS Object with the following properties:
- * "minVersion" The minimum version of the target application
- * that this item can run in
- * "maxVersion" The maximum version of the target application
- * that this item can run in
- * or null, if no target application data exists for the specified
- * id in the supplied datasource.
- */
- getTargetApplicationInfo: function(id, datasource) {
- // The default theme is always compatible.
- if (getResourceForID(id).EqualsNode(this._defaultTheme)) {
- var ver = gApp.version;
- return { minVersion: ver, maxVersion: ver };
- }
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var r = getResourceForID(id);
- var targetApps = datasource.GetTargets(r, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- if (!targetApps)
- return null;
- if (!targetApps.hasMoreElements())
- targetApps = datasource.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- try {
- var foundAppID = stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("id"), true));
- if (foundAppID != appID) // Different target application
- continue;
- return { minVersion: stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("minVersion"), true)),
- maxVersion: stringData(datasource.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("maxVersion"), true)) };
- }
- catch (e) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Sets the target application info for an item in a datasource.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to discover target application info for
- * @param minVersion
- * The minimum version of the target application that this item can
- * run in
- * @param maxVersion
- * The maximum version of the target application that this item can
- * run in
- * @param datasource
- * The datasource to loko up target application info in
- */
- setTargetApplicationInfo: function(id, minVersion, maxVersion, datasource) {
- var targetDataSource = datasource;
- if (!targetDataSource)
- targetDataSource = this._inner;
- var appID = gApp.ID;
- var r = getResourceForID(id);
- var targetApps = targetDataSource.GetTargets(r, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- if (!targetApps.hasMoreElements())
- targetApps = datasource.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, EM_R("targetApplication"), true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext();
- if (targetApp instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- var foundAppID = stringData(targetDataSource.GetTarget(targetApp, EM_R("id"), true));
- if (foundAppID != appID) // Different target application
- continue;
- this._setProperty(targetDataSource, targetApp, EM_R("minVersion"), EM_L(minVersion));
- this._setProperty(targetDataSource, targetApp, EM_R("maxVersion"), EM_L(maxVersion));
- // If we were setting these properties on the main datasource, flush
- // it now. (Don't flush changes set on Install Manifests - they are
- // fleeting).
- if (!datasource)
- this.Flush();
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Gets a property of an item
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param property
- * The name of the property (excluding EM_NS)
- * @returns The literal value of the property, or undefined if there is no
- * value.
- */
- getItemProperty: function(id, property) {
- var item = getResourceForID(id);
- if (!item) {
- LOG("getItemProperty failing for lack of an item. This means getResourceForItem \
- failed to locate a resource for aItemID (item ID = " + id + ", property = " + property + ")");
- }
- else
- return this._getItemProperty(item, property);
- return undefined;
- },
- /**
- * Gets a property of an item resource
- * @param itemResource
- * The RDF Resource of the item
- * @param property
- * The name of the property (excluding EM_NS)
- * @returns The literal value of the property, or undefined if there is no
- * value.
- */
- _getItemProperty: function(itemResource, property) {
- var target = this.GetTarget(itemResource, EM_R(property), true);
- var value = stringData(target);
- if (value === undefined)
- value = intData(target);
- return value === undefined ? "" : value;
- },
- /**
- * Sets a property on an item.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param propertyArc
- * The RDF Resource of the property arc
- * @param propertyValue
- * A nsIRDFLiteral value of the property to be set
- */
- setItemProperty: function (id, propertyArc, propertyValue) {
- var item = getResourceForID(id);
- this._setProperty(this._inner, item, propertyArc, propertyValue);
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Inserts the RDF resource for an item into a container.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- */
- insertItemIntoContainer: function(id) {
- // Get the target container and resource
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- var itemResource = getResourceForID(id);
- // Don't bother adding the extension to the list if it's already there.
- // (i.e. we're upgrading)
- var oldIndex = ctr.IndexOf(itemResource);
- if (oldIndex == -1)
- ctr.AppendElement(itemResource);
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Removes the RDF resource for an item from its container.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- */
- removeItemFromContainer: function(id) {
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- var itemResource = getResourceForID(id);
- ctr.RemoveElement(itemResource, true);
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Removes a corrupt item entry from the extension list added due to buggy
- * code in previous EM versions!
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- */
- removeCorruptItem: function(id) {
- this.removeItemMetadata(id);
- this.removeItemFromContainer(id);
- },
- /**
- * Removes a corrupt download entry from the list
- * @param uri
- * The RDF URI of the item.
- * @returns The RDF Resource of the removed entry
- */
- removeCorruptDLItem: function(uri) {
- var itemResource = gRDF.GetResource(uri);
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- if (ctr.IndexOf(itemResource) != -1) {
- ctr.RemoveElement(itemResource, true);
- this._cleanResource(itemResource);
- this.Flush();
- }
- return itemResource;
- },
- /**
- * Copies metadata from an Install Manifest Datasource into the Extensions
- * DataSource.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- * @param installManifest
- * The Install Manifest datasource we are copying from
- * @param installLocation
- * The Install Location of the item.
- */
- addItemMetadata: function(id, installManifest, installLocation) {
- // Copy the assertions over from the source datasource.
- var targetRes = getResourceForID(id);
- // Assert properties with single values
- var singleProps = ["version", "name", "description", "creator", "homepageURL",
- "updateURL", "updateService", "optionsURL", "aboutURL",
- "iconURL", "internalName"];
- // Items installed into restricted Install Locations can also be locked
- // (can't be removed or disabled), and hidden (not shown in the UI)
- if (installLocation.restricted)
- singleProps = singleProps.concat(["locked", "hidden"]);
- if (installLocation.name == KEY_APP_GLOBAL)
- singleProps = singleProps.concat(["appManaged"]);
- for (var i = 0; i < singleProps.length; ++i) {
- var property = EM_R(singleProps[i]);
- var literal = installManifest.GetTarget(gInstallManifestRoot, property, true);
- // If literal is null, _setProperty will remove any existing.
- this._setProperty(this._inner, targetRes, property, literal);
- }
- // Assert properties with multiple values
- var manyProps = ["developer", "translator", "contributor"];
- for (var i = 0; i < manyProps.length; ++i) {
- var property = EM_R(manyProps[i]);
- var literals = installManifest.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, property, true);
- var oldValues = this._inner.GetTargets(targetRes, property, true);
- while (oldValues.hasMoreElements()) {
- var oldValue = oldValues.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFNode);
- this._inner.Unassert(targetRes, property, oldValue);
- }
- while (literals.hasMoreElements()) {
- var literal = literals.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFNode);
- this._inner.Assert(targetRes, property, literal, true);
- }
- }
- // Version/Dependency Info
- var versionProps = ["targetApplication", "requires"];
- var idRes = EM_R("id");
- var minVersionRes = EM_R("minVersion");
- var maxVersionRes = EM_R("maxVersion");
- for (var i = 0; i < versionProps.length; ++i) {
- var property = EM_R(versionProps[i]);
- var newVersionInfos = installManifest.GetTargets(gInstallManifestRoot, property, true);
- var oldVersionInfos = this._inner.GetTargets(targetRes, property, true);
- while (oldVersionInfos.hasMoreElements()) {
- var oldVersionInfo = oldVersionInfos.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- this._cleanResource(oldVersionInfo);
- this._inner.Unassert(targetRes, property, oldVersionInfo);
- }
- while (newVersionInfos.hasMoreElements()) {
- var newVersionInfo = newVersionInfos.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var anon = gRDF.GetAnonymousResource();
- this._inner.Assert(anon, idRes, installManifest.GetTarget(newVersionInfo, idRes, true), true);
- this._inner.Assert(anon, minVersionRes, installManifest.GetTarget(newVersionInfo, minVersionRes, true), true);
- this._inner.Assert(anon, maxVersionRes, installManifest.GetTarget(newVersionInfo, maxVersionRes, true), true);
- this._inner.Assert(targetRes, property, anon, true);
- }
- }
- this.updateProperty(id, "opType");
- this.updateProperty(id, "updateable");
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Strips an item entry of all assertions.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item
- */
- removeItemMetadata: function(id) {
- var item = getResourceForID(id);
- var resources = ["targetApplication", "requires"];
- for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
- var targetApps = this._inner.GetTargets(item, EM_R(resources[i]), true);
- while (targetApps.hasMoreElements()) {
- var targetApp = targetApps.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- this._cleanResource(targetApp);
- }
- }
- this._cleanResource(item);
- },
- /**
- * Strips a resource of all outbound assertions. We use methods like this
- * since the RDFXMLDatasource will write out all assertions, even if they
- * are not connected through our root.
- * @param resource
- * The resource to clean.
- */
- _cleanResource: function(resource) {
- // Remove outward arcs
- var arcs = this._inner.ArcLabelsOut(resource);
- while (arcs.hasMoreElements()) {
- var arc = arcs.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var targets = this._inner.GetTargets(resource, arc, true);
- while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
- var value = targets.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFNode);
- if (value)
- this._inner.Unassert(resource, arc, value);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Notify views that this propery has changed (this is for properties that
- * are implemented by this datasource rather than by the inner in-memory
- * datasource and thus do not get free change handling).
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to update the property for.
- * @param property
- * The property (less EM_NS) to update.
- */
- updateProperty: function(id, property) {
- var item = getResourceForID(id);
- this._updateProperty(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Notify views that this propery has changed (this is for properties that
- * are implemented by this datasource rather than by the inner in-memory
- * datasource and thus do not get free change handling). This allows updating
- * properties for download items which don't have the em item prefix in there
- ( resource value. In most instances updateProperty should be used.
- * @param item
- * The item to update the property for.
- * @param property
- * The property (less EM_NS) to update.
- */
- _updateProperty: function(item, property) {
- var propertyResource = EM_R(property);
- var value = this.GetTarget(item, propertyResource, true);
- if (item && value) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i)
- this._observers[i].onChange(this, item, propertyResource,
- EM_L(""), value);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Move an Item to the index of another item in its container.
- * @param movingID
- * The ID of the item to be moved.
- * @param destinationID
- * The ID of an item to move another item to.
- */
- moveToIndexOf: function(movingID, destinationID) {
- var extensions = gRDF.GetResource(RDFURI_ITEM_ROOT);
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, extensions);
- var item = gRDF.GetResource(movingID);
- var index = ctr.IndexOf(gRDF.GetResource(destinationID));
- if (index == -1)
- index = 1; // move to the beginning if destinationID is not found
- this._inner.beginUpdateBatch();
- ctr.RemoveElement(item, true);
- ctr.InsertElementAt(item, index, true);
- this._inner.endUpdateBatch();
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Sorts addons of the specified type by the specified property starting from
- * the top of their container. If the addons are already sorted then no action
- * is performed.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of the items to sort.
- * @param propertyName
- * The RDF property name used for sorting.
- * @param isAscending
- * true to sort ascending and false to sort descending
- */
- sortTypeByProperty: function(type, propertyName, isAscending) {
- var items = [];
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- var elements = ctr.GetElements();
- // Base 0 ordinal for checking against the existing order after sorting
- var ordinal = 0;
- while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
- var item = elements.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var itemType = this.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- if (itemType & type) {
- items.push({ item : item,
- ordinal: ordinal,
- sortkey: this.getItemProperty(id, propertyName).toLowerCase() });
- ordinal++;
- }
- }
- var direction = isAscending ? 1 : -1;
- // Case insensitive sort
- function compare(a, b) {
- if (a.sortkey < b.sortkey) return (-1 * direction);
- if (a.sortkey > b.sortkey) return (1 * direction);
- return 0;
- }
- items.sort(compare);
- // Check if there are any changes in the order of the items
- var isDirty = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
- if (items[i].ordinal != i) {
- isDirty = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If there are no changes then early return to avoid the perf impact
- if (!isDirty)
- return;
- // Reorder the items by moving them to the top of the container
- this.beginUpdateBatch();
- for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
- ctr.RemoveElement(items[i].item, true);
- ctr.InsertElementAt(items[i].item, i + 1, true);
- }
- this.endUpdateBatch();
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Determines if an Item is an active download
- * @param id
- * The ID of the item. This will be a uri scheme without the
- * em item prefix so getProperty shouldn't be used.
- * @returns true if the item is an active download, false otherwise.
- */
- isDownloadItem: function(id) {
- var downloadURL = stringData(this.GetTarget(gRDF.GetResource(id), EM_R("downloadURL"), true));
- return downloadURL && downloadURL != "";
- },
- /**
- * Adds an entry representing an active download to the appropriate container
- * @param addon
- * An object implementing nsIUpdateItem for the addon being
- * downloaded.
- */
- addDownload: function(addon) {
- // Updates have already been added to the datasource so we just update the
- // download state.
- if (addon.id != addon.xpiURL) {
- this.updateDownloadState(PREFIX_ITEM_URI + addon.id, "waiting");
- return;
- }
- var res = gRDF.GetResource(addon.xpiURL);
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("name"), EM_L(addon.name));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("version"), EM_L(addon.version));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("iconURL"), EM_L(addon.iconURL));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("downloadURL"), EM_L(addon.xpiURL));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("type"), EM_I(addon.type));
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- if (ctr.IndexOf(res) == -1)
- ctr.AppendElement(res);
- this.updateDownloadState(addon.xpiURL, "waiting");
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Adds an entry representing an item that is incompatible and is being
- * checked for a compatibility update.
- * @param name
- * The display name of the item being checked
- * @param url
- * The URL string of the xpi file that has been staged.
- * @param type
- * The nsIUpdateItem type of the item
- * @param version
- * The version of the item
- */
- addIncompatibleUpdateItem: function(name, url, type, version) {
- var iconURL = (type == nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME) ? URI_GENERIC_ICON_THEME :
- var extensionsStrings = BundleManager.getBundle(URI_EXTENSIONS_PROPERTIES);
- var updateMsg = extensionsStrings.formatStringFromName("incompatibleUpdateMessage",
- [BundleManager.appName, name], 2)
- var res = gRDF.GetResource(url);
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("name"), EM_L(name));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("iconURL"), EM_L(iconURL));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("downloadURL"), EM_L(url));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("type"), EM_I(type));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("version"), EM_L(version));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("incompatibleUpdate"), EM_L("true"));
- this._setProperty(this._inner, res, EM_R("description"), EM_L(updateMsg));
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- if (ctr.IndexOf(res) == -1)
- ctr.AppendElement(res);
- this.updateDownloadState(url, "incompatibleUpdate");
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * Removes an active download from the appropriate container
- * @param url
- * The URL string of the active download to be removed
- */
- removeDownload: function(url) {
- var res = gRDF.GetResource(url);
- var ctr = getContainer(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- if (ctr.IndexOf(res) != -1)
- ctr.RemoveElement(res, true);
- this._cleanResource(res);
- this.updateDownloadState(url, null);
- this.Flush();
- },
- /**
- * A hash of RDF resource values (e.g. Add-on IDs or XPI URLs) that represent
- * installation progress for a single browser session.
- */
- _progressData: { },
- /**
- * Updates the install progress data for a given ID (e.g. Add-on IDs or
- * XPI URLs).
- * @param id
- * The URL string of the active download to be removed
- * @param state
- * The current state in the installation process. If null the object
- * is deleted from _progressData.
- */
- updateDownloadState: function(id, state) {
- if (!state) {
- if (id in this._progressData)
- delete this._progressData[id];
- return;
- }
- else {
- if (!(id in this._progressData))
- this._progressData[id] = { };
- this._progressData[id].state = state;
- }
- var item = gRDF.GetResource(id);
- this._updateProperty(item, "state");
- },
- updateDownloadProgress: function(id, progress) {
- if (!progress) {
- if (!(id in this._progressData))
- return;
- this._progressData[id].progress = null;
- }
- else {
- if (!(id in this._progressData))
- this.updateDownloadState(id, "downloading");
- if (this._progressData[id].progress == progress)
- return;
- this._progressData[id].progress = progress;
- }
- var item = gRDF.GetResource(id);
- this._updateProperty(item, "progress");
- },
- /**
- * A GUID->location-key hash of items that are visible to the application.
- * These are items that show up in the Extension/Themes etc UI. If there is
- * an instance of the same item installed in Install Locations of differing
- * profiles, the item at the highest priority location will appear in this
- * list.
- */
- visibleItems: { },
- /**
- * Walk the list of installed items and determine what the visible list is,
- * based on which items are visible at the highest priority locations.
- */
- _buildVisibleItemList: function() {
- var ctr = getContainer(this, this._itemRoot);
- var items = ctr.GetElements();
- while (items.hasMoreElements()) {
- var item = items.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- // Resource URIs adopt the format: location-key,item-id
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- this.visibleItems[id] = this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- }
- },
- /**
- * Updates an item's location in the visible item list.
- * @param id
- * The GUID of the item to update
- * @param locationKey
- * The name of the Install Location where the item is installed.
- * @param forceReplace
- * true if the new location should be used, regardless of its
- * priority relationship to existing entries, false if the location
- * should only be updated if its priority is lower than the existing
- * value.
- */
- updateVisibleList: function(id, locationKey, forceReplace) {
- if (id in this.visibleItems && this.visibleItems[id]) {
- var oldLocation = InstallLocations.get(this.visibleItems[id]);
- var newLocation = InstallLocations.get(locationKey);
- if (forceReplace || newLocation.priority < oldLocation.priority)
- this.visibleItems[id] = locationKey;
- }
- else
- this.visibleItems[id] = locationKey;
- },
- /**
- * Load the Extensions Datasource from disk.
- */
- loadExtensions: function() {
- Blocklist._ensureBlocklist();
- var extensionsFile = getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_EXTENSIONS]);
- try {
- this._inner = gRDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(getURLSpecFromFile(extensionsFile));
- }
- catch (e) {
- LOG("Datasource::loadExtensions: removing corrupted extensions datasource " +
- " file = " + extensionsFile.path + ", exception = " + e + "\n");
- extensionsFile.remove(false);
- return;
- }
- var cu = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils);
- cu.MakeSeq(this._inner, this._itemRoot);
- this._buildVisibleItemList();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onUpdateStarted: function() {
- LOG("Datasource: Update Started");
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onUpdateEnded: function() {
- LOG("Datasource: Update Ended");
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onAddonUpdateStarted: function(addon) {
- LOG("Datasource: Addon Update Started: " + addon.id);
- this.updateProperty(addon.id, "availableUpdateURL");
- },
- /**
- * See nsIExtensionManager.idl
- */
- onAddonUpdateEnded: function(addon, status) {
- LOG("Datasource: Addon Update Ended: " + addon.id + ", status: " + status);
- var url = null, hash = null, version = null;
- var updateAvailable = status == nsIAddonUpdateCheckListener.STATUS_UPDATE;
- if (updateAvailable) {
- url = EM_L(addon.xpiURL);
- if (addon.xpiHash)
- hash = EM_L(addon.xpiHash);
- version = EM_L(addon.version);
- }
- this.setItemProperty(addon.id, EM_R("availableUpdateURL"), url);
- this.setItemProperty(addon.id, EM_R("availableUpdateHash"), hash);
- this.setItemProperty(addon.id, EM_R("availableUpdateVersion"), version);
- this.updateProperty(addon.id, "availableUpdateURL");
- },
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // nsIRDFDataSource
- get URI() {
- return "rdf:extensions";
- },
- GetSource: function(property, target, truthValue) {
- return this._inner.GetSource(property, target, truthValue);
- },
- GetSources: function(property, target, truthValue) {
- return this._inner.GetSources(property, target, truthValue);
- },
- /**
- * Gets an URL to a theme's image file
- * @param item
- * The RDF Resource representing the item
- * @param fileName
- * The file to locate a URL for
- * @param fallbackURL
- * If the location fails, supply this URL instead
- * @returns An RDF Resource to the URL discovered, or the fallback
- * if the discovery failed.
- */
- _getThemeImageURL: function(item, fileName, fallbackURL) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var installLocation = this._em.getInstallLocation(id);
- var file = installLocation.getItemFile(id, fileName)
- if (file.exists())
- return gRDF.GetResource(getURLSpecFromFile(file));
- if (id == stripPrefix(RDFURI_DEFAULT_THEME, PREFIX_ITEM_URI)) {
- var url = "jar:" + getURLSpecFromFile(jarFile) + "!/" + fileName;
- return gRDF.GetResource(url);
- }
- return fallbackURL ? gRDF.GetResource(fallbackURL) : null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:iconURL property (icon url of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_iconURL: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var type = this.getItemProperty(id, "type");
- if (type & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- return this._getThemeImageURL(item, "icon.png", URI_GENERIC_ICON_THEME);
- if (inSafeMode())
- var hasIconURL = this._inner.hasArcOut(item, property);
- // If the addon doesn't have an IconURL property or it is disabled use the
- // generic icon URL instead.
- if (!hasIconURL || this.getItemProperty(id, "isDisabled") == "true")
- var iconURL = stringData(this._inner.GetTarget(item, property, true));
- try {
- var uri = newURI(iconURL);
- var scheme = uri.scheme;
- // Only allow chrome URIs or when installing http(s) URIs.
- if (scheme == "chrome" || (scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") &&
- this._inner.hasArcOut(item, EM_R("downloadURL")))
- return null;
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- // Use a generic icon URL for addons that have an invalid iconURL.
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:previewImage property (preview image of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_previewImage: function(item, property) {
- var type = this.getItemProperty(stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI), "type");
- if (type != -1 && type & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
- return this._getThemeImageURL(item, "preview.png", null);
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * If we're in safe mode, the item is disabled by the user or app, or the
- * item is to be upgraded force the generic about dialog for the item.
- */
- _rdfGet_aboutURL: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (inSafeMode() || this.getItemProperty(id, "isDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "opType") == OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE)
- return EM_L("");
- return null;
- },
- _rdfGet_installDate: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var key = this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- if (key && key in StartupCache.entries && id in StartupCache.entries[key] &&
- StartupCache.entries[key][id] && StartupCache.entries[key][id].mtime)
- return EM_D(StartupCache.entries[key][id].mtime * 1000000);
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:compatible property (whether or not this item is compatible)
- */
- _rdfGet_compatible: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var targetAppInfo = this.getTargetApplicationInfo(id, this);
- if (!targetAppInfo) {
- // When installing a new addon targetAppInfo does not exist yet
- if (this.getItemProperty(id, "opType") == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL)
- return EM_L("true");
- return EM_L("false");
- }
- getVersionChecker();
- var appVersion = gApp.version;
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(targetAppInfo.maxVersion, appVersion) < 0 ||
- gVersionChecker.compare(appVersion, targetAppInfo.minVersion) < 0) {
- // OK, this item is incompatible.
- return EM_L("false");
- }
- return EM_L("true");
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:blocklisted property (whether or not this item is blocklisted)
- */
- _rdfGet_blocklisted: function(item, property) {
- Blocklist._ensureBlocklist();
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var blItem = Blocklist.entries[id];
- if (!blItem)
- return EM_L("false");
- getVersionChecker();
- var version = this.getItemProperty(id, "version");
- var appVersion = gApp.version;
- for (var i = 0; i < blItem.length; ++i) {
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(version, blItem[i].minVersion) < 0 ||
- gVersionChecker.compare(version, blItem[i].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- var blTargetApp = blItem[i].targetApps[gApp.ID];
- if (blTargetApp) {
- for (var x = 0; x < blTargetApp.length; ++x) {
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(appVersion, blTargetApp[x].minVersion) < 0 ||
- gVersionChecker.compare(appVersion, blTargetApp[x].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- return EM_L("true");
- }
- }
- blTargetApp = blItem[i].targetApps[TOOLKIT_ID];
- if (!blTargetApp)
- return EM_L("false");
- for (x = 0; x < blTargetApp.length; ++x) {
- if (gVersionChecker.compare(gApp.platformVersion, blTargetApp[x].minVersion) < 0 ||
- gVersionChecker.compare(gApp.platformVersion, blTargetApp[x].maxVersion) > 0)
- continue;
- return EM_L("true");
- }
- }
- return EM_L("false");
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:state property (represents the current phase of an install).
- */
- _rdfGet_state: function(item, property) {
- var id = item.Value;
- if (id in this._progressData)
- return EM_L(this._progressData[id].state);
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:progress property from the _progressData js object. By storing
- * progress which is updated repeastedly during a download we avoid
- * repeastedly writing it to the rdf file.
- */
- _rdfGet_progress: function(item, property) {
- var id = item.Value;
- if (id in this._progressData)
- return EM_I(this._progressData[id].progress);
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:appManaged property. This prevents extensions from hiding
- * extensions installed into locations other than the app-global location.
- */
- _rdfGet_appManaged: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var locationKey = this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- if (locationKey != KEY_APP_GLOBAL)
- return EM_L("false");
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:hidden property. This prevents extensions from hiding
- * extensions installed into locations other than restricted locations.
- */
- _rdfGet_hidden: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var installLocation = InstallLocations.get(this.getInstallLocationKey(id));
- if (!installLocation || !installLocation.restricted)
- return EM_L("false");
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:locked property. This prevents extensions from locking
- * extensions installed into locations other than restricted locations.
- */
- _rdfGet_locked: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var installLocation = InstallLocations.get(this.getInstallLocationKey(id));
- if (!installLocation || !installLocation.restricted)
- return EM_L("false");
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Gets the em:availableUpdateURL - the URL to an XPI update package, if
- * present, or a literal string "none" if there is no update XPI URL.
- * XXXrstrong we return none due to bug 331689
- */
- _rdfGet_availableUpdateURL: function(item, property) {
- var value = this._inner.GetTarget(item, property, true);
- if (!value)
- return EM_L("none");
- return value;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:satisfiesDependencies property - literal string "false" for
- * dependencies not satisfied (e.g. dependency disabled, incorrect version,
- * not installed etc.), and literal string "true" for dependencies satisfied.
- */
- _rdfGet_satisfiesDependencies: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (this.satisfiesDependencies(id))
- return EM_L("true");
- return EM_L("false");
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:opType property (controls widget state for the EM UI)
- * from the Startup Cache (e.g. extensions.cache)
- * XXXrstrong we return none for OP_NONE due to bug 331689
- */
- _rdfGet_opType: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var key = this.getItemProperty(id, "installLocation");
- if (key in StartupCache.entries && id in StartupCache.entries[key] &&
- StartupCache.entries[key][id] && StartupCache.entries[key][id].op != OP_NONE)
- return EM_L(StartupCache.entries[key][id].op);
- return EM_L("none");
- },
- /**
- * Gets a localizable property. Install Manifests are generally only in one
- * language, however an item can customize by providing localized prefs in
- * the form:
- *
- * extensions.{GUID}.[name|description|creator|homepageURL]
- *
- * to specify localized text for each of these properties.
- */
- _getLocalizablePropertyValue: function(item, property) {
- // These are localizable properties that a language pack supplied by the
- // Extension may override.
- var prefName = PREF_EM_EXTENSION_FORMAT.replace(/%UUID%/,
- stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI)) +
- stripPrefix(property.Value, PREFIX_NS_EM);
- try {
- var value = gPref.getComplexValue(prefName,
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
- if (value.data)
- return EM_L(value.data);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:name property (name of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_name: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValue(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:description property (description of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_description: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValue(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:creator property (creator of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_creator: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValue(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:homepageURL property (homepage URL of the item)
- */
- _rdfGet_homepageURL: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValue(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:isDisabled property. This will be true if the item has a
- * appDisabled or a userDisabled property that is true or OP_NEEDS_ENABLE.
- */
- _rdfGet_isDisabled: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- if (this.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled") == "true" ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "userDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "appDisabled") == OP_NEEDS_ENABLE)
- return EM_L("true");
- return EM_L("false");
- },
- _rdfGet_addonID: function(item, property) {
- var id = this._inner.GetTarget(item, EM_R("downloadURL"), true) ? item.Value :
- stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- return EM_L(id);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:updateable property - this specifies whether the item is
- * allowed to be updated
- */
- _rdfGet_updateable: function(item, property) {
- var id = stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI);
- var opType = this.getItemProperty(id, "opType");
- if (opType == OP_NEEDS_INSTALL || opType == OP_NEEDS_UNINSTALL ||
- opType == OP_NEEDS_UPGRADE ||
- this.getItemProperty(id, "appManaged") == "true")
- return EM_L("false");
- if (getPref("getBoolPref", (PREF_EM_ITEM_UPDATE_ENABLED.replace(/%UUID%/, id), false)) == true)
- return EM_L("false");
- var installLocation = InstallLocations.get(this.getInstallLocationKey(id));
- if (!installLocation || !installLocation.canAccess)
- return EM_L("false");
- return EM_L("true");
- },
- /**
- * See nsIRDFDataSource.idl
- */
- GetTarget: function(source, property, truthValue) {
- if (!source)
- return null;
- var target = null;
- var getter = "_rdfGet_" + stripPrefix(property.Value, PREFIX_NS_EM);
- if (getter in this)
- target = this[getter](source, property);
- return target || this._inner.GetTarget(source, property, truthValue);
- },
- /**
- * Gets an enumeration of values of a localizable property. Install Manifests
- * are generally only in one language, however an item can customize by
- * providing localized prefs in the form:
- *
- * extensions.{GUID}.[contributor].1
- * extensions.{GUID}.[contributor].2
- * extensions.{GUID}.[contributor].3
- * ...
- *
- * to specify localized text for each of these properties.
- */
- _getLocalizablePropertyValues: function(item, property) {
- // These are localizable properties that a language pack supplied by the
- // Extension may override.
- var values = [];
- var prefName = PREF_EM_EXTENSION_FORMAT.replace(/%UUID%/,
- stripPrefix(item.Value, PREFIX_ITEM_URI)) +
- stripPrefix(property.Value, PREFIX_NS_EM);
- var i = 0;
- while (true) {
- try {
- var value = gPref.getComplexValue(prefName + "." + ++i,
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
- if (value.data)
- values.push(EM_L(value.data));
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- var value = gPref.getComplexValue(prefName,
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
- if (value.data)
- values.push(EM_L(value.data));
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return values.length > 0 ? values : null;
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:developer property (developers of the extension)
- */
- _rdfGets_developer: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValues(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:translator property (translators of the extension)
- */
- _rdfGets_translator: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValues(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * Get the em:contributor property (contributors to the extension)
- */
- _rdfGets_contributor: function(item, property) {
- return this._getLocalizablePropertyValues(item, property);
- },
- /**
- * See nsIRDFDataSource.idl
- */
- GetTargets: function(source, property, truthValue) {
- if (!source)
- return null;
- var ary = null;
- var propertyName = stripPrefix(property.Value, PREFIX_NS_EM);
- var getter = "_rdfGets_" + propertyName;
- if (getter in this)
- ary = this[getter](source, property);
- else {
- // The template builder calls GetTargets when single value properties
- // are used in a triple.
- getter = "_rdfGet_" + propertyName;
- if (getter in this)
- ary = [ this[getter](source, property) ];
- }
- return ary ? new ArrayEnumerator(ary)
- : this._inner.GetTargets(source, property, truthValue);
- },
- Assert: function(source, property, target, truthValue) {
- this._inner.Assert(source, property, target, truthValue);
- },
- Unassert: function(source, property, target) {
- this._inner.Unassert(source, property, target);
- },
- Change: function(source, property, oldTarget, newTarget) {
- this._inner.Change(source, property, oldTarget, newTarget);
- },
- Move: function(oldSource, newSource, property, target) {
- this._inner.Move(oldSource, newSource, property, target);
- },
- HasAssertion: function(source, property, target, truthValue) {
- if (!source || !property || !target)
- return false;
- var getter = "_rdfGet_" + stripPrefix(property.Value, PREFIX_NS_EM);
- if (getter in this)
- return this[getter](source, property) == target;
- return this._inner.HasAssertion(source, property, target, truthValue);
- },
- _observers: [],
- AddObserver: function(observer) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) {
- if (this._observers[i] == observer)
- return;
- }
- this._observers.push(observer);
- this._inner.AddObserver(observer);
- },
- RemoveObserver: function(observer) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._observers.length; ++i) {
- if (this._observers[i] == observer)
- this._observers.splice(i, 1);
- }
- this._inner.RemoveObserver(observer);
- },
- ArcLabelsIn: function(node) {
- return this._inner.ArcLabelsIn(node);
- },
- ArcLabelsOut: function(source) {
- return this._inner.ArcLabelsOut(source);
- },
- GetAllResources: function() {
- return this._inner.GetAllResources();
- },
- IsCommandEnabled: function(sources, command, arguments) {
- return this._inner.IsCommandEnabled(sources, command, arguments);
- },
- DoCommand: function(sources, command, arguments) {
- this._inner.DoCommand(sources, command, arguments);
- },
- GetAllCmds: function(source) {
- return this._inner.GetAllCmds(source);
- },
- hasArcIn: function(node, arc) {
- return this._inner.hasArcIn(node, arc);
- },
- hasArcOut: function(source, arc) {
- return this._inner.hasArcOut(source, arc);
- },
- beginUpdateBatch: function() {
- return this._inner.beginUpdateBatch();
- },
- endUpdateBatch: function() {
- return this._inner.endUpdateBatch();
- },
- /**
- * See nsIRDFRemoteDataSource.idl
- */
- get loaded() {
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- },
- Init: function(uri) {
- },
- Refresh: function(blocking) {
- },
- Flush: function() {
- if (this._inner instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource)
- this._inner.Flush();
- },
- FlushTo: function(uri) {
- },
- /**
- * See nsISupports.idl
- */
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- function UpdateItem () {
- }
- UpdateItem.prototype = {
- /**
- * See nsIUpdateService.idl
- */
- init: function(id, version, installLocationKey, minAppVersion, maxAppVersion,
- name, downloadURL, xpiHash, iconURL, updateURL, type) {
- this._id = id;
- this._version = version;
- this._installLocationKey = installLocationKey;
- this._minAppVersion = minAppVersion;
- this._maxAppVersion = maxAppVersion;
- this._name = name;
- this._downloadURL = downloadURL;
- this._xpiHash = xpiHash;
- this._iconURL = iconURL;
- this._updateURL = updateURL;
- this._type = type;
- },
- /**
- * See nsIUpdateService.idl
- */
- get id() { return this._id; },
- get version() { return this._version; },
- get installLocationKey(){ return this._installLocationKey;},
- get minAppVersion() { return this._minAppVersion; },
- get maxAppVersion() { return this._maxAppVersion; },
- get name() { return this._name; },
- get xpiURL() { return this._downloadURL; },
- get xpiHash() { return this._xpiHash; },
- get iconURL() { return this._iconURL },
- get updateRDF() { return this._updateURL; },
- get type() { return this._type; },
- /**
- * See nsIUpdateService.idl
- */
- get objectSource() {
- return { id : this._id,
- version : this._version,
- installLocationKey : this._installLocationKey,
- minAppVersion : this._minAppVersion,
- maxAppVersion : this._maxAppVersion,
- name : this._name,
- xpiURL : this._downloadURL,
- xpiHash : this._xpiHash,
- iconURL : this._iconURL,
- updateRDF : this._updateURL,
- type : this._type
- }.toSource();
- },
- /**
- * See nsISupports.idl
- */
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- }
- };
- var gModule = {
- registerSelf: function(componentManager, fileSpec, location, type) {
- componentManager = componentManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- for (var key in this._objects) {
- var obj = this._objects[key];
- componentManager.registerFactoryLocation(obj.CID, obj.className, obj.contractID,
- fileSpec, location, type);
- }
- // Make the Extension Manager a startup observer
- var categoryManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager);
- categoryManager.addCategoryEntry("app-startup", this._objects.manager.className,
- "service," + this._objects.manager.contractID,
- true, true, null);
- },
- getClassObject: function(componentManager, cid, iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- for (var key in this._objects) {
- if (cid.equals(this._objects[key].CID))
- return this._objects[key].factory;
- }
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- },
- _makeFactory: #1= function(ctor) {
- return {
- createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
- if (outer != null)
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
- return (new ctor()).QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- };
- },
- _objects: {
- manager: { CID : ExtensionManager.prototype.classID,
- contractID : ExtensionManager.prototype.contractID,
- className : ExtensionManager.prototype.classDescription,
- factory : #1#(ExtensionManager)
- },
- item: { CID : Components.ID("{F3294B1C-89F4-46F8-98A0-44E1EAE92518}"),
- contractID : "@mozilla.org/updates/item;1",
- className : "Update Item",
- factory : #1#(UpdateItem)
- }
- },
- canUnload: function(componentManager) {
- return true;
- }
- };
- function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
- return gModule;
- }